China Carbon Credit Platform

Is there a prospect for non-electric utilization of biomass, and what does the industry think?

Release Time6 months ago

"Biomass can be used for power generation, why should non-electric utilization still be promoted?" "Biomass non-electric utilization in many fields is not economical, is there a development prospect?"

A few days ago, the Biomass Energy Industry Branch of the China Industrial Development Promotion Association held the "Seminar on the Development of Biomass Energy Industry on the Suggestions of Representatives of the Two Sessions" (hereinafter referred to as the seminar), and relevant experts and industry insiders discussed the future development of biomass energy.

The reporter of this newspaper found that on the online interactive platform of the seminar, many people have reservations about the future development of the field of non-electric utilization. To this end, our reporter interviewed a number of experts to analyze the prospects for non-electric utilization of biomass.

Biomass can also be developed for non-electricity in addition to power generation

Biomass energy is connected to environmental governance on the one hand, and energy revolution on the other.

It is understood that the source of biomass is mainly solid waste such as agricultural and forestry waste, and representative biomass includes: crops, crop waste, wood, wood waste and animal manure.

"Whether it's agricultural and forestry waste, or livestock manure, biomass is very different from other renewable energy sources. Because the biomass of agriculture and animal husbandry is bound to be produced, it must also be treated, and through active treatment, it will achieve the best environmental and ecological effects, and at the same time, it also has good economic benefits. Yang Xudong, deputy dean of the School of Architecture of Tsinghua University, told this reporter.

It is understood that affected by relevant national policies and subsidies, at present, the utilization of biomass in China is mainly concentrated in the field of biomass power generation. But biomass energy is still availablebiogas, compression molding solid fuel, gasification to produce gas, gasification power generation, productionFuel alcohol, the production of biodiesel and other forms, can be used in various fields of the national economy.

According to the "14th Five-Year Plan" for renewable energy development, during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, it is necessary to expand the scale of non-electric direct utilization of renewable energy, continue to promote the commercial application of clean liquid fuels such as fuel ethanol and biodiesel, and expand the large-scale substitution of gasoline and diesel in heavy-duty road transportation, aviation and shipping.

The "Implementation Plan for Science and Technology to Support Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality (2022-2030)" also proposes to strengthen the utilization of biomass aviation kerosene, biomass diesel, ethanol, biomass natural gas, biomass pyrolysis and other aspects.

Ren Dongming, a researcher at the Energy Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission, said in an interview with this reporter: "The development of biomass energy needs to be adapted to local conditions, and a way of power generation cannot fully adapt to the development and utilization of biomass energy resources. In addition to power generation, biomass can be developed for non-electric purposes, such as gas, liquid and solid fuels, or into products such as fertilizers and activated carbon, which can improve the efficiency of the industry. ”

The decarbonization of shipping, aviation and other fields should be supplemented by biomass energy    

Yuan Aiping, director of Hunan Qiyuan Law Firm, said that although electrification is an important direction for China's future development, in fact, there are still many fields, such as shipping, aviation and some heavy industrial fields, to achieve decarbonization goals, which need to be supplemented by the non-electric use of biomass energy.

"The non-electric utilization of biomass energy has a better room to play in mitigating climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Yuan Aiping said.

In addition, it is understood that the cost of biomass power generation is not low, an industry insider who has been deeply involved in the field of biomass non-electricity for many years told this reporter: "Many biomass power generation is still in a state of loss. ”

According to Luo Guangquan, biomass power generation is different from waste incineration power generation. For example, to purchase a ton of straw or waste wood chips, it will cost about 300 yuan to 400 yuan, and in some places even 500 yuan, which is relatively high.

"Biomass energy, especially after the realization of power generation, the cost of power generation itself is still very high, because it has a complex storage system. Yuan Aiping also pointed out that at present, the country's policy subsidies for biomass power generation are slowly weakening, and the competitiveness of biomass power generation is relatively weak. In this case, it is necessary to highlight the ecological significance and value of biomass.

"In response to climate change, the importance of biomass energy is mainly its low-carbon nature. Shi Lishan, former deputy director of the New and Renewable Energy Department of the National Energy Administration and vice president of the China Industrial Development Promotion Association, told this reporter, "Biomass energy can replace traditional fuel industries, such as biogas, natural gas, especially liquid fuels, including aviation and marine fuels." In addition, biodiesel, biomethanol, and bioethanol all use the zero-carbon and low-carbon characteristics of biomass to produce some fuels, which are not only renewable, but also have the opportunity to replace fossil fuels. At present, the biodiesel produced in China can already be exported to Europe, and its green premium is very high".

"With such a good ecological significance and value, we should expand its ecological value and significance, encourage it to realize non-electric use, and reduce carbon emissions. Yuan Aiping said.

The cost and benefit of non-electric utilization of biomass have advantages

"Because some biomass is not used economically for non-electric use, it is difficult to promote it, for example, biomass natural gas. The above-mentioned industry insiders said.

Yang Xudong also pointed out that at present, everyone hopes to use biomass straw to produce relatively scarce liquid fuel for transportation, but its technical requirements and economic cost ratio make it much more difficult to directly convert it into heat as solid fuel.

Shi Lishan also said: "Now some of the biomass non-electric utilization fields have just started, and everyone may also see its future, but there are still some immature places in technology, or the cost is relatively high." For example, compared with traditional fossil fuels to make methanol, the cost of making from biomass is 4-5 times higher, and the cost is very high. But this cost will definitely come down with technological progress. ”

It is worth mentioning that the non-electric use of biomass is not costly in every field. In terms of using biomass for steam supply (non-electric utilization), high-efficiency and low-pollution combustion technology is relatively mature and has a price advantage.

The above-mentioned industry insiders pointed out that biomass clean combustion technology can provide enterprises with cheaper steam. And these technologies are very mature. The high-efficiency and low-pollution layer-fired chamber-fired composite combustion boilers, high-efficiency biomass pellet fuel boilers, and multi-process biomass circulating fluidized bed boilers mentioned in the "Green and Low-Carbon Transformation Industry Guidance Catalogue (2024 Edition)" released this year can all realize the efficient and low-carbon energy conversion of biomass.

The industry insiders calculated that if an enterprise uses electricity to produce steam, a ton of steam will consume 700 kilowatt-hours, and the cost will be 490 yuan according to 0.7 yuan/kWh; it will take about 80 cubic meters of natural gas to produce one ton of steam, and the cost will be 320 yuan according to the calculation of 4 yuan per cubic meter of natural gas; the use of biomass to produce steam, one ton of biomass can produce 3.5 tons of steam, and the higher price of biomass will be 500 yuan. The cost of producing 3.5 tons of steam is about 142 yuan per ton of steam, and there are still advantages with labor and equipment investment.

"Encouraging the non-electric use of biomass can promote industrial upgrading. Yuan Aiping said that biomass fuel can promote the development of related industries, because the technology it requires, whether it is research and development or technology promotion, will inject green ideas into the economy and cultivate new economic growth points. In this way, it can not only increase the profitability of the field of biomass utilization, but also make the sustainable development of biomass more supportive.
