China Carbon Credit Platform

The autonomous region's implementation plan for comprehensively promoting the construction of a beautiful Ningxia

Release Time4 months ago

The autonomous region is comprehensivePromote the construction of beautiful NingxiatargetImplementation plan

In order to fully implement the "Opinions on Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of Beautiful China" issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council, thoroughly implement the arrangements and arrangements of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 13th Party Committee of the Autonomous Region, maintain the strategic determination to strengthen the construction of ecological civilization, unswervingly follow the path of civilized development with production development, affluent life and good ecology, and comprehensively promote the construction of beautiful Ningxia, this implementation plan is hereby formulated in combination with the actual situation of our region.

1. General requirements

Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, conscientiously implement the spirit of the National Conference on Ecological and Environmental Protection and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on inspecting Ningxia, and closely focus on the deployment of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 13th Party Committee of the Autonomous Region, firmly establish the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, accurately grasp the "five major relationships", and keep an eye on the "five major relationships".3key nodes", accelerate the modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, deeply fight the "nine wars" of the construction of beautiful Ningxia, pay attention to the transformation of all fields, all-round governance, all-factor improvement, all-region construction, whole-process prevention, and whole-society action, "14th Five-Year Plan" in-depth tackling, to achieve continuous improvement of the ecological environment, "15th Five-Year Plan" to consolidate and expand, to achieve comprehensive improvement of the ecological environment, "16th Five-Year" overall improvement, Realize the fundamental improvement of the ecological environment, support high-quality development with a high-quality ecological environment, and show Ningxia's responsibility in the construction of a beautiful China.

Second, key tasks

(1) Accelerate the green transformation of the development mode

1.Optimize the pattern of land space development and protection. We will refine the division of main functional zones, improve the land and space planning system, and further improve the control system for various land and space uses. Strictly abide by the red line of ecological protection, strictly control human activities, and ensure that ecological functions are not reduced and their nature is not changed. Strictly abide by the red line of cultivated land and resolutely curb the "non-farming" of cultivated land, basic farmland"Non-grain use" to ensure that the cultivated land that is used stably for a long time will not be reduced. Strictly abide by the boundaries of urban development, strictly control the new urban construction land, and promote the intensive and green development of urban space. Strict control of the shoreline space of rivers and lakes. Establish and improve the zoning management and control system of the ecological environment covering the whole area, and deepen the application in policy formulation, environmental access, park management, law enforcement and supervision.(Responsible units: Autonomous Region Department of Natural Resources, Department of Ecology and Environment, Department of Water Resources, Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, etc., the following tasks involve cities and counties.)districtand Ningdong Energy and Chemical Base, no longer listed separately)

2.Steadily achieve the goal of carbon peak on schedule. There are plans to implement the "Ten Actions for Carbon Peaking" step by step, strengthen the construction of energy consumption statistics and monitoring capacity in key industries and fields of carbon emissions, and promote the dual control of energy consumption to gradually shift to the "dual control" of total carbon emission and intensity. Establish and improve the carbon sink measurement system of forests, grasslands, wetlands and other ecosystems, strengthen the coordination of ecological restoration and sink increase, and continue to consolidate and improve the carbon sink capacity of ecosystems. Formulate and implement action plans for the control of methane and other non-carbon dioxide greenhouse gas emissions, and gradually realize the continuous annual compilation of greenhouse gas emission inventories. Strengthen the development and pilot of voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction projects, and carry out multi-field and multi-level collaborative innovation pilots for pollution reduction and carbon reduction.(Responsible units: Autonomous Region Development and Reform Commission, Department of Ecology and Environment,Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Forestry and Grassland Administration, etc.)

3.Accelerate the construction of a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system. Strictly control the consumption of fossil energy, focus on reducing the use of coal for non-electric fuels, and actively promote the construction and transformation of electrical heating networks. Strengthen the clean and efficient use of coal, orderly promote the substitution of loose coal for heating, agriculture and industrial coal, and gradually reduce the loose burning of coal. Vigorously develop renewable energy and accelerate the construction of a new power system based on new energy. Pragmatically promote the large-scale, industrialized and market-oriented development of new energy storage. Accelerate the development of 100-billion-level gas fields in Qingshiyuan and Dingbei, optimize the construction of natural gas development, utilization, transportation and storage systems, and give priority to ensuring people's livelihood gas.(Responsible units: Autonomous Region Development and Reform Commission, Department of Finance, Department of Ecology and Environment, Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, etc.)

