China Carbon Credit Platform

Suzhou completed the cross-regional trading of the carbon inclusive system

Release Time6 months ago

A few days ago, Zhongda Electronics (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Zhongda Electronics), located in Wujiang Economic and Technological Development Zone, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, purchased 500 tons of carbon inclusive certified emission reduction (PHCER) through the carbon inclusive platform of Suzhou Industrial Park, marking the successful completion of the first cross-regional transaction of Suzhou's carbon inclusive system. This cross-zone transaction is the first time that an enterprise in the Wujiang Economic and Technological Development Zone has achieved a transaction with an enterprise outside the scope of the Suzhou Industrial Park.

"Better service at the doorstep and more efficient transaction processes. The Suzhou Carbon Inclusive Operation Center and other relevant departments will introduce the policy in 2023, and at the beginning of the new year this year, they will provide supply and demand docking services to achieve rapid transactions, opening a new path for us to create a zero-carbon green factory and achieve the 'double carbon' goal." Cheng Zhengjun, head of Zhongda Electronics (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd., said.

The reporter learned that in recent years, Zhongda Electronics has taken the concept of green development as the core strategy of the enterprise, formulated strict carbon emission reduction plans in the whole process of product production, and actively built a zero-carbon green factory. At present, it has invested in the construction of 7.1 MW distributed photovoltaic and 3 MW/15.55 MWh energy storage power stations, and plans to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030.

In view of this, after understanding the carbon reduction needs of enterprises, Wujiang Power Supply Company actively introduced and interpreted the relevant policies of carbon inclusion for enterprises, and on this basis, relying on the Suzhou Carbon Inclusive Operation Center, provided trading guidance and supply and demand docking, and finally promoted Zhongda Electronics to complete carbon trading on the Suzhou Carbon Inclusive Platform.
