China Carbon Credit Platform

Jiutian successfully passed the 2023 carbon emission verification

Release Time4 months ago

On May 11, the expert group of Henan Zhongyu Engineering Consulting Group Co., Ltd. went to Anhua Group Jiutian Company to conduct on-site verification of carbon emissions in 2023.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the annual carbon emission verification, the company actively collates various production reports, energy use ledgers, energy purchase invoices, measuring instrument verification certificates and other materials for inspection. Through the review of data and on-site verification, the experts affirmed the carbon emission work of Jiutian Company.

At the last meeting, the two sides communicated on the development of carbon emission work, and experts also put forward suggestions for improvement based on the current carbon emission work of Jiutian Company, and announced that Jiutian Company successfully passed the 2023 carbon emission verification.

In the next step, Jiutian will find its own deficiencies according to the verification situation, and adopt reasonable calculation of carbon emission factors and calorific parameters to improve the accuracy of the data. At the same time, we will accelerate the implementation of technological transformation projects to further reduce carbon emissions.
