China Carbon Credit Platform

Guangdong holds 2024 low-carbon theme publicity event

Release Time1 month ago

On July 23, the 2024 Guangdong Province low-carbon theme publicity event hosted by the Guangdong Province Department of Ecology and Environment was held in Guangzhou. The theme of the event is "Green and Low-Carbon, Beautiful Guangdong" and is a combination of "online + offline".

Guangdong's comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development has achieved positive results

At the event ceremony, the responsible comrade of the Climate Change Response and Exchange and Cooperation Division of the Department of Ecology and Environment of Guangdong Province said that in recent years, Guangdong has given full play to the role of green and low-carbon in leading the construction of ecological civilization, actively explored green and low-carbon development systems and mechanisms, and solidly promoted efforts to deal with climate change. The comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development has achieved positive results.

Guangdong's energy and industrial structures continue to be optimized, and energy conservation and carbon reduction in key areas are further advanced. As of the end of April this year, the province's installed renewable energy and other installed capacity exceeded 70 million kilowatts, the installed capacity of offshore wind power exceeded 10 million kilowatts, and the installed capacity of biomass power generation and nuclear power ranked first in the country; as of the end of May, a total of national-level green plants have been created. There are 400 factories, 11 green industrial parks, and 80 green supply chain management companies. The total number of green manufacturing demonstration lists ranks first in the country; The province's total green building area exceeds 1 billion square meters, and urban green buildings account for more than 87% of new buildings; the province's public transportation electrification rate is close to 99%, and a total of more than 400,000 public charging piles have been built.

Actively promote market-based mechanisms to reduce carbon emissions and proactively respond to international green trade rules. Guangdong has included enterprises in eight industries: steel, petrochemicals, cement, civil aviation, papermaking, ceramics, transportation and data center into the carbon market. As of the end of June, the cumulative transaction volume of carbon emission quotas exceeded 220 million tons, and the cumulative transaction value exceeded 6.5 billion yuan, ranking first in the national regional carbon market. The carbon market size ranks first in the national regional carbon market and fourth in the global carbon market. Guangdong has solidly promoted the carbon GSP pilot program. As of the end of May 2024, the province has issued a total of more than 2.47 million tons of carbon inclusive certification and emission reduction records, increasing revenue by more than 53 million yuan, of which carbon inclusive emission reductions from poverty-stricken areas, old Soviet areas, and ethnic areas exceeded 1.65 million tons, increasing income by more than 40 million yuan to rural revitalization areas, ethnic areas and key old revolutionary areas. The country's first provincial-level carbon label-the "Guangdong Carbon Label" logo was officially released. This year, it is planned to select typical products in Foshan, Zhuhai and other cities to carry out Guangdong-Hong Kong carbon label mutual recognition demonstrations.

Promote the formation of a social trend of conservation and low-carbon

The event invited experts from Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou Branch of China Quality Certification Center and other units to give keynote speeches on methane emission reduction control, carbon footprint carbon labeling, carbon emission carbon trading, and interpretation of large-scale equipment renewal policies, mobilizing everyone to participate extensively in low-carbon actions, raise awareness of climate change, and create a good social atmosphere to promote green and low-carbon development.

At the home event of this year's "National Low Carbon Day", the Ministry of Ecology and Environment announced the list of green and low-carbon typical cases selected in 2023. Guangdong has selected two green and low-carbon typical cases, namely Guangdong Dongpeng Holdings Co., Ltd."Low Carbon Dongpeng, Green Construction Pioneer"(enterprise category), Guangzhou City Yuexiu Park Carbon Neutralization Theme Park (base category). At the event site, the project leaders of the two units were invited to share their innovative measures and practical experience in green and low-carbon development and ecological and environmental protection, and give full play to their typical demonstration and leading role.

The reporter learned at the meeting that Guangdong Dongpeng Holdings Co., Ltd. actively responded to the national "3060" dual carbon goals and formulated the Group's 1135 low-carbon development strategy. Integrate the concepts of environmental protection and resource conservation into the entire process of design, procurement, production, transportation, sales, etc. In terms of energy consumption and carbon emissions, the comprehensive energy consumption of Dongpeng's products reaches the national benchmark level, and carbon emissions reach the industry level 1 level. The first phase of Yuexiu Park Carbon Neutralization Theme Park in Guangzhou City has a garden greening waste resource treatment center to realize that Yuexiu Park's garden waste can be treated on-site and cannot leave the park. At the same time, it also turns waste into treasure-the organic matter produced is recycled to the park's soil improvement, greening and management, building a truly efficient, sustainable, carbon sequestration and emission reduction biomass carbon cycle."

At the event, the "Internationalization Prospects for China's Certified Voluntary Emission Reduction-" Belt and Road "Chapter was released, and the" Guangdong Province Near Zero (Low) Carbon Enterprise Evaluation Standards "and" Guangdong Province Near Zero (Low) Carbon Factory Evaluation Standards "held the establishment ceremony of the ESG Professional Committee of the Guangdong Cleaner Production Association, and issued certificates to 16" Guangdong Province Cleaner Production Enterprises "including Laojida Health Industry (Meizhou) Co., Ltd. Implement green and low-carbon production and lifestyle with practical actions and measures, and jointly promote the formation of a social trend that saves low-carbon.

Representatives from nine units including the Zhushui Yunshan Nature Conservation Foundation of Guangdong Province, the Clean Production Association of Guangdong Province, and the Environmental Education Promotion Association of Guangdong Province jointly read out the "Responding to Climate Change-We are in Action Initiative" at the meeting, calling on all sectors of society to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping's thoughts on ecological civilization and jointly contribute to addressing climate change.

At the same time, an exhibition on the main work and effectiveness of Guangdong Province in responding to climate change was held to showcase Guangdong's achievements and achievements in developing climate change from multiple angles. More than 150 people attended the on-site event, representatives of relevant provincial departments, representatives of ecological environment bureaus of various cities, representatives of universities, scientific research institutes, industry associations, and representatives of enterprises in related fields such as green and low-carbon, clean production, energy conservation and environmental protection.
