China Carbon Credit Platform

Bie Zhaojun, Party Secretary and Director of Jiang 'an Ecological Environment Bureau, Yibin City, Sichuan Province: Strengthen risk prevention and control and protect the clear water of one river

Release Time1 month ago

In recent years, Jiang 'an County, Yibin City, Sichuan Province, has taken the opportunity of rectifying problems discovered by ecological and environmental protection inspectors to draw inferences from one example and comprehensively promote the rectification of outstanding problems in the county's ecological environment, and achieve remarkable results in strengthening ecological restoration, improving emergency systems, strengthening environmental supervision, and improving infrastructure construction.

Strengthen ecological restoration and build a solid ecological barrier in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. Jiang 'an County insists on "jointly focusing on large-scale protection and not engaging in large-scale development", always insists on protecting the clear water of a river, and implements the "Implementation of Jiang' an CountyXiJinpingThe General Secretary came to Sichuan to inspect the spirit of the important instructions 'Three-Year Action to Firmly Establish Upstream Awareness, Protect Clear Water in a River, and Build a Strong Ecological Barrier in the Upper Yangtze River.' The investigation and traceability of 138 sewage outlets into the Yangtze River were carried out and 28 were rectified. A subsidy fund of 17.76 million yuan was implemented, all 111 fishing boats were ashore and dismantled, and the Yangtze River sand and gravel mining ban, illegal docks were banned, and fishermen's ban on fishing and conversion were successfully completed. This year, the "Wild Breeding Experiment of Yangtze Sturgeon" achieved breakthrough results. The Yangtze Sturgeon, which was previously declared "extinct in the wild", spawned naturally in the natural waters of the Yangtze River (Jiang 'an section).

Make up for shortcomings and weaknesses and solidly promote the rectification of inspection issues. In accordance with the "list system + responsibility system + cancellation system" approach, we will comprehensively rectify and implement the feedback issues from inspectors. Invest about 120 million yuan to build equipment and facilities such as automatic monitoring and monitoring facilities for particulate matter and photochemical components to comprehensively improve the monitoring level and capabilities of Jiang 'an Economic Development Zone. At the same time, approximately 350 million yuan has been invested to build projects such as the deep treatment and capacity expansion project of the sewage treatment plant in the eastern area of the Economic Development Zone and constructed wetlands to achieve the integration of the park's drainage outlets; accident interception ditches in the park are being built to further enhance the park's emergency response capabilities and levels. So far, 7 letters and feedback transferred to Jiang 'an County during the second round of central ecological and environmental protection inspections involve 12 rectification tasks in Jiang' an, and all rectifications have been completed.

Improve the emergency response system and make every effort to strengthen environmental risk prevention and control. Strictly implement the "three lines and one order" ecological environment zoning management and control requirements, and implement refined environmental access management and control of land within 1 kilometer of the Yangtze River main stream coastline in the Jiang 'an Economic Development Zone. Formulate and issue policy documents such as the catalog of "prohibitions, restrictions and controls" for investment promotion, industrial development guidelines, and introduction and exit mechanisms. Organize experts to conduct comprehensive research and judgment on whether the project's process flow meets the requirements of production safety and ecological and environmental protection. At the same time, we purchase environmental housekeeping services, carry out environmental compliance review and technical consultation of enterprises in the park, and strengthen the prevention and control of sources of environmental risks in the industrial park. Build an "electronic fence" digital and intelligent management and control system for volatile organic compounds in the park and a "water, gas and soil" collaborative early warning platform, and establish a mutual assistance and sharing mechanism for environmental emergency materials and equipment. Hire an expert team from the Provincial Hazardous Chemical Association and environmental protection consultants in the park to jointly build a special fire station with enterprises to improve Incident Response Service capabilities. Build a three-level risk prevention and control system for enterprises, parks, and river basins, and build rain blocking facilities along the Yangtze River rainwater outflows to ensure the safety of the Yangtze River's water ecological environment.

Seize transformation opportunities and promote Jiang 'an's high-quality development. Taking the rectification of inspection issues as an opportunity, Jiang 'an Economic Development Zone has accelerated the construction of management mechanisms and infrastructure, taken the lead in completing the identification of provincial chemical parks, and completed the expansion of provincial chemical parks in January 2024. Make every effort to promote industrial transformation and upgrading and realize the transformation and development of traditional chlor-alkali into new materials industries. Taking the opportunity of the Yilou Group to build a provincial economic sub-center in southern Sichuan, we will build a new energy battery materials industry ecosystem and make every effort to expand the industrial direction in new fields such as energy storage batteries and hydrogen energy battery materials. Accelerate the recycling transformation of industrial parks and enterprises. At present, there are 35 industrial enterprises above designated size, 14 high-tech enterprises, 4 provincial-level green factories, and 3 national-level green factories in Jiang 'an County Park. A new energy and new materials industry cluster has been initially formed. From 2021 to 2023, the carbon emission intensity of 10,000 yuan of GDP in Jiang 'an Economic Development Zone will continue to decline. In 2022, the added value energy consumption of industrial units above designated size will decrease by 5.3%. In the future, Jiang 'an Economic Development Zone will make every effort to build a "National Circular Economy Demonstration Park and a Western Lithium Battery Material Manufacturing Base", strive to build a "100 billion park", and accelerate the formation of new productivity.
