China Carbon Credit Platform

Mung Bean Sprouds Company and QazInnovations jointly promote China-Kazakhstan cooperation in innovation and carbon neutrality

Release Time1 week ago

Mung Bean Sprouds Company has reached a strategic cooperation with QazInnovations, the national institution for innovation and development in Kazakhstan, and is jointly committed to the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and carbon neutrality projects. This cooperation marks a new level in bilateral cooperation between China and Kazakhstan in the fields of green technology, innovative development and other fields, and will play a more important role for the two countries in the global sustainable development process.


This cooperation aims to promote all-round cooperation between China and Kazakhstan in the fields of carbon neutrality, green economy and high-tech innovation through the technical resources and innovation capabilities of both parties. Ms. Lian Xirui, founder and CEO of Mung Bean Sprouds Company, and Mr. Sanat Zhholdykhan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of QazInnovations, jointly promote this cooperation vision. The two sides will work together to create a closer cooperation network and inject new vitality into the innovation ecosystems of China and Kazakhstan.

·Core of cooperation·

As the core of this cooperation, Mung Bean Sprouts Company will bring its leading digital carbon technology products-carbon huts, carbon shops and carbon accounts to provide technical support for the green development of China and Kazakhstan:

1.Carbon Cabin:Through this platform, users can monitor, manage and reduce the carbon emissions of individuals and businesses, and obtain carbon emission data in real time through intelligent IoT devices. This cooperation will further promote the implementation of carbon huts in Kazakhstan and help local enterprises and governments improve their carbon management capabilities.

2.Carbon shop:As a blockchain carbon trading platform launched by Mung Bean Sprouds Company, Carbon Shop will establish a transparent and efficient trading mechanism for the carbon markets of China and Kazakhstan, helping companies achieve a balance between economic benefits and environmental responsibilities through carbon credit transactions. QazInnovations will work with Mung Bean Sprouts to promote this platform to promote the development of Kazakhstan's carbon market.

3. Carbon account:This innovative tool will provide users with personalized carbon emission calculations and emission reduction suggestions. Through carbon accounts, users can clearly understand their own or company's carbon footprint and actively participate in carbon emission reduction activities. Carbon accounts will help Kazakhstan users achieve low-carbon lives and sustainable development.

·Outlook of both sides·

Ms. Lian Xirui, founder and CEO of Mung Bean Sprouds Company, said: "This cooperation is not only an important step in the internationalization strategy of Mung Bean Sprouds Company, but also a witness to the win-win development of China and Kazakhstan in green economy and technological innovation. Through the digital carbon technology platform we provide, including carbon huts, carbon shops and carbon accounts, we believe that we will inject new impetus into the global carbon neutrality cause and explore more possibilities for innovative applications of green technologies."

Mr. Sanat Zhholdykhan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of QazInnovations, is full of confidence in this cooperation. He pointed out: "The cooperation between Chinese and Kazakh companies will promote complementarity and win-win results between the two sides in the field of green technology and innovation, especially in the application and promotion of digital carbon technology. We look forward to working with Mung Bean Sprouds to explore the possibilities of more cutting-edge technologies and promote the common prosperity of both countries in a green economy."


The conclusion of this strategic cooperation not only further strengthens the cooperative relationship between China and Kazakhstan in the fields of green technology and digital carbon services, but also provides strong support for the global response to climate change and the realization of sustainable development goals. The cooperation between Mung Bean Sprouds and QazInnovations indicates that companies from the two countries will work together to explore more innovative solutions and contribute to the global green future.
