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Ni Haiqiong, deputy to the National People's Congress: It is recommended to vigorously promote ultra-low energy consumption buildings

Release Time6 months ago

At present, China's housing development has changed from a total shortage to a structural shortage of supply, and has entered a period of development of structural optimization and quality improvement.

However, at present, many buildings in China still have problems such as low energy saving rate, high operating energy consumption, too dry season, too high humidity in summer, and high noise of ordinary air conditioners.

At this year's National People's Congress and the National People's Congress, Ni Haiqiong, a representative of the National People's Congress and president of Hebei Aorun Shunda Group, put forward a proposal on "vigorously promoting ultra-low energy consumption buildings".

Ni Haiqiong said that the construction of many important components such as circuits, pipelines, external wall insulation, doors and windows of some buildings in China is relatively rough, which greatly reduces the quality and service life of the building, resulting in a huge waste of "building and repairing, repairing and changing", and the house has fallen into the severe dilemma of "difficult to change and more difficult to demolish" after twenty or thirty years, which is seriously mismatched with social development. Therefore, it is of great significance to promote ultra-low energy buildings.

Ni Haiqiong told this reporter that ultra-low energy consumption buildings have broken through the disadvantages of some traditional buildings, and subversively integrated "low energy consumption, high technology, high quality, big health, big data, big platform, and big market", that is, "one low, two high, four big" system.

According to reports, "one low" is "low energy consumption", through the integration of passive doors and windows, environmental integrated machines, ventilation ducts, thermal insulation seals, intelligent sunshades and other systems with independent intellectual property rights, the energy-saving rate is increased by more than 90% compared with traditional buildings. It is estimated that if all urban and rural buildings in northern China adopt ultra-low energy consumption buildings, it can save about 350 million tons of coal for heating and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 900 million tons every year.

"Two highs" is "high quality, high-tech", the use of high-tech system integration design thinking, effectively eliminate the disadvantages of traditional buildings, and extend the service life by more than five times.

The "Big Four" are "big health, big data, big market, and big platform" to make the living environment better, and at the same time, relying on the big data cloud platform, it can realize all-weather intelligent operation and maintenance and "nanny-style" hosting services. At the same time, it can also promote the comprehensive upgrading of upstream and downstream related industries.

In order to better promote the development of this disruptive industrial revolution and promote the high-quality transformation and upgrading of the industry, Ni Haiqiong suggested that first of all, it is necessary to expand the scenario application of ultra-low energy consumption buildings. Strengthen demonstration and guidance in public construction projects, especially in major national strategic projects such as the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and the construction of Xiong'an New Area, and encourage the use of ultra-low energy consumption building technology in the form of special subsidies in the renovation of existing buildings and new rural construction.

Second, we need to increase support for green finance. Banks and other financial institutions should take the lead in setting up special loans for ultra-low energy consumption building construction, encourage financial institutions to actively develop relevant credit products, and build a "green channel" for financial support that prioritizes acceptance, approval and delivery.  

In addition, we should increase the publicity and popularization of green health care buildings. Make the concepts of green health care building, big health, big data, and big market deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and expand the influence of the industry.
