China Carbon Credit Platform

The country's first dual-fuel tugboat completed 100 LNG refills in Zhenhai Port Area, significantly reducing pollutant emissions

Release Time2 months ago

Recently, the "Yonggang Xiaotuo No. 60" vessel of Ningbo Yougang Boat and Barge Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Zhen Haigang District, completed the 100th LNG fuel filling operation at the LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) Work Ship Terminal of Ningbo Zhoushan Port.


The "Yonggang Xiaotuo No. 60" is the first LNG and diesel dual fuel port in the country to be used as a tugboat. According to monitoring, when using LNG fuel operating mode, it reduces sulfur oxide emissions by nearly 98%, nitrogen oxide emissions by 85% and carbon dioxide emissions by 20% compared with traditional fuel operating mode.

Since it was put into operation in January 2020, Ningbo Yougang Ship and Barge Co., Ltd. has continued to explore the normalized LNG filling and LNG operation mode of the "Yonggang Xiaotuo 60" ship, continuously strengthened technological transformation innovation and system optimization, and formulated special operation plans to increase the proportion of LNG fuel use, setting a record of 72.18% in a single month and 87.65% in a single week.


At present, the "Yonggang Xiaotuo No. 60" ship has used a total of 1,535.76 tons of LNG fuel, saving about 3 million yuan in costs compared with traditional fuel oil operation and reducing carbon emissions by more than 610 tons. After the 100th LNG fuel filling operation, the relevant person in charge of the barge company said that Zhenhai Port Area will continue to follow the path of ecological priority and green development, create more demonstration tugboat models, and contribute to the construction of a green and low-carbon port.
