China Carbon Credit Platform

From source production to end consumption, how to view the two "new breakthroughs"?

Release Time1 month ago

Recently, two new energy data in China have attracted widespread attention from the international media. One is that the installed capacity of renewable energy power generation has continued to climb to 53.8% of China's total installed power generation capacity in the first six months of this year after historically surpassing thermal power last year; the other is In July, the domestic monthly retail sales of China's new energy passenger vehicles surpassed that of traditional fuel-fired passenger vehicles for the first time, becoming a new mainstream in the market. From source production to terminal consumption, these two "new breakthroughs" indicate that China's comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development continues to accelerate, and China's status as a global leader in renewable energy has become more prominent.

In today's world, responding to climate change has become a global consensus, and promoting the transformation of green and low-carbon energy is the only way to go. However, in the process of energy transformation, different countries have different resource constraints, technical conditions, industrial supporting facilities, policy capabilities and interests. The speed and intensity of green policies vary, and some have even retrogressed. Many years ago, China planned out everything from the aspects of strategy, policy, technology, industry, consumption, etc., and continued to promote green transformation. It has finally formed today's good trend-the proportion of renewable energy in the entire energy supply structure continues to grow, and green energy The popularity of technology in the entire industrial system has steadily increased, the forms of green energy consumption terminal products have become more abundant, and the "green content" of economic and social development has continued to increase. Comprehensive green transformation continues to make new breakthroughs from quantitative accumulation to qualitative transformation.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China has implemented new development concepts, adhered to the path of green and low-carbon development, and accelerated the pace of comprehensive green transformation of domestic economic and social development. China has successively issued a series of field and industry implementation plans, including the "Carbon Peak Action Plan before 2030", the Energy Green Transformation Action, the Industrial Sector Carbon Peak Action, the Transportation Green and Low-Carbon Action, and the Circular Economy Carbon Reduction Action. Recently, the "Opinions on Accelerating the Comprehensive Green Transformation of Economic and Social Development" were newly released, and for the first time, they systematically deployed accelerating the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development from the central level. Strong macro policies and institutional design have helped China build the world's largest carbon market and clean power generation system, demonstrating to the world practical actions to build a community of life between man and nature, and injecting Chinese impetus into promoting global green transformation.

The International Energy Agency report pointed out that in 2023, the new installed capacity of global renewable energy will be 510 million kilowatts, of which China will contribute more than half, making a huge contribution to the growth of global renewable energy power generation. China's wind power and photovoltaic products are exported to more than 200 countries and regions around the world, helping developing countries obtain clean, reliable and affordable energy. The International Renewable Energy Agency reported that in the past 10 years, the average electricity cost of global wind power and photovoltaic power generation projects has dropped by more than 60% and 80% respectively, a large part of which is attributed to Chinese innovation, Made in China, and Chinese engineering. In 2022, China's renewable energy power generation will be equivalent to reducing domestic carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 2.26 billion tons. The exported wind power and photovoltaic products will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 573 million tons for other countries. The total emission reduction will account for approximately 41% of the global renewable energy conversion carbon emissions during the same period. Eric Solheim, former Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, believes that China is an indispensable force in global green transformation and an active promoter of the development of renewable energy.

The comprehensive green transformation of China's economic and social development is an unprecedented ecological revolution with far-reaching impact on human society. China's ultra-large-scale practices in strategy formulation, policy design, technology research and development, resource allocation, social mobilization, etc. have accumulated valuable experience and played a positive demonstration role for other countries to promote green and low-carbon energy transformation. In addition, mankind's fossil energy reserves are non-renewable, resource distribution is extremely uneven, geographical disputes surrounding resource competition arise one after another, while the distribution of renewable energy such as wind power and photovoltaics is relatively more balanced. Through technical means and manufacturing capabilities, the accessibility of renewable energy can be improved. Sex and popularization are effective ways to solve energy shortages and eliminate the energy gap. In this sense, as stated in an article published on the website of the Australia East Asia Forum, China's "green manufacturing capabilities" are the gospel of global energy transformation.

The transformation of green and low-carbon energy is an inevitable requirement for China's sustainable development, and it is also a major decision made by China based on the perspective of a community with a shared future for mankind. For a large country with a population of more than 1.4 billion, the way energy is produced and consumed will largely affect the future of mankind. In recent times, some developed countries have used the so-called "overcapacity" to smear and suppress China's new energy products and technologies. Their short-sighted vision and narrow-minded mind are regrettable. Despite this, China will not stop accelerating the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, and its determination to promote the harmonious coexistence of man and nature is unwavering. As comprehensive green transformation accelerates, China will surely inject continued and strong new impetus into the world's green development.
