China Carbon Credit Platform

The "last mile" of policy implementation and the publicity and implementation training course of "one regulation and one method of carbon market" were successfully held

Release Time6 months ago

In order to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's thought on ecological civilization, promote the standardized and healthy development of the carbon market, and take practical actions to polish the new quality of productivity and the distinctive "Hubei background". On March 21, sponsored by the Hubei Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, undertaken by China Carbon Deng, and co-organized by Hubei Carbon Exchange Center, the "Carbon Market One Regulation, One Method" publicity and implementation training course was successfully held in China Carbon Deng Building. Nearly 200 representatives from the National Climate Strategy Center, the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, the Provincial Academy of Environmental Sciences, the competent departments of ecology and environment of various cities and prefectures in Hubei Province, and key emission control enterprises in Hubei Province gathered at China Carbon Deng to study the dual carbon policy and promote low-carbon development.


The meeting was chaired by Zhang Zhixiang, director of the climate department of the Hubei Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, who said that the carbon market is an important policy tool to actively respond to climate change and control greenhouse gas emissions. Recently, the Interim Regulations on the Administration of Carbon Emission Trading (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations") and the Interim Measures for the Administration of Carbon Emission Trading in Hubei Province (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures") have been promulgated, marking the improvement of the legal system of the national and regional carbon markets. The Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment organized a training course to study the "Regulations" and "Measures" for the first time, aiming to further strengthen the publicity and implementation of the "One Regulations and One Method", help relevant units and market entities better understand the essence of the spirit, enhance the sense of responsibility and mission, and jointly help the deepening development of the carbon market.

Zhu Guohui, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and vice chairman of China Carbon Deng, made an opening speech, saying that on February 4, 2024, the State Council officially issued the "Regulations", which raised the level of the carbon trading management system and laid an important foundation for the stable operation and development of the carbon market. At the same time, the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government have also continued to work hard to shape new advantages for green rise, and issued the Measures on January 12, 2024. The promulgation of "one regulation and one method" provides a fundamental basis for the coordinated construction of the "two carbon markets" and points out the way forward. Anchored in the strategic goal of "double carbon", based on the status of a national-level functional platform, China Carbon Deng actively promotes the construction of the top-level system of the carbon market, gives full play to the function of centralized registration and confirmation, builds a high-quality and efficient service system, and provides solid support for the smooth and orderly operation of the national carbon market.

The meeting also interpreted and answered questions on the "Interim Regulations on the Administration of Carbon Emission Trading", "Interim Measures for the Administration of Carbon Emission Trading in Hubei Province", "Key Points and Typical Cases of Data Quality Control in Hubei Province", "Greenhouse Gas Emission Verification Standards, Procedures and Requirements", "CCER and Carbon Inclusive Policy Publicity and Methodology Interpretation", and discussed carbon asset management.