4.Promote green economic and social development as a whole. In-depth implementation of the new industrial zone plan, characteristic agriculture quality improvement plan, modern service industry expansion plan, and strive to build "six new, six special and six excellent" industries. Resolutely curb the blind development of "two highs and one low" projects, eliminate and resolve low-end and inefficient production capacity, and strictly implement the "five reductions and substitutions" of production capacity, coal consumption, energy consumption, carbon emissions, and pollutant emissions. Implement key projects for energy conservation and carbon reduction in cities, parks and key industries, carry out green and low-carbon industry cultivation, green infrastructure construction, and green and low-carbon technology innovation actions, guide enterprises to implement cleaner production, and promote coking, steel, agricultural and sideline product processing, printing and dyeing, nitrogen fertilizer and other industries to reach the level of cleaner production I. level. Conscientiously implement the national green manufacturing standard system.(Responsible units: Autonomous Region Development and Reform Commission, Department of Industry and Information Technology, Department of Ecology and Environment, Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Department of Commerce, Department of Market Supervision, etc.)

5.Accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of transportation. Adjust and optimize the transportation structure, speed up the construction of special railway lines and the "road to rail" and "scatter to centralization" of bulk cargo, and improve the multimodal transport capacity. Promote energy-saving and low-carbon transportation, improve the logistics and distribution system in urban and rural areas and industrial parks, and innovate intensive and efficient distribution models. Promote the green transformation of railway stations, civil airports, logistics parks, etc., accelerate the construction of charging and swapping infrastructure in expressway service areas and urban parking lots, and build a convenient and efficient new energy infrastructure network system. Promote the large-scale application of ultra-low and near-zero emission vehicles and the clean and low-carbon application of non-road mobile machinery, accelerate the elimination and renewal of old vehicles and non-road mobile machinery, and promote the electrification transformation project of Ningdong Railway. Establish a "carbon credit" incentive mechanism for green travel and green transportation in Ningxia, and advocate green travel.(Responsible units: Autonomous Region Development and Reform Commission, Public Security Department, Department of Ecology and Environment, Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Department of Transportation, Department of Commerce, etc.)

6.Accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of urban and rural construction. Adhere to the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, promote the integrated development of urban and rural construction, build green and low-carbon cities, build green and low-carbon villages, accelerate the transformation of urban and rural construction methods, and promote the green development of urban and rural construction. Reasonably determine the scale of urban population, water use and land use, reasonably control the density and intensity of development and construction, reasonably plan the development target of urban construction area, and strictly control the construction of high-energy consumption public buildings. Build high-quality green buildings. Improve the systematization level of urban and rural infrastructure, strengthen the protection and inheritance of urban and rural history and culture, promote green construction in the whole process of project construction, and promote the formation of a green lifestyle.(Responsible Units: Autonomous Region Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Development and Reform Commission, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Water Resources, Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Department of Culture and Tourism, etc.)

7.Promote the conservation and intensive utilization of resources.Accelerate the construction of the "four waters and four determinations" demonstration area,Optimize the structure of production, domestic and ecological water use, and establish a water distribution system with total control and indicators to the county. Vigorously promote the utilization of unconventional water sources, accelerate the construction of reclaimed water recycling and allocation pilot cities, and actively promote the resource utilization of sewage. Deepen the market-oriented reform of the "six rights", build a market system with confirmed rights in place, effective powers, reasonable pricing, and orderly market access, so as to maximize the benefits of resource allocation and optimize efficiency. Improve the system of economical and intensive use of land, and promote the application of land-saving technology and land-saving models. Solidly promote the comprehensive utilization of all kinds of solid waste, and effectively reduce the amount of solid waste landfill disposal. Vigorously promote green design and lightweight manufacturing, and promote the conservation of raw materials and resource recycling. Strengthen the exploration, protection and rational development of mineral resources, and promote the comprehensive utilization of associated mineral resources and the recycling of tailings.(Responsible units: Autonomous Region Development and Reform Commission, Department of Industry and Information Technology, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Ecology and Environment, Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Department of Water Resources, Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Forestry and Grassland Bureau, etc.)

