China Carbon Credit Platform

How does Longquanyi do it to manage mountains and water to release the "green kinetic energy" of development?

Release Time5 months ago

"Yedian Qichi has a good flavor, and Hutong is boiled in the mountain spring first." Historically, Longquanyi is a post station set up by the ancient dynasty, as an important post station leading from the Chengdu Plain to the southeast of Sichuan, where the northern and southern cultures spread and intersected, and built a profound heritage of Longquanyi's history and culture. Today, the high-speed development of Longquanyi is an important automobile manufacturing base in China, covering the whole series of models and the whole chain of coordinated development of the automobile industry is being rolled out here.

Longquanyi District, located in the east of Chengdu, Sichuan Province, is the site of the opening ceremony of the 31st Summer Universiade and the Universiade Village, data shows that as of April 7, 2024, the number of good days in Longquanyi District is 81, an increase of 7 days year-on-year;2.5It was 45 micrograms per cubic meter, an improvement of 16.7% year-on-year, and the comprehensive air quality index was 3.83, an improvement of 13.7% year-on-year, ranking first in the city in terms of absolute value and improvement rate. At the same time, as an important gateway of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle, it has an annual output of more than one million vehicles and an output value of more than 150 billion yuan, ranking first in the county-level administrative region of Sichuan Province in terms of economic aggregate for 10 consecutive years.

While promoting high-quality economic development, Longquanyi does a good job in high-level protection of the ecological environment, so that industrial development and ecological beauty can achieve both?

Precise gas control and promote green, low-carbon and high-quality development in the region

There are more than 2,000 industrial enterprises in the Longquanyi Automobile City area, and about 400 industrial enterprises above the designated size. It has gathered 10 vehicle enterprises and more than 500 parts enterprises...... The automotive industry has become a veritable leading industry in the region.

For Longquanyi, how to keep this green water and green mountains while grasping the high-quality development of the industry is the direction of the manager's efforts.

"The area of 558 square kilometers of the whole area is divided into 634 grids, and the atmospheric environment elements in the grid are continuously monitored in real time, accurately and comprehensively. Li Xiaojun, deputy director of the Longquanyi Ecological Environment Bureau, said that Longquanyi District took the lead in building the province's first "intelligent atmospheric environment monitoring and governance system" in 2020, forming a high-precision global air pollution monitoring network.

As an important part of this system, Longquanyi District has laid out hundreds of "mobile + fixed" monitoring points in the whole area, as well as monitoring equipment assembled on buses and taxis.

"Suspected sources of contamination were found, and muck was dumped near the ring road. "A few days ago, the system pushed the air quality warning information to the mobile app of the staff of the supervision center.

Subsequently, the inspectors went to the scene to verify and found that the muck truck was dumping the muck operation, and the body was not washed and the mud was on the road. The inspectors will then feedback the verification situation to the system, and the system will push it to the relevant departments to supervise and rectify, and then they will upload the rectification measures and effects to the system.

Online supervision and offline disposal, relying on this system, a complete closed loop from atmospheric environment monitoring, early warning, traceability to rectification has been formed. Since the launch of the system, good results have been achieved.

How to help the green transformation and upgrading of 1,161 gas-related enterprises in the jurisdiction has become the key to promoting high-quality regional development. Not long ago, the second batch of pilot creation lists of near-zero carbon emission zones in Chengdu were announced. Three units, including Sichuan Lynk & Co Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd., declared by Longquanyi District, were selected into the list, and the three pilots will reduce carbon emission intensity and total amount year by year.

"During the establishment period, we will apply coating waste heat recovery projects, new photovoltaic projects, refrigerator optimization projects, etc., which are expected to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than 800 tons per year. Tan Gang, safety and environmental protection manager of Sichuan Lynk & Co Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd., said. Up to now, Longquanyi District has successfully applied for 29 AB-level enterprises and created 8 near-zero carbon scenarios, ranking first in the city in terms of the number of creations.

