China Carbon Credit Platform

Changshou District of Chongqing City promotes the construction of "waste-free parks" and "three modernizations"

Release Time1 week ago

Chongqing City Changshou Economic and Technological Development Zone (hereinafter referred to as "Changshou Economic and Technological Development Zone") is an important high-tech industrial production zone in Chongqing. In the process of promoting the green, low-carbon and high-quality development of the park, it has comprehensively promoted the construction of "industrial recycling, management digitalization, and waste resource utilization" in waste-free parks, and achieved gratifying results.

In terms of source control, Changshou Economic Development Zone strictly controls project access and strengthens the hard constraints of "three lines and one single" ecological environment zoning control. Pay attention to planning and environmental assessment guidance, strictly control project environmental access, and strictly control the development scale of traditional industries with "short industrial chains, low degree of deep processing, high production and waste intensity, and low comprehensive utilization capacity." In 2023, four similar projects will be vetoed with one vote, involving an investment of 127 million yuan.

At the same time, we adhere to planning guidance and promote governance upgrading. Strictly implement the "Chongqing City's" 14th Five-Year Plan for the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Industrial Solid Waste ", and urge enterprises in key industries such as Chongqing Iron and Steel and Sichuan Wei Chemical to increase the upgrading of pollution control facilities to effectively reduce the amount of solid waste generated. Promote the application of environmentally friendly advanced production equipment, use non-toxic, harmless or low-toxic and low-harmful raw materials and solvents, promote the transformation of hazardous waste reduction processes, and reduce the generation of hazardous wastes such as waste organic solvents. In 2023, Changshou Economic Development Zone enterprises will implement 115 technological transformation projects, with a registered investment of 5.2 billion yuan. Carry out the second batch of cleaner production audit and innovation pilots across the country, and explore the establishment of cleaner production evaluation indicator systems for the natural gas chemical industry and the chemical raw material industry through the review and evaluation of 16 key enterprises.

In addition, Changshou Economic Development Zone has built seven major industrial clusters and formed multiple circular economy industrial chains. By-products or waste from upstream enterprises can be used as production raw materials for downstream enterprises, forming a "park cycle, industrial cycle, and enterprise cycle." Circular economy development pattern. BASF, Feihua Environmental Protection, and Yingtianhui have formed a hydrogen chloride-chlorine-dilute salt water recycling industrial chain. Every year, 230,000 tons of hydrogen chloride, 200,000 tons of chlorine, and 66,000 tons of dilute salt water are recycled. Chongqing Iron and Steel Coking, Baocheng Carbon Materials, Zoneng Chemical, and BASF have formed a circular industrial chain of coal tar, crude benzene, pure benzene and aniline. Every year, 130,000 tons of coal tar, 50,000 tons of crude benzene, and 37,000 tons of pure benzene have been realized. Resource utilization. Yangzi Acetyl-Chuanwei Chemical-Gas Filling Base Station has formed a hydrogen cycle industrial chain, and 516 million cubic meters of hydrogen are utilized as resources every year.

Changshou Economic Development Zone, Chongqing City Ecological Environment Bureau and Changshou District Ecological Environment Bureau have also established a three-level linkage working mechanism to strengthen supervision and resolutely crack down on illegal transfer, dumping and disposal of solid waste, especially hazardous waste. GPS tracking and video surveillance systems are installed on hazardous waste transportation vehicles and disposal links respectively, achieving 24-hour "no dead corner" real-time monitoring.

In terms of smart supervision, important information is collected online. Use the Changshou Economic Development Zone Smart Park platform to realize intelligent supervision of the entire process of hazardous waste generation, storage, transportation, utilization and disposal. At present, 56 key enterprises in Changshou Economic Development Zone have access to 405 video surveillance roads at key points, 655 sets of water, gas and gas metering facilities and key environmental parameter signals, 157 road videos, and 1258 corporate videos.