2) Continue to further promote pollution prevention and control

8.Continue to fight the battle of blue sky in depth. Implement the continuous improvement of air quality in the autonomous region, and vigorously promote the coordinated emission reduction of multiple pollutants. Strengthen the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in key industries such as modern coal chemical industry (VOCsComprehensive management, the implementation of raw and auxiliary materials source substitution project. Carry out actions to improve nitrogen oxide pollution control, build a precise ozone prevention and control system, and strengthen the environmental management of ozone-depleting substances and hydrofluorocarbons. We will continue to promote the ultra-low emission transformation of steel, cement, coking and other industries and coal-fired boilers, and carry out the upgrading and transformation of industrial clusters and the improvement of inefficient treatment facilities in industrial furnaces and kilns. Strictly implement the emission standards for mobile sources and oil products in the new stage, and fully implement vehicle emission inspection and maintenance (I/Msystem, further promote the pollution control of diesel trucks, and the code registration of non-road mobile machinery "should be registered". Broaden the coverage of performance grading in key industries, and guide key enterprises to vigorously implement performance upgrading actions. Intensify the supervision of noise standards in the fields of industry, transportation, and construction, and make great efforts to solve the problems of oil smoke and foul odor at the "doorstep" of the people.(Responsible units: Autonomous Region Department of Ecology and Environment, Department of Industry and Information Technology, Department of Public Security, Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Department of Transportation, Department of Market Supervision, etc.)

9.Continue to fight the battle of clear water in depth. Coordinate the management of water resources, water environment, and water ecology, deeply fight the battle of ecological protection and governance of the Yellow River, and continue to promote the protection and management of the main and tributaries of the Yellow River, important lakes and reservoirs, and major drainage ditches entering the Yellow River. Strengthen the information monitoring of the drainage ditch into the Yellow River, optimize and adjust the zoning of water functions, and improve the management system of water function zones. Comprehensively implement measures to ensure the ecological flow of rivers and lakes, strengthen the protection and restoration of water conservation areas and ecological buffer zones, and implement ecological water replenishment of key rivers and lakes as planned. Solidly promote the standardization of water sources to ensure the safety of urban and rural drinking water sources. Remediate the sewage outlets into the river (lake and ditch), and improve the sewage outlet management system. Promote the transformation, renewal, and repair of urban sewage pipe networks, so as to achieve full coverage, collection, and treatment of urban sewage pipe networks, and dynamic clearance of black and odorous water bodies in urban and rural areas.(Responsible Units: Autonomous Region Department of Ecology and Environment, Department of Industry and Information Technology, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Department of Water Resources, etc.)

10.Continue to fight the battle to defend the Pure Land. Strengthen the prevention and control of soil pollution sources, so that the overall quality of the soil environment remains stable. Strictly investigate the investigation of potential soil pollution hazards and monitor the surrounding soil environment in key supervision units, and strengthen the control and restoration of soil pollution on priority supervision plots and construction land. Strictly manage the access to construction land, strictly review the pre-investigation of the soil pollution status of key construction land for "one residence and two publics", and ensure "pure land collection and storage", "pure land supply" and "pure land development". Continue to carry out investigation and evaluation of groundwater pollution, delineate key areas for groundwater pollution prevention and control and groundwater-based drinking water source recharge areas, and implement regional management and hierarchical prevention and control of groundwater environment. Strictly protect cultivated land, establish and improve the long-term positioning and monitoring system of the soil environment, further promote the prevention and control of heavy metal pollution sources such as cadmium in the soil of agricultural land, and strictly control the discharge of pollutants in heavy metal industries.(Responsible Units: Autonomous Region Department of Ecology and Environment, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Water Resources, Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, etc.)

11.We will continue to fight the battle against solid waste and new pollutants. Steadily promote the construction of "zero-waste cities" in Yinchuan City and Shizuishan Cityand Guoneng Ningxia Coal Industry and Guoneng Ningxia Electric Power "Zero Waste Group"construction, to promote the source reduction, resource utilization, and harmless treatment of solid waste. Coordinate the promotion of general industrial solid waste, domestic waste, construction waste, agricultural solid waste, hazardous waste, and electronic waste pollution control, strengthen white pollution control, limit excessive packaging of goods, promote the green transformation of express packaging, strengthen the prevention and control of the whole chain of plastic pollution, improve the supervision and utilization and disposal capacity of hazardous waste, and promote the realization of "no waste" and environmental health in urban and rural areas. Implement new pollutant treatment actions, and continue to promote the collaborative treatment of new pollutants and multi-environmental media and environmental risk management and control throughout the life cycle.(Responsible units: Autonomous Region Department of Ecology and Environment, Development and Reform Commission, Department of Industry and Information Technology, Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Department of Water Resources, Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Department of Commerce, Health Commission, Department of Market Supervision, Food and Drug Administration, Ningxia Postal Administration, etc.)

