China Carbon Credit Platform

Ningxia revises the management measures for the adjustment and review of reserve emission rights indicators

Release Time3 months ago

Reporters recently from NingxiaHuiIt was learned at a press conference held by the autonomous region that in order to continuously improve the emissions trading policy system, ensure market balance and rational allocation of resources, and promote the in-depth development of reform, Ningxia revised and issued the "Ningxia"HuiAdministrative Measures for the Adjustment and Review of Reserve Emission Rights Indicators in Autonomous Regions "(hereinafter referred to as the" Administrative Measures ").

The reform of emission rights is one of Ningxia's "six rights"(water rights, land rights, emission rights, mountain and forest rights, energy rights, and carbon emission rights) reforms. Its core is to establish "whoever pollutes will pay, and whoever reduces emissions will benefit" The mechanism is conducive to fundamentally consolidating pollution control results, promoting energy conservation and emission reduction from the source, and strategically expanding environmental capacity.

At present, what is the specific effectiveness of Ningxia's emission rights reform?

according to the NingxiaHuiWang Xingwen, a second-level inspector of the Autonomous Region's Department of Ecology and Environment, said that since the reform of emissions trading, Ningxia has used market mechanisms to optimize resource allocation, established a policy and institutional system for emission rights reform, calculated and released the base price of transactions, calculated initial emission rights, tradable emission rights, and added "four accounts" for emission rights and government reserves of emission rights, so as to achieve "all that should be confirmed","all that should be reported" and "all that should be stored", build a unified trading platform for the whole region, and launch volatile organic compound trading pilot in Yinchuan City. Achieving "three full coverage" of trading areas, pollution factors and industry categories, trading activity continues to increase. Since Ningxia reached its first emissions trading in September 2021, the Ningxia emissions trading market has begun to take shape. Many companies have benefited through transactions, mortgage loans, etc., and the emission rights indicator has changed from "numbers" to "wealth".

So far, Ningxia has completed a total of 502 emissions trading transactions, with an amount of 39.83 million yuan and a transaction volume of 5074 tons. It has supported the construction of more than 200 projects and is the first among the nine provinces and regions along the Yellow River and the five northwest provinces and regions to achieve cross-city transactions. Giving emission rights financial attributes, 20 mortgage loans were made in the form of "emission rights +", with a credit amount of 454 million yuan, which activated the "sleeping capital" of emission rights and "lending" stimulated the green development of enterprises. Through reforms, the social orientation of "limited capacity, valuable resources, and paid use" has been gradually established, and the endogenous motivation of enterprises to reduce pollution and reduce emissions has been fully mobilized, shifting from "asking me to reduce emissions" to "I want to reduce emissions", promoting Ningxia has completed the emission reduction of major pollutant projects issued by the state during the "14th Five-Year Plan" two years ahead of schedule, forming a virtuous cycle of "emission reduction supports new increases".

This time, Ningxia revised and issued the "Management Measures", which appropriately expanded the scope and proportion of support for reserve emission rights at the autonomous region level, optimized the adjustment review conditions and procedures, and further unblocked reserves between autonomous regions and prefecture-level cities, and between prefecture-level cities and prefecture-level cities. Circulation channels for emission rights to better support the construction of major projects and the development of "six new, six specialties and six excellent" industries.

In the next step, Ningxia will strengthen the dynamic update of emission rights trading data, build a comprehensive emission rights management platform, open up data barriers, realize the exchange and sharing of transaction data and transaction subject information, and form a "one network" for confirmation of rights, transactions, services, and supervision. Accelerate the pilot trading of volatile organic compounds in Yinchuan. Organize and approve a batch of government reserve emission rights and enterprise-tradable emission rights, guide enterprises to actively enter the market for trading, and effectively increase trading activity. Implement the total emission reduction project of major pollutants, strive to expand emission reduction results, and make available valuable space for the construction of major projects and the development of "six specialties, six new and six excellent" industries.
