China Carbon Credit Platform

Beautiful Ningxia Tour 丨 "Industrial tail gas production of ethanol has achieved stable mass production and commercial operation"

Release Time3 months ago

"Our industrial tail gas bio-fermentation legal fuel ethanol project with an annual output of 60,000 tons has developed from laboratory research, small scale, and pilot trials to the industrial application stage, and has now achieved stable mass production and commercial operation." On June 6, during the 2024 Ningxia Yellow River Ecological Tour interview event, NingxiaHuiJia Wei, general manager of Ningxia Binze New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. in Pingluo Industrial Park in Shizuishan City, autonomous region, said.

Industrial exhaust gas mainly comes from the production processes of chemical, pharmaceutical, coating, metallurgical and other industries. These exhaust gases usually contain a variety of harmful substances, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), fine particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, etc. The main treatment methods include physical treatment methods, namely adsorption, condensation, filtration, etc.; chemical treatment methods, including catalytic combustion, acid and alkali neutralization, etc.; biological treatment methods, which use the metabolism of microorganisms to convert harmful substances in exhaust gases into harmless substances. Because the treatment efficiency is relatively high, industrial exhaust gas is usually treated by burning it for heating or power generation.

The picture shows the final products of the industrial tail gas bio-fermentation fuel ethanol project-fuel ethanol and Clostridium ethanol protein (i.e. protein feed).

"Compared with industrial tail gas combustion power generation, the economic value produced by biotechnology synthesis of ethanol is 3-4 times that of combustion power generation, the energy utilization efficiency is 1.5-2 times, and the emission reduction of particulate matter and nitrogen oxides exceeds 67%." Jia Wei said that this is because the process "eats and digests" greenhouse gases such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen oxides in the exhaust gas by Clostridium ethanolicum, and ultimately produces fuel ethanol and Clostridium ethanolicum protein, which are used in fuels (including aviation fuels, etc.), daily chemical consumption (including bioplastics, detergents, etc.), protein feed and other fields.

"This process may seem simple, but it is extremely difficult to cultivate and maintain strains." Zou Wei of Ningxia Binze New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. told reporters that because the simulation environment in the laboratory is ideal, there are too many uncertainties when scaled up to the industrial scale. The composition of industrial tail gas is complex and fluctuates greatly, requiring strain species. It is extremely adaptable and fermentation control is more difficult. However, our company has been in operation for some time and has been able to ensure stable mass production and commercial operations.

It is understood that the company's sales volume of Clostridium ethanolate protein has exceeded 6,000 tons, and bioethanol has also been used as an important additive in automotive ethanol gasoline in Hebei Province, Tianjin City, Shandong Province and other places, with a cumulative supply of 50,000 tons, equivalent to reducing carbon dioxide emissions by more than 120,000 tons; it has considerably saved more than 400,000 acres of cultivated land, and 450,000 tons of corn and 13,000 tons of soybeans. "The annual output of metallurgical industry tail gas in Pingluo Industrial Park is 5 billion cubic meters, which can produce about 500,000 tons of fuel ethanol and 55000 tons of ethanol clostridial protein, correspondingly reducing carbon emissions by 1.25 million tons." Jia Wei said that in the next step, we will actively expand production capacity to better serve Shizuishan City's dual carbon goals.

It is understood that the 2024 Ningxia Yellow River Ecological Tour interview activity is a sub-activity of the Ningxia Department of Ecology and Environment on the 6th Five-Year Environment Day series of publicity activities.