(3) Enhance the stability and sustainability of ecosystem diversity

12.Build a solid ecological security barrier in Northwest China. Anchor the ecological security coordinates of "one river and three mountains", and comprehensively promote the protection and construction of key ecological function areas, key ecosystems, important ecological corridors, and rivers, lakes and beaches.Strive to createHelan Mountain, Liupan Mountain National Park. Establish an early warning system for the investigation, monitoring, evaluation and early warning of natural ecological resources in the whole region, strengthen the investigation and monitoring of ecological conditions, and carry out evaluation of the effectiveness of ecological protection and restoration. Improve and improve the management system for ecological protection and restoration, and strengthen unified supervision. Strengthen the supervision and law enforcement of ecological protection redlines, continue to promote special actions such as "Green Shield", "Yellow River" and "Kunlun", strictly investigate and deal with all kinds of ecological damage incidents, strictly supervise ecological protection and restoration, and resolutely put an end to formalism in ecological restoration.(Responsible Units: Autonomous Region Department of Natural Resources, Public Security Department, Department of Ecology and Environment, Department of Water Resources, Forestry and Grassland Bureau, etc.)

13.Implement integrated protection and systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands and sands. Adhere to the principle of natural restoration, supplemented by necessary artificial restoration, accelerate the implementation of major projects for the protection and restoration of important ecosystems, promote grasslands, forests, rivers, lakes, tidal flats, and wetlands to recuperate, and restore the carrying capacity of natural ecology. We will continue to promote the ecological protection and restoration of the "Three Mountains", and accelerate the implementation of the integrated protection and restoration project of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands and sands in the Liupan Mountain Ecological Function Zone (Ningxia Section). Scientifically carry out land greening, implement the construction of water conservation forests, ecological protection and restoration of degraded grasslands, and wetland protection and restoration, etc., and comprehensively improve the water conservation capacity of various ecosystems. Adhere to the combination of desertification prevention and control, carry out the construction of comprehensive demonstration zones for desertification prevention and control, strengthen the comprehensive management of desertified land, soil erosion land, and salinized land, and the coordinated development of ecological industries, and strengthen the closure of mountains and the prohibition of grazing. Make every effort to fight the Yellow RiverA few zigzag bendsNingxia has tackled tough battles, promoted the construction of the "Three Norths" shelterbelt system, implemented water conservation and ecological management at the eastern foot of Helan Mountain, ecological protection and restoration and comprehensive soil erosion control projects in southern Ningxia, and solidly promoted the ecological restoration of abandoned mines left over from history. (Responsible units: Forestry and Grassland Bureau, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Water Resources, Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, etc.)

14.Strengthen biodiversity conservation. Establish a long-term working mechanism for biodiversity investigation, monitoring and evaluation, formulate Ningxia biodiversity conservation strategies and action plans in the new era, implement major projects for biodiversity conservation in Ningxia, and carry out pilot demonstrations of sustainable use of biodiversity. Rationally lay out the species protection space system based on various types of nature reserves, and pay close attention to the implementation of the protection and management of local endemic species such as flagship species, indicator species, critically endangered wild animals, and extremely small populations. Focus on the priority areas of biodiversity conservation in Helan Mountain and Liupan Mountain, and strengthen the construction of ecological corridors for rare wild animals and migratory bird flyways. Strictly implement the fishing ban system in the Ningxia section of the Yellow River, and gradually increase the fish biomass in the Ningxia section of the Yellow River.(Responsible Units: Autonomous Region Department of Ecology and Environment, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Water Resources, Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Forestry and Grassland Bureau, etc.)

