China Carbon Credit Platform

Inner Mongolia has taken four major actions to promote large-scale equipment renewal and trade-in of consumer goods

Release Time4 months ago

Conscientiously implement the tasks of promoting large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade-in, the "Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to promote large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade-in task implementation plan" (hereinafter referred to as the "plan") has recently been issued and implemented.

According to the plan, by 2027, the scale of equipment investment in the industrial field of the autonomous region will increase by more than 50% compared with 2023, and the scale of equipment investment in agriculture, construction, transportation, education, cultural tourism, medical care and other fields will increase by more than 25% compared with 2023; The recycling volume of scrapped vehicles will about double compared with 2023, the transaction volume of second-hand cars will increase by 45% compared with 2023, and the recycling volume of waste household appliances will strive to increase by 30% compared with 2023, and the proportion of recycled materials in the supply of resources will be further increased.

Focusing on the work objectives, the "Plan" clarifies the key tasks. Implement equipment renewal actions, focusing on finding out the base of large-scale equipment renewal projects, accelerate the renewal and transformation of equipment in key industries, promote the renewal and transformation of equipment in the field of construction and municipal infrastructure, accelerate the renewal of transportation equipment and old agricultural machinery, and improve the level of education, cultural tourism and medical equipment. Among them, in accordance with the requirements of high-end, intelligent and green, we will guide enterprises to update equipment and implement technological transformation according to industry standards, and achieve "one enterprise one policy, one industry one policy, one chain one policy, and one park one policy" according to local conditions, and in-depth analysis and evaluation of the direct benefits and driving effects of the renewal and transformation of various industries. Accelerate the elimination of backward and inefficient equipment, high-energy-consumption and high-emission equipment, and equipment with potential safety hazards that are out of service, update the use of advanced equipment, green equipment, and intelligent equipment, and promote industrial upgrading with equipment renewal.

Implement the trade-in action of consumer goods, carry out the trade-in action of automobiles, promote the scrapping of cars with the standards of China III and below, and support the trade-in; encourage the trade-in of household appliances, support the autonomous region's home appliance sales enterprises to carry out the trade-in action, open online and offline home appliances trade-in zone, and give preferential treatment to consumers who exchange old household appliances for energy-saving new household appliances; promote the renewal of home decoration consumption, through marketization, The commercial model supports the renovation of residents' housing, implements the renovation project of home decoration and kitchen and bathroom, realizes the willingness to change, promotes the home improvement model room into the shopping mall, into the community, and into the platform, and encourages enterprises to use virtual reality technology, live broadcast and other methods to carry out online model room display, publicity and other marketing activities.

Implement recycling and recycling actions, focusing on undertaking the transfer and development of recycling industries, improving the recycling network of waste products and equipment, accelerating the circulation and trading of second-hand goods, accelerating the cultivation of remanufacturing industries and cascade utilization of products, and promoting high-level recycling of resources. Clearly study and formulate guidance on promoting the recycling of retired wind power and photovoltaic equipment, and promote the construction of industrial bases for the recycling of retired new energy equipment such as wind power and photovoltaic in relevant league cities. Promote the classified utilization and centralized disposal of renewable resources such as scrapped cars, retired photovoltaic modules, waste household appliances, waste batteries, and waste tires.

Implement standard improvement actions, focusing on the implementation of energy consumption, emissions, and technical standards, strengthen the improvement of product technical standards, promote the development of resource recycling standards, and strengthen international and domestic standard cooperation and docking. Clearly implement the emission standards of key industries, and optimize and improve the emission control level of air and water pollutants. Organize and carry out publicity and implementation training, promotion and application of national standards and evaluation of standard implementation effects in the fields of energy consumption limits, energy efficiency of products and equipment, energy consumption values of passenger cars and heavy-duty commercial vehicles, pollutant emissions, and carbon emission accounting of key industry enterprises.  

RegionInner Mongolia