China Carbon Credit Platform

How to implement the "Action Plan for Continuous Improvement of Air Quality"?

Release Time6 months ago

On March 21, the Information Office of the Shanxi Provincial Government held a press conference to give an in-depth interpretation of the "Implementation Plan for the Implementation of the Action Plan for Continuous Improvement of Air Quality in Shanxi Province" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Plan").

At the press conference, Liu Dashan, deputy director of the Shanxi Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, said that the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government attach great importance to the prevention and control of air pollution, and comprehensively promote the prevention and control of air pollution in the overall work, and the comprehensive air quality index of the province will achieve "six consecutive drops", and in 2023, PM2.5The average annual concentration fell to 37 micrograms per cubic meter, the best level on record.

Recently, the "Implementation Plan" issued by the Shanxi Provincial Government conscientiously implements the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, and conscientiously implements the decision-making and deployment of the State Council's "Action Plan for Continuous Improvement of Air Quality", which is an important guiding document for the prevention and control of air pollution in Shanxi Province in the two years after the "14th Five-Year Plan".

The "Implementation Plan" clarifies the work goal, that is, on the basis of resolutely completing the annual binding indicators of ambient air quality and the total amount of major air pollutants issued by the state in Shanxi Province, and strive to improve the air quality ranking of key cities.

The "Implementation Plan" also puts forward 10 key tasks, including further promoting the optimization and adjustment of the industrial structure, deepening the optimization and adjustment of the energy structure, deepening the optimization and adjustment of the transportation structure, comprehensively strengthening the control of non-point source pollution, strengthening the coordinated emission reduction of multiple pollutants, promoting the improvement of air quality in the provincial capital Taiyuan, improving the atmospheric environmental management system, strengthening the construction of environmental supervision capacity, improving supporting policies, and consolidating the pollution control responsibilities of all parties.

Tighten control over areas with heavy structural pollution, such as the Fenhe Valley and the Taiyuan Basin

The reporter noted that the "Implementation Plan" reflects the differentiated control requirements of different regions, requiring to accelerate the optimization and adjustment of the structure of the Taiyuan Basin and strengthen the joint prevention and control of air pollution in the Taiyuan Basin.

According to the characteristics of regional pollution and the need to improve air quality, stricter control measures are proposed for areas with heavy structural pollution and poor air quality such as the Fenhe Valley and the Taiyuan Basin. In terms of the optimization and adjustment of the industrial structure, the Fenhe Valley is required to further improve the standard requirements for energy consumption, environmental protection, quality, safety, and technology of backward production capacity, and accelerate the upgrading and elimination of processes and equipment in restricted gas-related industries.

In terms of optimization and adjustment of energy structure, requirements are put forward for the replacement of scattered coal heating in the central urban agglomeration, the old revolutionary base area of Shangdang, and the Linyun Basin. In terms of optimization and adjustment of traffic structure, PM2.5Cities divided into districts, counties (cities, districts) with an average annual concentration of more than 40 micrograms/cubic meter, and counties (cities, districts) with a comprehensive air quality index ranking in the bottom 20 counties (cities, districts) in the province, as well as industrial parks in the region, put forward requirements for the substitution of new energy vehicles.

In terms of joint prevention and control, a joint prevention and control mechanism for air pollution in the Fenhe Valley will be established, cross-law enforcement will be carried out, and emergency response will be implemented to achieve a unified pace, coordinated emission reduction, and cohesion. Focus on the joint prevention and control of the Taiyuan Basin, improve the joint management and joint construction and joint prevention mechanism of provinces and cities in Taiyuan and surrounding key areas, and help improve the air quality of Taiyuan, the provincial capital. At the same time, joint prevention and control will be carried out in key areas such as Datong Basin, Xinding Basin, and Shangdang Basin, and the overall improvement of air quality in the province will be driven by accelerating the improvement of air quality in key areas.

Liu Dashan said that in the next step, the Shanxi Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment will go all out with relevant departments and bureaus to implement the "Implementation Plan", promote the implementation of various tasks and measures, continue to improve the air quality of the province, and further enhance the sense of happiness of the people in the province.

Promote the adjustment of the industrial structure and transportation structure

According to the data, from 2021 to 2023, the average annual growth rate of the manufacturing industry in Shanxi Province will be 11.4%, 3 percentage points higher than the growth rate of industries above the designated size, and the average annual growth rate of industrial strategic emerging industries will be 15.2%, and the green and low-carbon transformation will continue to accelerate.

Zhang Xiaolei, deputy director of the Shanxi Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, said that in the future, the optimization and adjustment of the industrial structure will be the focus to coordinate the promotion of steady economic growth and continuous environmental optimization, and promote carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion and growth, so as to provide strong support for the continuous improvement of air quality in the province and the fight against pollution.

We will further promote the adjustment of industrial structure from the aspects of transforming and upgrading traditional advantageous industries, vigorously cultivating and developing emerging industries, and promoting the green development of industrial clusters.

Among them, in the transformation and upgrading of traditional advantageous industries, Zhang Xiaolei said that the iron and steel industry will be promoted to promote mergers and acquisitions in an orderly manner, transform and upgrade restricted equipment, and increase the proportion of advanced technology equipment production capacity. The coking industry has accelerated the construction of large-scale coking upgrading and transformation projects, and comprehensively improved the level of energy conservation, environmental protection and safety. The chemical industry has accelerated the upgrading and transformation of fixed-bed intermittent gasification technology, and carried out the identification of chemical parks. The non-ferrous industry strictly implements the policy of replacing the capacity of electrolytic aluminum, and promotes energy-saving and emission reduction technologies such as new steady-flow thermal insulation aluminum electrolytic cells. The building materials industry promotes the ultra-low emission transformation of cement clinker enterprises to reduce pollutant emissions.