(4) Maintain the bottom line of safety in the construction of beautiful Ningxia

15.Improve the ecological security system. Implement the overall national security concept, improve and improve the coordination mechanism for ecological security work, and improve the capacity for ecological security risk assessment, monitoring and early warning, and emergency response. Construct a global linkage, three-dimensional and efficient ecological security pattern, ensure water ecological security, improve the quality of water environment, ensure rainwater safety, promote the construction of sponge cities, ensure mine geological safety, and promote the construction of green mines. Strengthen climate change prediction and early warning and impact risk assessment, and improve climate risk management and comprehensive disaster prevention and mitigation capabilities.(Responsible units: Autonomous Region Department of Ecology and Environment, Development and Reform Commission, Department of Finance, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Department of Water Resources, Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Department of Emergency Management, Ningxia Meteorological Bureau, etc.)

16.Strengthen nuclear and radiation safety supervision. Implement the nuclear and radiation safety supervision responsibilities of governments at all levels, and strengthen the capacity building of radiation safety supervision, monitoring and emergency response. Strengthen the prevention and control of electromagnetic radiation pollution, improve the region-controlled radiation environment monitoring network, and build an automatic electromagnetic radiation monitoring network covering the whole region. Continue to promote the standardization and standardization of Ningxia's urban radioactive waste repositories, properly dispose of existing waste radioactive sources and radioactive waste, focus on radioisotope and radiation devices, radioactive pollution prevention and control of associated radioactive mine development and utilization, and safe disposal of waste radioactive sources and radioactive waste, strengthen the prevention of nuclear and radiation safety risks, and strictly control the occurrence of major and above radiation accidents.(Responsible Units: Autonomous Region Department of Ecology and Environment, Public Security Department, Health Commission, etc.)

17.Strengthen biosecurity management. Strengthen the prevention and control of the whole chain and systematic governance, strengthen the prevention and control of crop diseases and insect pests and animal disease risks, and improve the biosecurity supervision, early warning, prevention and control system. Carry out a general survey of invasive alien species in the ecosystem, build a monitoring and early warning, risk assessment, emergency response, eradication, prevention and control system, strengthen the inspection and quarantine of imported animals and plants, and prevent and control the invasion of alien species. Improve the system for the conservation and utilization of germplasm resources, strengthen the protection and management of biological genetic resources, innovate models for access to biological genetic resources and benefit-sharing, curb the loss of species resources, and do a good job in the safety and prevention of genetically modified organisms. Strengthen monitoring, identification, evaluation and monitoring of environmental risks to biotechnology and its products. Strengthen early warning and monitoring of lake ecology. Actively participate in joint actions to crack down on illegal trade in cross-border biological resources.(Responsible units: Autonomous Region Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Public Security Department, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Ecology and Environment, Department of Water Resources, Health Commission, Forestry and Grassland Bureau, Yinchuan Customs, etc.)

18.Effective response to and adaptation to climate change. Adhere to the equal emphasis on mitigation and adaptation, promote the formation of an energy structure, industrial structure, production methods and lifestyles that mitigate and adapt to climate change, and promote the coordinated control of multiple pollutants and greenhouse gases in the fields of air, water, soil, and solid waste. Fully implement the National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change2035The Autonomous Region's Action Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change will improve and improve the working mechanism for adapting to climate change. Strengthen climate change adaptation actions in key areas, fully integrate climate change adaptation into the overall situation of economic and social development, and enhance the climate resilience of natural ecosystems and economic and social systems. Strengthen the construction of climate change observation networks and improve the capacity of meteorological services. Actively carry out pilot projects for the construction of climate-resilient cities.(Responsible units: Autonomous Region Department of Ecology and Environment, Development and Reform Commission, Department of Science and Technology, Department of Finance, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Department of Water Resources, Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Department of Culture and Tourism, Health Commission, Forestry and Grassland Bureau, Ningxia Meteorological Bureau, etc.)

