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The fourth anniversary of the promulgation of the Civil Code| Study the Civil Code together

Release Time2 months ago

Status of Civil Code

The Civil Code of the People's Republic of China is known as the "Encyclopedia of Social Life." It is the first law named after a code in New China. It occupies a fundamental position in the legal system and is also the basic law of the market economy. At the same time, it is also a declaration and guarantee of civil rights. If the Constitution focuses on restricting public power, then the Civil Code focuses on protecting private rights. Almost all civil activities, ranging from signing contracts and establishing companies to paying property fees and divorces, can be found in the Civil Code.

History of the Civil Code

The Civil Code of the People's Republic of China is known as the "Encyclopedia of Social Life." It is the first law named after a code in New China. It occupies a fundamental position in the legal system and is also the basic law of the market economy.

Content of the Civil Code

The Civil Code has 7 chapters and 1260 articles. Each chapter is in turn general provisions, property rights, contract, personality rights, marriage and family, inheritance, tort liability, and supplementary provisions. The people-centered development idea runs through the entire article, focusing on meeting the people's needs for a better life, making clear and detailed provisions on citizens 'personal rights, property rights, personality rights, etc., and stipulating tort liability, clarifying that rights are weakened, reduced, and infringed upon. The rights to claim and relief, etc. reflect the full protection of people's rights and are known as the "Declaration of People's Rights in the New Era."

general provisions

The "General Provisions" stipulate the basic principles and general rules that must be followed in civil activities, and govern the various divisions of the Civil Code. The General Provisions regard "promoting socialist core values" as an important legislative purpose, embodying the distinctive Chinese characteristics of adhering to the combination of governing the country according to law and governing the country by virtue. At the same time, it stipulates that civil rights and other legitimate rights and interests are protected by law, and establishes basic principles of civil law such as equality, voluntariness, fairness, integrity, law-abiding, public order and good customs, and the green principle.

real right code

Property right is an important property right enjoyed by civil subjects in accordance with the law. The legal system of property right adjusts civil relations arising from the ownership and utilization of things and is one of the most important basic civil systems.

contract compilation

A contract is an agreement between civil entities to establish, change, and terminate civil legal relationships. The adjustment scope of the contract legal system is the civil relationships arising from the contract.

personality rights

The independent compilation of personality rights in the Civil Code is one of the highlights and innovations in the compilation of the Civil Code. The right to personality is one of the foundations for the survival and development of society and individuals, and is the need for the people to live a better life.

marriage and family draft

The marriage and family system adjusts civil relations arising from marriage and family, and is the basic norm for regulating husband and wife relations and family relations. The Marriage Code stipulates that families should establish good family traditions, promote family virtues, and attach importance to the construction of family civilization.

code of succession

The inheritance system adjusts the civil relations arising from inheritance and is the basic system for the inheritance of wealth after the death of a natural person. The Inheritance Code stipulates that men and women are equal in inheritance rights, and in the absence of a will, the inheritance is inherited in the legal order.

tort liability draft

The tort liability system adjusts civil relations arising from infringement of civil rights and interests. The Tort Liability Code stipulates that if the perpetrator infringes on the civil rights and interests of others through his fault and causes damage, he shall bear tort liability.

The Significance of Civil Code

The promulgation of the Civil Code is of great significance for improving the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities, promoting comprehensive rule of law, safeguarding the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, and promoting social fairness and justice.