During the meeting, Xu Youzhi, deputy director of the Shanxi Provincial Department of Transportation, introduced that Shanxi Province has achieved remarkable results in the green transformation and development of transportation and the improvement of air quality.

According to reports, in 2023, the railway freight volume of Shanxi Province will reach 1.01 billion tons, an increase of 9.8% over 2020, accounting for 45.5%, and the average proportion of medium and long-distance railway transportation of coal and coke in Shanxi Province will reach 95.4% in 2023, and the average value of the province will reach 82.3%. In addition, Shanxi Province has also actively promoted efficient transportation organization models such as multimodal transport and green centralized distribution, and four projects such as the "Taiyuan Railway Bureau Rail-Sea Public Container Multimodal Transport Demonstration Project" have been included in the national multimodal transport demonstration project, and Taiyuan and Datong have been listed as the first batch of green freight distribution demonstration projects in the country, and have passed the joint acceptance of departments in November 2023, and the adjustment of transportation structure has achieved phased results.

The level of cleanliness of transportation equipment has been greatly improved. Multi-department coordination will accelerate the phase-out of diesel trucks operating under China III emission standards. From 2019 to 2021, a total of 152836 vehicles were eliminated and cancelled, with a completion rate of 110.67%. At the same time, new energy vehicles in the field of urban passenger transport continue to be promoted. By the end of 2023, there will be 14,600 new energy vehicles (95.65%) of city buses and 26,900 new energy vehicles (64.62%) of cruise taxis, both of which rank among the top in the country.
Transportation and energy development are advancing in tandem. At present, 890 charging piles have been built on expressways in Shanxi Province to achieve full coverage of charging facilities in service areas, and 21 gas stations have been built, of which 10 have been put into operation. At the same time, the construction of highway distributed photovoltaic power generation projects is also steadily advancing. By the end of 2023, a total of 201.32 MW of distributed photovoltaic power generation will be built, and a total of 109,481,400 kWh will be generated, equivalent to a reduction of 108,600 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

Xu Youzhi introduced that the next step will be to continuously increase the intensity of work, vigorously promote the bulk cargo "road to rail" and "scattered to centralized", further increase the proportion of railway transportation, speed up the construction of transportation and logistics network, improve the highway network, cultivate multimodal transport logistics hub, and improve the level of multimodal transport integration service. Accelerate the green transformation of the transportation structure, increase the construction of charging piles, gas stations and other infrastructure along highways, vigorously promote new energy transportation vehicles, develop green distribution, and make greater contributions to continuously promoting air quality improvement, winning the battle to defend the blue sky, and building a beautiful and livable home.

Promote the optimization and adjustment of the energy structure and promote the improvement of air quality

As a major energy province, what are the achievements of Shanxi Province in promoting the green and low-carbon transformation of energy?

Du Qing, deputy director and spokesman of the Shanxi Provincial Energy Bureau, said that in recent years, Shanxi Province has made significant achievements in promoting the green and low-carbon transformation of energy, which has strongly supported the continuous and significant improvement of the province's air quality.

The level of smart and green coal has been greatly improved. A total of 118 intelligent coal mines have been built, and 30 green mining pilot coal mines have been laid out, with advanced production capacity accounting for 81%. The structure of coal-fired power plants continues to be optimized and upgraded. Large-capacity, high-parameter, and low-energy coal-fired power units are deployed in an orderly manner, with units of 600,000 kilowatts and above accounting for half of the country. The scale of new energy has leapt and developed. Vigorously promote the development and utilization of wind energy, solar energy, pumped storage, hydrogen energy, geothermal energy and biomass energy, and the installed capacity of new energy and clean energy in the province has reached 45.83%. Coalbed methane industry system was preliminarily constructed. Six gas fields with an annual output of 1 billion cubic meters have been built, forming a complete industrial system for the development and utilization of coalbed methane. The level of clean energy has been steadily improved. The proportion of electricity energy in the province is 22.87%;" In the first three years of the 14th Five-Year Plan, 63,600 new energy vehicle charging piles were built, 2.45 million kilowatts of backward coal-fired power units were eliminated, and 63.03 million kilowatts of "three reforms" were completed.

Du Qing said that in the next step, he will continue to promote the green and low-carbon transformation of energy and make new energy contributions to the improvement of air quality in the province.

Consolidate and expand the advantages of coal and coal-fired power. By the end of 2027, the province's coal mines will be basically intelligent, and green coal mining technology will be promoted according to local conditions.

Fully tap the potential of new and clean energy. We will continue to promote wind power and photovoltaic to become bigger and stronger, and to make distributed wind power and photovoltaic more and more refined, tap the new potential of coalbed methane resource endowment, and coordinate and promote the development of new energy and the integrated development of the industrial chain.

Vigorously cultivate a new model of energy consumption. In terms of "controlling" consumption, we will strictly implement the reduction or equivalent substitution of coal consumption for new, renovated and expanded coal projects; in terms of "reduction" consumption, we will strictly implement the policy of dual control of energy consumption, take energy conservation and consumption reduction as the source measure of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, increase energy-saving transformation and waste heat utilization, and improve energy efficiency; in terms of replacing "consumption", improve the level of terminal electrification in transportation, industry, construction and other fields, improve the long-term mechanism of clean heating, and establish a cogeneration as the leading role of solar energy, wind energy, A multi-energy complementary heating system that combines renewable energy such as geothermal energy.