19.Strict prevention and control of environmental risks. Firmly guard the bottom line of people's health and environmental safety, strengthen the investigation and risk prevention and control of environmental hazards in key areas such as hazardous waste and heavy metals, implement a number of environmental emergency basic capacity building projects around the "one river, one policy, one map", establish and improve the emergency response system and emergency material reserve system, improve the level of environmental emergency command informatization, and timely and properly handle all kinds of environmental emergencies. Improve the environmental emergency responsibility system with hierarchical responsibility, territorial dominance, and departmental coordination, and establish and improve the upstream and downstream, cross-regional, cross-departmental, and multi-level environmental risk supervision and emergency coordination and linkage mechanisms. Implement the inter-provincial environmental emergency response mechanism in the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River Basin. Comprehensively improve environmental emergency response capabilities at all levels, build a multi-level and diversified networked environmental emergency monitoring and material reserve system, continue to deepen the "one river, one policy, one map" environmental emergency response, and timely and properly handle all kinds of environmental emergencies in a timely and scientific manner. Implement national environmental healthmonitoringInvestigation and risk assessment system.(Responsible units: Autonomous Region Department of Ecology and Environment, Department of Water Resources, Department of Emergency Management, Ningxia Fire and Rescue Corps, etc.)

(5) Create a demonstration model for the construction of beautiful Ningxiaboard

20.Continue to improve the urban living environment. Promote the green transformation of urban development mode, actively promote a water-saving society at the county level, improve urban functions, highlight the characteristics of the ecological environment, and establish an evaluation mechanism for urban ecological environment governance. Coordinate the urban water system, green space system, and ventilation corridor system, scientifically plan and lay out the urban green ring green corridor and green wedge greenway, and build a continuous and complete urban ecological infrastructure system that is intertwined with blue and green, gray and green. Protect the natural landscape of the city, strengthen the construction of urban small and micro parks and pocket parks, improve the balance of the layout of parks and green spaces, and build a complete and coherent urban and rural green space system.(Responsible Units: Autonomous Region Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Department of Water Resources, Forestry and Grassland Bureau, etc.)

21.Coordinate and promote the revitalization of rural ecology. Learn and promote the experience and practice of Zhejiang's "Ten Million Project", actively promote the comprehensive land consolidation of the whole region, focus on improving the ecological environment of agriculture and rural areas, promote the construction of manure collection, transportation and utilization system of livestock and poultry farms below designated size in the whole county, and promote the treatment of rural domestic sewage in stages, so as to create a vibrant, stable and orderly, beautiful and livable Saishang Rural Paradise. Strengthen the prevention and control of agricultural non-point source pollution, continue to implement actions to reduce the amount of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and increase efficiency, and strengthen the full resource utilization of agricultural waste. Improve the living environment in rural areas, promote the mode of toilet renovation suitable for arid and cold areas according to local conditions, and improve the market-oriented and socialized long-term mechanism for the operation and maintenance of rural infrastructure. Establish a rural ecological environment assessment system, strengthen the protection and utilization of traditional villages and the guidance of rural landscapes, and create a number of "beautiful courtyards".(Responsible units: Autonomous Region Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Department of Ecology and Environment, Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, etc.)

22.Carry out innovation demonstrations. Focusing on extensive mobilization and social guidance, we will further promote the demonstration and creation of ecological civilization, and broaden the path of transforming lucid waters and lush mountains into gold and silver mountainsStrive to achieve full coverage of prefecture-level cities in the national ecological civilization construction demonstration zone,Strive to create a beautiful China pilot zone。 Deepen the construction of beautiful cells such as beautiful rivers and lakes, beautiful cities, beautiful villages, beautiful parks, and beautiful communities, and promote the effective connection between landscape ecology, history and culture, industrial heritage, wine and other related resources and the market. Strive to establish the China (Ningxia) Pilot Free Trade Zone and carry out green innovation demonstrations. Efforts will be made to build demonstration projects such as eco-tourism, green health care, cultural and creative cultivation, and leisure and vacation in the eastern foothills of Helan Mountain, along the Qingshui River, and in the Tengger Desert.(Responsible units: Autonomous Region Department of Ecology and Environment, Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Department of Commerce, Department of Culture and Tourism, etc.)

(6) Carry out national actions to build a beautiful China

23.Cultivate and promote ecological culture. Continue to carry out a series of activities of "Yellow River Basin Ecological Protection Theme Publicity and Practice Month", strengthen the integrated development of ecological culture and the Yellow River farming culture, red culture, and migrant culture, and organize "Beautiful NingxiaThe series of ecological literature collection activities will promote the development of ecological literature in the Yellow River and create charming cultural corridors such as the "purple" style of Helan Mountain and the scenery of the desert and the sea. We will build a "Beautiful China from Here" theme experience site, and build Liupan Mountain Ecological Museum, Shapotou Desert Research and Experimental Station and other beautiful China construction education practice basesGive full play to the role of the national "Great Ideological and Political Course" practice teaching base in cultivating and publicizing ecological culture, and improve the level of ecological culture in the whole region.(Responsible units: Autonomous Region Department of Ecology and Environment, Development and Reform Commission, Department of Culture and Tourism, etc.)