The park also improves its solid waste disposal capabilities by strengthening third-party environmental pollution management. In 2020, Changshou Economic Development Zone was approved as a national environmental pollution third-party control park, with a total investment of 1.7 billion yuan to build the Herun Zhongtian Phase II Hazardous Waste Disposal Project, Shuangxiang Hazardous Waste Disposal Project, ZhongSirun and Industrial Solid Waste Treatment Project, Xinwei Environmental Protection Solid Waste Disposal Project, Zhongrun Chemical Organic Solvent NMP Production and Recycling (Phase I) Project, Yuhong Regeneration 200,000 tons of steel slag crushing project, Xinsitong Jiangnan Steel City Waste Steel City Environmental Protection Recycling Project, 9 solid waste pilot projects including Weiwei Environmental Protection's 550,000-ton slag project and Xuanyilun Construction Waste Utilization Project. The solid waste disposal capacity of Changshou Economic Development Zone has been steadily improved. The comprehensive utilization and disposal rate of general industrial solid waste has increased from 90% in 2018 to 99.2% in 2023, and the comprehensive utilization and disposal rate of hazardous waste has remained at 100%.

Chongqing Iron and Steel Group has also invested 3.6 billion yuan to implement 80 energy conservation and environmental protection projects such as "pouring converter gas into mixed gas to improve comprehensive utilization of gas" and "efficient utilization of surplus gas to power generation project". Among them, the efficient utilization of surplus gas to power generation project has built 3 new 80MW ultra-high-temperature subcritical generating units, the power generation efficiency has increased from the previous 28% to 41%, the annual power generation capacity can reach nearly 4 billion kWh, the self-generation rate reaches more than 87%, and the annual saving of 118,300 tons of standard coal. Reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 559,000 tons. At the same time, pollutant emissions and energy outsourcing have been reduced, achieving "three harvests" of social benefits, environmental benefits and economic benefits. Cabel Chemical Company has built a carbon dioxide capture and recycling system in its 850,000-ton/year methanol plant to recover 50% of the CO2 in the converter flue gas as raw material, which can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 287,000 tons per year and produce 190,000 more methanol. Tons can achieve economic benefits of 450 million yuan. Hongda Chemical Company collects and processes carbon dioxide from the production of hydrogen peroxide to produce food grade carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide emissions are reduced by 25,000 tons every year, and economic benefits of 15 million yuan can be achieved. Zuoneng Chemical Company has carried out in-depth treatment of about 1 million Nm3/year of the organic waste gas generated by the crude benzene refining unit, converting hydrogen sulfide and ammonia in the raw waste gas into by-products sodium hydrosulfide and ammonia water, and recovering 1300 tons of sodium hydrosulfide every year. Tons and 500 tons of ammonia water reduce the emission of air pollutants and also bring economic benefits to the enterprise by 1.5 million yuan.

Chuanwei Chemical Industry in the park invested 120 million yuan to build a new waste sulfuric acid regeneration and recycling device, which can process 35,000 tons of waste sulfuric acid every year. The waste sulfuric acid recovery rate reaches more than 98%, and achieves economic benefits of 83.5 million yuan. Invest 8 million yuan to build a new methanol wastewater rectification and treatment system, which can treat 48,000 tons of methanol wastewater and produce 30,000 tons of alcohol-based fuel every year, achieving economic benefits of 135 million yuan. In 2023, the comprehensive utilization rate of Sichuan Wei Chemical Solid Waste will reach 99.16%. Chongqing Iron and Steel invested 260 million yuan to build a comprehensive utilization of blast furnace slag (Phase I) project, which can produce 1.2 million tons of slag powder of 420m2/kg every year, achieving a 100% utilization rate of water slag resources. With an investment of 167 million yuan, the drum method steel slag treatment project was built, which processes 1 million tons of slag annually, realizing full quantification of slag treatment and diversified utilization. In 2023, the comprehensive utilization rate of solid waste in Chongqing's iron and steel industry will reach 100%. Driven by leading enterprises, 20 companies in Changshou Economic Development Zone have started the creation of waste-free factories.
