China Carbon Credit Platform

Listed on the spot, more than 10,000 tons of carbon emission allowances were traded on the spot!

Release Time5 months ago

"In less than 10 minutes, more than 10,000 tons were all sold!" Talking about the situation on the day of the carbon emission allowance trading, Ms. Li, the agent of a company in Beijing, who was executed, was still excited. "I didn't expect it to be closed so smoothly, and the transaction price far exceeded psychological expectations. We would like to thank the court, the Bureau of Ecology and Environment and the Green Exchange for their active promotion, and thank the court for helping us to actively realize our assets and pay off the arrears of wages to our employees as soon as possible. ”

Recently, the People's Court of Fengtai District, Beijing Municipality successfully realized the carbon emission allowance (BEA) held by a company in Beijing through the compulsory enforcement procedure, and traded more than 10,000 tons of carbon emission allowances on the spot, with a total transaction price of more than 100 yuan. This is the first time that Beijing has disposed of carbon emission allowances through the enforcement procedure, and the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment was present to guide and witness the implementation process.

Things have to start in 2023. At that time, due to poor management, a company in Beijing had failed to pay its employees' wages due to poor management, and the employees applied for labor arbitration one after another, demanding that the company pay economic compensation for the termination of the labor contract. Since June 2023, more than 300 employees involved in the case have successively applied to the Fengtai Court for compulsory enforcement, with a total amount of more than 2,000 yuan.

After the enforcement was filed, the Fengtai Court immediately took compulsory enforcement measures and disposed of the relevant property in the name of the company in accordance with the law, but the amount of the case in place was not enough to pay off all the arrears, and the company had no ordinary movable property and other property that was convenient for enforcement to be enforced. Just when he was at a loss, the presiding judge Luo Chen learned that the company held a certain amount of carbon emission allowances.

"As one of the important measures to achieve the 'double carbon' goal, China realized the unified trading of carbon emission allowance spot market in July 2021, which shows that carbon emission allowance, as an asset of an enterprise, has certain property rights and can be used as a property that can be enforced in accordance with the law. Thinking of this, Luo Chen immediately contacted the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment to learn more about the company's carbon emission allowance holding, usage and carbon emission allowance trading mechanism.

Considering that the disposal of carbon emission allowances is related to the control and management of greenhouse gas emissions in the city, in order to promote the smooth implementation of the case and help achieve the "double carbon" goal, the Fengtai Court issued a notice of assistance in enforcement to the Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment, taking pre-freezing measures against the company's carbon emission allowances, and then promoting the disposal procedures of the remaining allowances after the company fulfills its obligations to settle the carbon emission allowances in 2022.

At the beginning of 2024, after learning that a company in Beijing had fulfilled its obligation to pay annual carbon emission allowances, the Fengtai Court held several discussions with the Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment, the Beijing Equity Exchange, the Beijing Green Exchange and other units on how to realize the controlled carbon emission allowances, and formulated an implementation plan.

On the day of the transaction, under the supervision of the Fengtai Court and the witness of the Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment, a company in Beijing publicly listed its carbon emission allowances on the Beijing Carbon Emission Rights Electronic Trading Platform. In the end, more than 10,000 tons of carbon emission allowances were all listed and sold.

"This implementation actively explores new types of property disposal methods, fully stimulates the vitality of the carbon market with high-quality implementation work, maximizes the value of property, and achieves a win-win situation for all parties. Lin Yun, deputy secretary of the party group and vice president of the Fengtai Court, said.