24.Practice a green and low-carbon lifestyle. Advocate a simple, moderate, green and low-carbon, civilized and healthy lifestyle and consumption pattern,Continue to promote the "CD-ROM Action" and be activePromote "saving one kilowatt-hour of electricity, using less paper, and cherishing a drop of water"1km walking,3km riding,5kilometers of public transport green travel" and other actions. We will further implement the strategy of prioritizing the development of urban public transport, strengthen the construction of urban slow traffic systems such as bicycle lanes and pedestrian walkways, and accelerate the increase in the proportion of green travel. Strengthen the management of the whole chain of excessive packaging of commodities, and reduce the consumption of disposable consumer goods and packaging materials. Accelerate the construction of a whole-process classified management system such as classified delivery, classified collection, classified transportation, and classified treatment, so as to achieve full coverage of garbage classification in urban residential areas.(Responsible units: Autonomous Region Development and Reform Commission, Department of Ecology and Environment, Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Department of Transportation, Department of Commerce, Department of Market Supervision, Administration of Government Affairs, etc.)

25.Establish a multi-participatory action system. Actively carry out a series of activities of "Beautiful Ningxia, I am a practitioner", encourage colleges and universities to carry out social practice in beautiful Ningxia, and organize volunteers to go deep into the grassroots to promote ecological and environmental protection. Actively organize major activities such as the June Five-Year Environment Day and the National Ecology Day, continue to promote the opening of environmental protection facilities, and enhance the awareness of ecological and environmental protection in the whole society. Deepen the reform of the environmental information disclosure system in accordance with the law, urge enterprises to conscientiously implement the main responsibility for ecological and environmental protection, expand the coverage of the extended producer responsibility system, encourage the introduction of advanced green production concepts and management models, and explore the development of environmental, social and corporate governance (ESGEvaluation. Guide public interest organizations to carry out social supervision of ecological and environmental protection, and improve public ecological and environmental supervision and reporting feedback mechanisms.(Responsible units: Autonomous Region Department of Ecology and Environment, Development and Reform Commission, Department of Education, Department of Industry and Information Technology, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Department of Water Resources, etc.)

(7) Improve the guarantee system for the construction of beautiful Ningxia

26.Reform and improve the policy system。 Deepen the reform of the ecological civilization system, and promote system integration and mechanism innovation in an integrated mannerOptimize the allocation of financial resources to ensure that the scale of investment matches the construction task. Intensify beautyNingxiabuilding legal guarantees,Accelerate progressEcological environment, resources and energy, etcLocal regulations and standardsMake revisionsStrengthen judicial protections in the field of ecology and the environment, and make overall plans to advance ecological and environmental damagesDamages. Strengthen coordination and cooperation between administrative law enforcement and the judiciary, and strengthen cohesion and cooperation in areas such as information circulation, situation consultation, evidence collection, dispute resolution, and ecological restoration. Implement the strictest ecological and environmental governance system of aboveground and underground, land and water, and regional linkage, and improve the institutional system for industrial structure adjustment, pollution control, ecological protection, and climate change response. Improve the source prevention management system of environmental impact assessment, fully implement the pollutant discharge permit system, and accelerate the construction of an environmental protection credit supervision system. Deepen the reform of the system of environmental information disclosure in accordance with the law, and explore the development of environmental, social and corporate governance assessments. Deeply promote the audit of natural resource assets of leading cadres leaving office, and those who blindly make decisions without regard for the ecological environment and cause serious consequences, are strictly held accountable in accordance with regulations, discipline and law, and held accountable for life. Strengthen the role of ecological and environmental departments in overall planning and coordination, supervision and management(Responsible units: Autonomous Region Department of Ecology and Environment, Development and Reform Commission, Department of Finance, Department of Natural Resources, etc.)

