China Carbon Credit Platform

The Torch Festival signed Chuxiong Prefecture's first carbon sink trading agreement, with a signed carbon trading volume of approximately 4400 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent

Release Time1 month ago

Recently, at the "Romantic Flower City of China" Chuxiong 2024 Yi Torch Festival Investment Promotion Conference, the first carbon sink transaction agreement of Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture (hereinafter referred to as Chuxiong Prefecture) in Yunnan Province was successfully signed, which will offset the greenhouse gas emissions generated by the Chuxiong Prefecture's 2024 Torch Festival large-scale event.

According to statistical data on the activity area of Chuxiong City during the 2023 Torch Festival, the Chuxiong Prefecture Carbon Carbon Dioxide Research Institute calculated that during the 2024 Chuxiong Torch Festival, the activity area of Chuxiong City will emit 4,397.596 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, and the total amount of carbon required will be 1,199.344 tons of carbon sink.

Chuxiong City State-owned Assets Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd., the organizer of the Torch Festival, voluntarily reduced emissions and purchased from Chuxiong Prefecture State-owned Capital Investment Group Co., Ltd. the amount of forestry carbon sinks generated through new planted afforestation projects to offset the greenhouse gas emissions generated by the large-scale activities of the Torch Festival in Chuxiong Prefecture in 2024., achieving carbon neutrality for the large-scale activities of the Torch Festival in Chuxiong Prefecture in 2024. The two parties signed an agreement, based on the average trading price of 91.90 yuan per ton of carbon dioxide equivalent in June 2024 of the National Carbon Carbon Exchange Market Trading Network, and agreed that the carbon trading volume is 4400 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, with a transaction amount of more than 400,000 yuan.

The Chuxiong Prefecture Carbon Carbon Sinking Research Institute calculated the planted afforestation project of Chuxiong Prefecture State-owned Capital Investment Group Co., Ltd. in Mouding County. It is estimated that the planted afforestation will generate carbon sinks of 1,262.672 tons of carbon in the next three years and absorb 4,629.799 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent of greenhouse gases., enough to achieve all carbon neutrality goals within the activity area of Chuxiong City, the large-scale event of the Yi Torch Festival in 2024.

It is reported that the carbon neutrality project for the 2024 Yi Torch Festival large-scale event in Chuxiong, China is the first carbon sink trading project in Chuxiong Prefecture. This project is guided by promoting high-quality development in an all-round way and coordinates the relationship between economic and social development and carbon emission reduction., with the goal of creating a green and low-carbon social action demonstration, adhere to the organic combination of government guidance and social participation, and explore the formation of a long-term carbon neutrality mechanism for large-scale activities that meets international standards, meets national requirements, and has Chuxiong characteristics. The implementation of the project can form a demonstration and leading effect across the state, guide large-scale social activities to actively carry out carbon neutrality, spread and popularize green and low-carbon concepts, practice green and low-carbon lifestyles, and create a good atmosphere for the whole society to participate in carbon neutrality., accelerate the formation of new ways of green production and life, and help Chuxiong achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality with pioneering demonstration standards.

This project can not only effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect the ecological environment, but also promote the popularization and practice of low-carbon and environmental protection concepts, promote sustainable economic and social development, and make positive contributions to the global response to climate change.