"In addition, we have invited relevant experts and scholars to go deep into the enterprise for many times to conduct a detailed review of the company's production process, waste gas treatment process, and the raw and auxiliary materials used, listen to the introduction of the company's waste gas treatment work, and help the enterprise to carefully study and judge the countermeasures for the upgrading and transformation of the enterprise, put forward reasonable suggestions for the upgrading and transformation of the enterprise, help the enterprise to implement scientific policies, and formulate a 'one enterprise one policy' transformation plan. Li Xiaojun said.

In 2023, the comprehensive air quality index ranking of Longquanyi District will rise 4 places year-on-year in Chengdu, ranking first in the central urban area. In order to ensure more blue skies and white clouds. Longquanyi implements refined control and intelligent management in key control areas, strengthens the prevention and control of dust, oil smoke pollution, auto repair pollution, mobile source pollution, and industrial source pollution at construction sites, supervises and urges various pollution sources to implement emergency emission reduction measures through high-intensity inspections and inspections, and routinely carries out road inspection and sampling of heavy-duty diesel vehicles, night sampling inspection of heavily polluted weather and non-road machinery testing, and strives to reduce the peak of pollutants and ensure the maximum number of good air days.

Manage the water, and the cross-section water quality compliance rate is 100%

In the ribbon park on both sides of the Shiling River, the air is fresh and the environment is comfortable. After years of governance, the original 7 sections of black and odorous water bodies in the jurisdiction of Shiling Street have now become a picturesque "ecological green corridor".

Longquanyi, located in the southeast of Chengdu and located in the Minjiang and Tuojiang River basins, has paid a huge price for the environment due to the rapid development of industry, and the problem of water pollution has become increasingly prominent.

"We will promote the protection of water resources, water environment governance, and water ecological restoration as a whole to ensure the continuous improvement of the water ecological environment. Yu Yu, a member of the party group of Longquanyi Ecological Environment Bureau, introduced that Longquanyi continued to carry out the "626 action" of water pollution prevention and control, strengthened water quality scheduling, implemented water ecological monitoring, regularly carried out monthly water quality scheduling and quarterly ranking, fully implemented the management of the river chief system, strengthened the supervision of sewage treatment facilities, supervised the rectification of problems in place, steadily improved the quality of the water environment in the main sections, and ensured the safety and stability of water quality.

"Now that the amount of water is small, we can see the situation on the riverbed more clearly. "A folk river chief is leading the team to patrol the river in the depths of Longquan Mountain. The folk river chief has always been active in the front line of river protection and is an important force in protecting the river and loving the river.

Since the implementation of the "river chief system", Longquanyi has given full play to the overall planning and coordination of the district chief river chief office and the role of river chiefs at all levels in patrolling, checking and governing the river. In addition to the "civil river chief", a number of teams such as "enterprise river chief" and "red river chief" have also been set up to form a strong joint force for the whole people to participate in the work of the "river chief system".

Hidden under the buildings in the Steep Gou River Ribbon Park is a sewage treatment plant, which is the first buried sewage treatment plant in Longquanyi District, the second plant of the Steep Gully River Sewage Treatment Plant. The plant is designed to have a capacity of 100,000 tonnes per day, which can meet the demand for wastewater treatment in the jurisdiction.

As a key project in the key areas of the ten key areas of the Longquanyi District for a happy and beautiful life, the entire production workshop of this sewage treatment plant is built underground, which will not affect the daily life of the surrounding residents when it operates, and the above-ground part is designed as a landscape park.

At present, the total scale of sewage treatment in Longquanyi District is 460,000 tons per day, and the indicators of ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus in effluent water quality are better than those of surface water Class IV standards.

In recent years, the quality of the water ecological environment in Longquanyi District of Chengdu has been continuously improved, and the people have experienced the happiness brought by the improvement of the ecological environment. Since 2021, the water quality compliance rate of the section included in the assessment at the municipal level and above in Longquanyi District has been 100%, and the water quality of the river has improved year by year, and in 2023, all the main rivers above the municipal level in Longquanyi District have reached the surface water class II for the first time, and the black and odorous water bodies in urban built-up areas and rural areas have been dynamically cleared.