27.Strengthen scientific and technological leadership and talent support. Strengthen the in-depth integration of industry, university and research in ecological and environmental science and technology, guide enterprises, universities and scientific research units to build high-level scientific and technological innovation platforms for ecological and environmental protection, strengthen the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, increase the supply of efficient green environmental protection technology and equipment products, create a number of green technology innovation and environmental protection enterprises, and promote the healthy development of environmental protection industry and environmental service industry. Strengthen cooperation between ecological and environmental departments and environmental research institutes, strengthen research on the causes and control principles of ecological and environmental problems such as the traceability of air pollutants, ozone pollution, and new pollutant treatment, and focus on overcoming environmental pollution control problems. Support institutions of higher learning in the region to strengthen the construction of environmental disciplines, reserve a group of young talents with a high professional and technical level, introduce a group of high-level leading talents full-time, and promote the steady growth of the number of ecological and environmental talents in the region.(Responsible units: Autonomous Region Department of Ecology and Environment, Department of Science and Technology, Department of Education, Department of Industry and Information Technology, Department of Human Resources and Social Security, etc.)

28.Deepen digital empowerment.frameBuild a digital governance system for beautiful Ningxia and implement the ecological environment informatization projectSupport the integrated sharing and comprehensive development and utilization of ecological and environmental data resources. Accelerate the establishment of a modern ecological environment monitoring system, improve the integrated monitoring network of sky, ground and sea, strengthen the monitoring capacity of greenhouse gases, groundwater, new pollutants, noise, radiation, rural environment, etc., and achieve full coverage of coordinated monitoring of carbon reduction, pollution reduction, and green expansion. Improve the level of prediction and forecasting of ecological and environmental quality. quickenpush forwardconstruction of modern ecological environment infrastructure,aggrandizementUrban and rural and park environmental facilities, ecological environment intelligent perception and monitoring, law enforcement emergency response, nuclear and radiation safety supervisionImplement classified law enforcement and supervision of pollutant discharge units, and implement off-site law enforcement.Responsible units: Autonomous Region Department of Ecology and Environment, Department of Industry and Information Technology, Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, etc.)

3. Safeguard measures

(1) Strengthen organizational leadership.All localities and departments should regard the construction of beautiful Ningxia as a major task related to the overall situation, adhere to the principle of "the party and the government have the same responsibility, and one post has two responsibilities", and pay close attention to the "party and government".3key nodes", establish a normalized work promotion mechanism, study and solve major problems in a timely manner, and win the "nine wars" of the construction of beautiful Ningxia. The Department of Ecology and Environment of the Autonomous Region, in conjunction with the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments, will coordinate and promote the construction of "beautiful series" such as beautiful cities, beautiful rural demonstration counties, and beautiful rivers and lakes in different fields, and encourage and guide various entities such as parks, enterprises, communities, and schools to carry out the construction of beautiful cells.

(2) Responsibility for compaction work.All regions should focus on key areas such as synergy in pollution reduction and carbon reduction, improvement of environmental quality, ecological protection and restoration, and complete modern ecological and environmental infrastructure, plan and implement a number of major projects in an orderly manner according to local conditions, promote the continuous and stable improvement of environmental quality, continuously improve the urban and rural living environment, significantly improve the level of green and low-carbon development, and strengthen the ecological security barrier. All relevant departments should strengthen overall coordination, scheduling and evaluation, supervision and management, and strengthen fiscal, financial, and price policy support for key tasks and major projects in the construction of beautiful Ningxia. All regions and relevant departments every year12Before the end of the month, report to the Autonomous Region Leading Group for Ecological and Environmental Protection on the annual work of promoting the construction of beautiful Ningxia, and send a copy to the Office of the Autonomous Region Leading Group for Ecological and Environmental Protection.

(3) Carry out effectiveness evaluations.With reference to the evaluation index system for the effectiveness of the construction of Beautiful China, establish and improve the evaluation mechanism for the effectiveness of the construction of Beautiful Ningxia, formulate scientific and quantitative assessment methods, effectively connect the assessment mechanism for the effectiveness of pollution prevention and control, and organize the assessment of the city, county (district) party committees, people's congresses, governments and relevant departments of the autonomous region in a timely manner, and the assessment results will be used as an important basis for the comprehensive evaluation of the leadership team and leading cadres, the appointment and removal of rewards and punishments, and the financial support of ecological compensation and environmental protection projects in cities and counties (districts).
