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The Regulations on the Construction of National Ecological Civilization Highlands in Qinghai Province will come into effect on August 1

Release Time3 months ago
Continue to provide legal protection in order to accelerate the construction of an ecological civilization highland

The Regulations on the Construction of National Ecological Civilization Highlands in Qinghai Province will come into effect on August 1

On May 24, the eighth meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress of Qinghai Province voted to adopt the "Regulations on the Construction of National Ecological Civilization Highlands in Qinghai Province"(hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"). The "Regulations" are formulated and promulgated in accordance with the "Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Ecological Protection Law of the People's Republic of China on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau" and other laws and administrative regulations, in conjunction with the actual conditions of Qinghai Province, and will come into effect on August 1, 2024.
There are 76 articles in the "Regulations", including general provisions, ecological security guarantee, construction of natural reserves, ecological protection and restoration, biodiversity protection, green and low-carbon development, ecological cultural protection and promotion, ecological civilization system innovation, guarantee and supervision, and There are eleven chapters in law Responsibilities and Supplementary Provisions. The promulgation of the "Regulations" will play an important and positive role in promoting Qinghai's ecological civilization construction to be at the forefront of the country and promoting the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.
The "Regulations" clarify the connotation and standards of the construction of national ecological civilization highland, improve the regulations on franchise activities, cultivated land protection, and desertification control, and at the same time improve the assessment regulations and further refine the "legal responsibilities".

The "Regulations" clarify that if people's governments at all levels and their relevant departments violate relevant laws and the provisions of these Regulations and commit dereliction of duty, abuse of power, or engage in malpractices in performing relevant duties, the directly responsible supervisor and other directly responsible personnel shall be given a warning, demerit, major demerit or demotion in accordance with the law; if serious consequences are caused, the punishment of dismissal or dismissal shall be given, and the main person in charge shall take the blame and resign. The "Regulations" stipulate legal responsibilities for violations of the regulations such as "mining peat in peat swamp wetlands or opening (enclosing) reclamation or draining natural wetlands","introducing, releasing or discarding alien species without authorization","polluting the environment, damaging the ecology and causing damage to others". At the same time, it is clarified that if violations of national regulations cause ecological environmental damage, the agencies prescribed by the state or the organizations prescribed by the law have the right to request the infringer to bear the responsibility for repair, compensate for losses and related expenses in accordance with the law.

Source 丨 Qinghai Daily reporter Qiao Xin
