China Carbon Credit Platform

Yuheng Power Plant: Green and low-carbon injects new momentum into high-quality development of enterprises

Release Time3 months ago

The Yuheng Power Plant (hereinafter referred to as Yuheng Power Plant) of Shaanxi Huadian Yuheng Coal and Electricity Co., Ltd. is located in Yuheng Industrial Park in Yulin City. It is the first coal-electricity integrated project of China Huadian Group Co., Ltd., with an annual output of 12 million tons of coal mines. Two 660MW supercritical air-cooled coal-fired generating units in service were put into operation in November 2013 and July 2014 respectively.

Yuheng Power Plant adheres to the ecological and environmental protection concept of "ecological priority, green development", strives to do a good job in the three articles of "green, low-carbon, and value-added", and strides on a high-quality development path guided by ecological priority and green development. By continuously strengthening pollution prevention and ecological construction, continuously improving the quality of enterprise development, deeply implementing sustainable development strategies, consolidating the results of the battle to defend blue sky, clear water, and pure land, and promoting the green transformation of production and lifestyle, the enterprise has achieved remarkable results in green and low-carbon development.

Take ecological and environmental compliance management as the bottom line of corporate development. Yuheng Power Plant has established an ecological and environmental protection leading group headed by the main person in charge to consolidate the responsibilities of "three management and three musts", and the leading group regularly promotes and implements learning.XiIf the Party Central Committee and the State Council require relevant ecological and environmental protection work, work measures will be formulated to benchmark and implement them. Organize and carry out activities to improve and strengthen ecological and environmental compliance management, formulate specific work plans and task lists, clarify work priorities, assign responsibilities to people, and supervise to points, further promote the construction of ecological and environmental protection responsibility transmission mechanisms, and significantly improve the level of environmental compliance management. In order to effectively strengthen the management of key pollutant emissions, Yuheng Power Plant has continuously optimized pollutant emission control plans, strengthened the supervision and management of environmental monitoring data, and achieved "zero exceeding the standard" in pollutant emissions throughout the year. It has successively won the honors of "Green Benchmark Enterprise" in Yulin City, Shaanxi Province "Advanced Enterprise for Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction", Yulin High-tech Zone "Advanced Unit for Ecological and Environmental Protection" and Huadian Group's Advanced Collective for Safety and Environmental Protection.

Build a solid ecological and environmental protection barrier with pollution prevention and control. Actively responding to the policy call, the two units completed ultra-low emission transformation in 2016 and 2017 respectively. It is the first thermal power enterprise in northern Shaanxi to achieve ultra-low emissions. Conscientiously implement the State Council's air pollution prevention and control action requirements, and invest 110 million yuan in 2019 to build the largest environmentally friendly coal storage yard with the most complete facilities in Yulin City. In order to further promote pollution prevention and control, the closure of slag warehouses and ash warehouses will be completed in 2023 to effectively avoid unorganized emissions. Implementing the requirements of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment on the automatic marking function of monitoring data, the construction of automatic monitoring data working condition marking project will be completed in 2023. It is the first enterprise in northern Shaanxi to realize the automatic marking function of monitoring data throughout the plant. Implement full catalyst life cycle management and complete the replacement of three-layer catalysts for two units during unit maintenance from 2020 to 2024, effectively reducing the amount of ammonia injected and avoiding the risk of excessive nitrogen oxides.

The transformation and upgrading of coal-fired power units helped achieve the "double carbon" goal as scheduled. Yuheng Power Plant actively implements the major strategic decision of "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality", predicts the development situation in advance, plans five-year plans in advance, and takes the implementation of key emission reduction projects as the starting point. In 2018, a total investment of 200 million yuan will be invested in heating transformation. After the project is completed and put into operation, the coal consumption for power supply will be reduced by 29.09 g/kWh. Through centralized heating, other enterprises in the park need to build small self-contained power plants, effectively reducing the overall carbon dioxide emissions of the park. The expert group of Huadian Electric Power Research Institute has been invited many times to carry out special energy consumption analysis on the unit, deeply understand the equipment performance, and concentrate technology and team strength to work together to solve the "stuck neck" problem. Through the implementation of air-cooling island spraying, pilot ash transportation and air preheaters and other energy-saving and emission reduction technological transformation, the coal consumption of the unit's power supply has been greatly reduced. The "Measures for Economic Operation of Units" were formulated to incorporate energy consumption items that are easily ignored into small indicator management. Various indicators of the unit have been continuously improved, and the benefits of energy conservation and consumption reduction have been steadily improved. Two units have been awarded the "600MW" by China Electricity Council for three consecutive years."Class supercritical air-cooled units" ranked first and second in the energy efficiency level benchmarking of Class 5A.

Actively fulfill social responsibilities and disseminate green development concepts. Deeply implement the ecological and environmental protection concept of "all employees are responsible for prevention and control while being green and friendly", fully cover bare soil in production areas and living areas, and create a green garden-style modern power plant in the vast desert. Participated in the construction of "Saishang Forest City" in Yulin City for three consecutive years, and invested more than 29 million yuan to plant more than 30,000 acres of green plants. By cooperating with the "Saishang Forest City" to improve quality and efficiency, it assisted the construction of ecological civilization in Yulin City and ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin.

For eight consecutive years, volunteers have been organized to take to the streets on the 520 Public Open Day to explain environmental protection knowledge and energy-saving skills in life, distribute environmental protection brochures, and promote low-carbon and environmentally friendly power plants. College students, Yulin No. 3 Primary School and other college students, primary and secondary school students, as well as people around the factory and family members of employees, came to visit the factory, inspiring teachers and students to love green energy and low-carbon life. Through online live broadcasts such as "Traveling in Yuheng" and "Entering Modern Green Power Plants", the public can understand the environmental protection facilities of the power plant and spread the concept of green development, which has established a good image for further promoting the construction of the social responsibility brand of "China Huadian Degree Care".

Lead high-quality development with new development concepts. Yuheng Power Plant fully implements the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, thoroughly implements the new energy security strategy of "Four Revolutions, One Cooperation", actively serves and integrates into the overall situation of local development, and actively fulfills the "three major responsibilities" of state-owned enterprises. In 2022, the construction of 5MW rooftop photovoltaic projects can save an average of 1480 tons of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 3950 tons per year, which has significant environmental benefits. Continue to increase the development of clean energy, establish engineering construction project departments in Yichuan and Pucheng respectively, and actively promote the construction of Yichuan 100+150MW and Pucheng 50+80MW photovoltaic projects. After the project is completed, it is expected to save 200,000 tons of standard coal every year., equivalent to planting 6 million trees. At the same time, we actively connect with research institutes and universities to explore projects such as molten salt energy storage, CCUS technology application, and comprehensive utilization of solid waste, gradually promote the application of new productivity and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises.

Under the new power situation, Yuheng Power Plant adheres to the path of green and low-carbon development and insists on learning by side in ecological and environmental protection compliance management.XiWhile inspecting, comparing, and rectifying, adhere to problem-oriented, and rectify problems throughout the entire process of compliance management and improvement; in the work of energy conservation and emission reduction, actively respond to the call of national and local environmental protection policies, continuously tap potential and reduce consumption, and improve unit utilization efficiency; On the road of green and low-carbon development, we must forge ahead with innovation, strive to be the first, strive to open up a comprehensive energy market, and move forward steadily on the high-quality road of "dedicating clean energy and building a beautiful home together".