Through Saixing City, a good ecology is transformed into a "good money scene"

In July 2023, the cauldron of the 31st Summer Universiade (hereinafter referred to as the Universiade) was lit on the shore of Dong'an Lake in Longquanyi District. Longquanyi took the Chengdu Universiade as an opportunity to take advantage of the Saixing City to promote the city's butterfly change.

On the past Arbor Day, the Longquanyi area of Longquanshan Urban Forest Park ushered in the peak of the flow of people, and a total of more than 300 people walked into the Baocang Bay Voluntary Tree Planting Base in Longquanyi Area of Longquanshan Urban Forest Park on the same day, sowing seeds in the mountains and forests for the next spring.

This year is the 7th year that the "Baoshantou" tree planting activity in Longquanshan Urban Forest Park has been held. In the past seven years, a total of 23,000 acres of afforestation have been completed on Longquan Mountain, and 1.9 million trees have been newly planted and managed.

In 2023, the forest coverage rate of Longquanyi will reach 42.5%, 32 square kilometers of splendid Tianfu will spread out the picture scroll of "urban pastoral and rural parks", Qinglong Lake, Dong'an Lake, Longquan Lake and other water bodies will form a chain, and the excellent air quality rate will reach the national first-class standard all year round, and "half green mountains and half cities" will become the unique urban form of Longquanyi.

In the past year, 22 old residential areas and 4 urban villages have been renovated, with a construction area of about 220,000 square meters, creating a more clean and orderly living environment.

In recent years, Longquanyi has accelerated the transformation of Longquanshan's ecological value.

In 2023, Longquanyi will put forward the strategy of "three better and stronger", taking the project cluster as the starting point to comprehensively sound the call for the six functional areas, including the Longquanshan Urban Forest Park area, to advance and prosper together. "We have always adhered to the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, and accelerated the construction of urban forest park infrastructure and major leading projects with ecological protection and cultivation and ecological value transformation, so as to create an urban green heart, a citizen paradise and a park city meeting room. Liu Jiaping, deputy director of the Longquanshan Urban Forest Park Area Headquarters Office, said.

For a period of time, "Longquan Mountain Sunrise" has become one of the most popular "new triathlons" among young people in Chengdu, and a variety of emerging characteristic formats are also presented in the Longquan Mountain Urban Forest Park area.

In order to meet the needs of waiting for the rising sun, bathing in the sunset at night, and watching the lights at night, the Longquan Mountain Urban Forest Park area focuses on natural resources such as Longquan Mountain Cloud Waterfall and quaint forests, and carries out multi-value mining such as sightseeing, vacation experience, and landscape photography, introduces new tourism formats, enhances interactive, immersive, and entertainment experiences, and realizes the creative transformation of ecological value into economic value.

In Hongqi Village, Tong'an Street, Wangjiawan Sichuan West Linpan has been formed. Emerging formats such as cultural and creative, leisure, and homestay have settled here, the original farmer's homesteads, farmland, and pond weirs have flowed out, and the water system and woodland have jointly shaped a new way of life in the western Sichuan forest, and mountain bookstores, restaurants, homestays, and fitness and sightseeing trails have made the once unpopular mountain village a new consumption scene for the transformation of ecological value.

"Let tourists come and not want to leave. "With the overall transformation of the 7-kilometer-long Zhongjiashan Forest Trail and viewing platform in the Longquan Mountain Urban Forest Park area, the landscape scene and perfect public facilities have been continuously optimized. Nowadays, the upgraded Zhongjiashan area has a richer landscape and more complete public facilities, which can better meet the diverse needs of citizens and tourists.

"Shanshui Longquanyi, Vitality Automobile City". Towards such a goal, Longquanyi will run the concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" throughout the whole process of urban development, and constantly consolidate the green background. Nowadays, the clear water, green shore and beautiful scenery in Longquanyi are landing step by step, from vision to reality.
