China Carbon Credit Platform

What can the air conditioner be 1 degree Celsius high in summer bring?

Release Time2 months ago

With global warming, frequent extreme weather has become a prominent feature of the climate in recent years. Relevant agencies predict that temperatures in most parts of my country will be high this summer. During the peak summer period, the country's maximum electricity load is expected to increase by more than 100 million kilowatts year-on-year, and ensuring power supply is facing certain pressure. In order to ensure smooth electricity consumption in summer, my country has built new power generation facilities and power grid lines year after year, but power is still in a tight balance during the peak summer. Are there more efficient and economical ways to help us solve problems?

Every summer and winter, the whole society consumes the largest electricity during the year. Especially in the hot summer, when electricity consumption is running at a high level, coupled with busy production and operation of enterprises, and frequent natural disasters, the power department will adopt a series of response and adjustment measures to ensure safety, people's livelihood, and production. In the technical term of electric power, it means Welcome the peak summer. In order to ensure this short-term fluctuating electricity demand, it is neither economical nor scientific to completely build new power sources. A better way is to regulate electricity demand, use less when power is tight and use more when power is abundant."Move peaks and fill valleys".

To adjust power demand, large electricity users are the key. The demand for air-conditioning cooling is the main factor driving up electricity consumption in summer, with its electricity load accounting for about 30%, and more than half in some areas. Air conditioning is an electrical appliance that can be adjusted according to the needs of the power system. It has large load changes and strong controllability. Therefore, working hard on intelligent management of air-conditioning loads will create greater room for adjustment, with less investment and quick results, and achieve the effect of achieving sustainable demand-side management at a lower cost.

This summer, many residents received such a text message from the power supply company: "Dear user, hello! It is recommended that you set the air conditioner temperature to 26 degrees Celsius or above, reasonably reduce the power consumption of electrical appliances, turn off the lights and turn off the air conditioner at any time, cherish the energy of the earth, and let us share our responsibilities."

Some netizens expressed confusion and believed that adjusting the air conditioning temperature was a drop in the bucket for the peak summer. In fact, the energy generated by air conditioning temperature adjustment is astonishing. Generally speaking, the comfortable ambient temperature for the human body is 26 degrees Celsius to 28 degrees Celsius. If the air conditioner is raised by 1 degree Celsius, the difference in people's senses will not be too great, but the energy-saving effect will be immediate.

Data shows that when the air conditioner is turned on in cooling mode, if the set temperature is lower than the recommended setting value of 26 degrees Celsius, every time it is adjusted 1 degree Celsius, at least 4% to 15% of electricity can be saved. Taking Zhejiang Province as an example, if the province's air conditioners are simultaneously raised by 1 degree Celsius, the air conditioning load of Zhejiang Power Grid will drop by about 2 million kilowatts, which is equivalent to the power load of an ordinary prefecture-level city. To use a more popular explanation, if all air conditioners in Zhejiang Province are turned up by 1 degree Celsius, it can save about 50 million kilowatt-hours of electricity a day, and at least several billion kilowatt-hours of electricity can be saved in a summer, equivalent to the peak day of electricity consumption in the entire Zhejiang Province.

At present, my country's air-conditioning control relies more on the consciousness of residents and enterprises. If we can systematically manage air-conditioning load while ensuring the safe and stable operation of the air-conditioning system without affecting comfort, it will not only save energy costs, but also improve the power grid. Adjustment capabilities ensure a smooth power supply during peak summer.

Deeply explore the potential of air-conditioning load resource regulation. In recent years, with the help of monitoring equipment and advanced digital technology, some power supply companies have used new power load management systems to remotely adjust the opening and temperature setting of buildings air conditioners, realizing that the air conditioning temperature setting can be "visible, adjusted, and fixed.""Live", reduce the load at critical moments and provide electricity to the people. It has achieved good results in the peak summer and is worth further promotion.

Air conditioners in public institutions and industrial and commercial industries have the characteristics of large total load capacity and large adjustability potential, and are high-quality resources for power grid load regulation. Priority can be given to energy efficiency diagnosis for large buildings such as government agencies, commercial and supermarket complexes, hotels, office buildings, and factories, focusing on assessing the energy consumption of air conditioning systems, installing load management devices, adding additional air conditioning loads and separately distributing air conditioning loads, and steadily promoting flexible regulation and control management of air conditioning loads. According to the supply and demand situation of the power grid, the power department remotely adjusts the air conditioning temperature for a short time, accurately controls the power consumption intensity at the same time, reduces the pressure of load regulation during peak power consumption periods, and makes every effort to protect people's livelihood, important places and key enterprises.

Make every effort to promote smart energy-saving management of air conditioners. Guide electricity users to renovate old equipment and promote energy-efficient equipment such as energy-saving air conditioners and ice cold storage air conditioners. Encourage large air conditioner users to introduce professional energy-saving service organizations, innovate the application of digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, and rely on the smart building energy management platform to actively explore and build air conditioning management and control strategies based on human comfort algorithms. Combined with the characteristics of air-conditioning loads in different building areas, we will achieve one policy for air-conditioning operation in one area and precise regulation, comprehensively reduce air-conditioning energy consumption, improve comprehensive energy management levels, save energy costs, and reduce carbon emission levels.

Strengthening energy conservation in air conditioning is a key measure to ensure power supply during the peak summer, and is inseparable from the participation of all the people. It is necessary to carry out publicity on the power supply and demand situation and energy conservation through various forms, promote the development of good habits of scientific use of air conditioners and conscious conservation of electricity, and enhance the awareness and ability of the whole society to save energy and reduce carbon.
