China Carbon Credit Platform

China Shipbuilding: Promote green shipbuilding and contribute to the construction of a beautiful China

Release Time4 months ago

China Shipbuilding Group resolutely implementspracticeNear-flatGuided by the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the idea of ecological civilization deepens the implementation of the major decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on carbon peaking and carbon neutrality and the "Opinions on Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of a Beautiful China", in accordance with the relevant work deployment of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, under the leadership of the Group's Party Group, adheres to the path of green, low-carbon and high-quality development, takes green and low-carbon development as an important focus for practicing the new development concept and building a new development pattern, continues to enhance the ability to guarantee green development, and accelerates the construction of a strong green manufacturing system. Actively create a world-class green ship group and contribute to the construction of a beautiful China.

Deepen fine management, and significantly improve the level of process control capabilities

CSSC has further promoted the integration of refined management of energy conservation and carbon reduction with its main business, formulated refined management requirements, standardized the management of energy conservation and carbon reduction from three aspects: strengthening system operation, paying close attention to process management, and consolidating basic capabilities, and guided member units to improve the level of refined management of energy conservation and carbon reduction. Focusing on key links, we continue to carry out energy-saving diagnosis, put forward improvement suggestions to help enterprises dig deep into the potential of energy conservation and carbon reduction, improve energy efficiency, and the energy-saving diagnosis work has been fully affirmed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. Strictly monitor the dynamic monitoring of indicator data, establish a monthly reporting mechanism, strengthen indicator tracking and early warning analysis, and select key units for one-on-one special research to determine improvement measures. Strengthen supervision and inspection, establish a working mechanism for key inspections and cross-inspections of the group company, formulate inspection lists, standardize inspection procedures, and urge member units to grasp rectification and promote improvement. Give full play to the role of the assessment baton, incorporate energy conservation and carbon reduction into the performance appraisal system, and guide all units to continuously improve the level of energy conservation and carbon reduction.

We have made breakthroughs in value creation and the promotion and application of advanced technologies

CSSC vigorously promotes the application of green and low-carbon technologies, and the group company implements the Bluesail project and comprehensively carries out distributed rooftop photovoltaic construction within the group, which effectively solves the problem that it is difficult to implement projects with poor economy due to the scattered geographical distribution of member units, different electricity prices and lighting conditions, and maximizes green benefits. After the completion of the project, it is expected to reduce carbon emissions by about 180,000 tons per year, accounting for 4% of the carbon emissions of the group company, and create economic benefits of about 240 million yuan and net profits of about 48 million yuan per year. After the implementation of the project, it is expected to reduce carbon emissions by about 100,000 tons per year, accounting for 2.2% of the carbon emissions of the group company, and create economic benefits of about 140 million yuan and net profit of about 45 million yuan per year.

Bluesail Project Rooftop Photovoltaic Project

Smart air compressor station renovation project

Establish a demonstration model, and continue to build a strong green manufacturing system for ships

CSSC integrates the concept of green development into all fields of production and operation, absorbs advanced experience, and accelerates the construction of an efficient, clean, low-carbon and circular green manufacturing system. Give full play to professional advantages, organize scientific research teams to participate in the construction of national energy-saving, green and low-carbon standardization; Carry out special training to guide member units to carry out the creation of green manufacturing system; Actively organize the declaration, give full play to the exemplary role of benchmarking units, and drive more units to participate in the construction of green manufacturing system; Strengthen positive incentives, include the achievements of green manufacturing system creation in performance appraisal bonus items, and enhance the enthusiasm and initiative of member units to carry out the construction of green manufacturing system. At present, CSSC has established 18 national green factories, 3 green supply chain management enterprises, 3 green design demonstration enterprises, and 4 products have been rated as national green design products, and the construction of green manufacturing system has achieved fruitful results.

Strengthen digital and intelligent management, and fully deploy an online system for energy conservation and carbon reduction

CSSC has vigorously promoted the process of digital and intelligent energy conservation and carbon reduction management, and developed the first group-level energy conservation and carbon reduction management information system - an integrated online management system for energy and carbon emissions. The system uses the Internet of Things technology to realize the real-time collection and monitoring of the energy consumption and carbon emission data of member units, and displays the energy use and carbon emission characteristics of each unit in a more timely, accurate and intuitive manner, providing a decision-making basis for formulating a more accurate energy conservation and carbon reduction work plan. At present, the system has entered the stage of full deployment, and it is planned to complete the data access of all sub-units at all levels in 2024 to realize real-time monitoring and early warning of main energy consumption data.

The group's energy and carbon emission integrated online management system

Implement the requirements of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, and continue to deepen the theoretical research on green and low-carbon

CSSC actively promotes the construction of carbon footprint management system, carries out research on carbon footprint accounting methods and carbon labeling of ship products, selects typical ship types and supporting products to carry out carbon footprint accounting pilot work, studies and determines the carbon footprint accounting methods of ship products, establishes a carbon emission factor database and activity level database, realizes a comprehensive accounting of carbon emissions in the process of ship construction, finds out the carbon emission base of ship products, accurately taps the potential of energy conservation and carbon reduction, and helps improve the green competitiveness of ship products. Carry out research on the evaluation index system of green ships in the whole life cycle, enrich and improve the connotation of green ship products, incorporate indicators such as energy and resource conservation, greenhouse gas emission reduction, and ecological environmental protection into the green evaluation category of the whole life cycle of ship products, establish evaluation standards for the green level of ship products, point out the development direction for the green transformation and upgrading of ship products, and enhance the brand influence of green ships.

 Research content and results of marine product carbon footprint accounting

Publicizing and implementing the green concept, the construction of ship green culture has achieved remarkable results

CSSC actively carries out the construction of green development culture, and regularly organizes special training on energy conservation and low carbon to improve employees' sense of responsibility, management level and ability to perform their duties. Establish a green and low-carbon benchmarking enterprise, and organize member units to hold on-site meetings to exchange and promote advanced experience. The innovative achievements and practical experience of CSSC in actively fulfilling its green and low-carbon social responsibilities have been widely recognized, and it has been awarded the 2023 "Excellent ESG Case of Chinese Enterprises", and the materials and videos of green development experience have been published on the websites of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. Compile a green development culture manual, condense the connotation of ship green culture, and promote the concept of green development to become the goal pursuit and action consciousness of the majority of employees.

CSSC was awarded as an excellent ESG case of Chinese enterprises

Forum on Energy Management for the Marine Industry

Green is the distinctive background color of China in the new era, and green development is a prominent feature of Chinese modernization. Facing the new stage of development, CSSC will firmly establish the concept of green development, continue to improve the level of refined management of energy conservation and carbon reduction, accelerate the innovation of production technology and the application of green technology, and make new and greater contributions to promoting the green development of China's shipbuilding industry and building a beautiful China.
