China Carbon Credit Platform

The trough meat in the pre-made dishes and the chicken bone puree in the starchy sausage are not only related to food safety......

Release Time5 months ago

This year's CCTV "3.15" party exposed the use of "trough meat" in the prefabricated plum cabbage button meat, and the starch sausage containing chicken bone puree, which once again aroused the attention of the whole society to food safety issues.

Food safety is closely related to the health of the people, and there are often deep-seated ecological and environmental problems hidden behind it. Food safety and ecological environment safety are interdependent and mutually influential, and once the food production, preservation, sales and subsequent links are not properly handled, it may cause pollution to the atmosphere, water and soil environment.

In the production process of food, especially agricultural products, the illegal addition of antibiotics such as hormones and veterinary drugs or the excessive use of pesticides will directly cause soil and water pollution, and indirectly pass on to humans through the food chain. The large-scale cultivation of monocrops, such as genetically modified organisms, may affect biodiversity and genetic diversity, exacerbating ecosystem vulnerability. The illegal use of hazardous waste and medical waste to produce daily plastic products will cause the diffusion and pollution of pathogens, drugs and radioactive substances, and may also produce waste gas and wastewater containing toxic and harmful substances during melting, injection molding and compression molding.

In the process of food preservation and sales, some businesses illegally use formaldehyde or hydrogen peroxide to soak squid, preserve chicken wings and other fresh foods, and use malachite solution to soak shallots, garlic seedlings and other vegetables for preservation. Not only can these chemicals cause chronic toxic effects on humans, but they can also cause contamination as food processing is released into the environment. In the widely used disposable plastic products, microplastic particles, bisphenol A released by food heating will affect human health, but also not easy to degrade, long-term formation of microplastics in the environment, affect the structure and composition of microbial communities, adsorb harmful microorganisms, POPs and heavy metals, etc., and promote the spread of antibiotic resistance genes.

Food safety issues not only affect the present and local, but also have a systemic impact on the health of the population and the ecological environment in the future through a complex causal chain. Therefore, ensuring food safety and promoting ecological and environmental protection requires multi-level system coordination.

Strengthen source control. Strictly supervise the production process, reduce illegal and excessive use of hormones, veterinary drugs and pesticides, encourage the use of biological pesticides and organic fertilizers, promote sustainable production, and reduce environmental harm. Strictly control the safety standards of food processing, eliminate the abuse of chemical additives, and control the types and dosages of food additives.

Strengthen supervision of food storage, transportation and marketing. Optimize the food supply chain and eliminate the preservation of food by soaking formaldehyde and other toxic and harmful chemicals. Advocating for low-carbon transportation and the use of renewable energy can not only reduce carbon footprint and environmental pollution, but also improve the sustainability of the entire food supply chain. Strengthen the supervision of food packaging, promote the use of recyclable or biodegradable materials, and reduce the use of refractory substances such as plastics, so as to reduce the pressure on environmental governance and landfills.

Consumers' choices directly affect market supply, so it is necessary to enhance the public's awareness of food safety and establish the concept of green consumption. Raise consumer awareness of healthy food and ecological agriculture through education and awareness-raising. Guide and encourage consumers to choose food with simple packaging, advocate the use of reusable or degradable packaging bags or self-brought shopping bags, and encourage all sectors of society to participate in promoting the green transformation of food production and consumption.

Encourage scientific and technological innovation and application. Use modern technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, and artificial intelligence to improve the detection efficiency and accuracy of harmful substances such as food contaminants and hormone pesticide additives. Develop green packaging and environmentally friendly food processing technologies to reduce plastic pollution. Reduce carbon emissions with clean energy-powered food processing equipment. Use digital technology to build a full traceability system for food safety, realize the whole process monitoring from farm to table, and discover and control potential risks in a timely manner. Vigorously promote the green development of agriculture, and form sustainable agricultural models such as organic agriculture and circular agriculture.
