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Gansu Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment held the third press conference in 2024

Release Time5 months ago

On the morning of March 26, the Gansu Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment held the third press conference in 2024, Yuan Yi, director of the Financial Audit Division of the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, and Yin Yue, director of the Environmental Emergency Management Division, attended the press conference to introduce the relevant situation to media reporters and answer questions from reporters around the province's special ecological fund investment and ecological compensation work and environmental emergency management and related work. The press conference was presided over by Lu Xuewu, director of the Publicity and Education Department of the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment.


Moderator: Ladies and gentlemen, good morning, welcome to the third press conference of the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment in 2024.

At today's press conference, we invited Yuan Yi, Director of the Financial Audit Division of the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, and Yin Yue, Director of the Environmental Emergency Management Division, to introduce the province's special funds for the ecological environment and ecological compensation, as well as the development of environmental emergency management and related work, and answer questions from reporters. Present at today's press conference are reporters and friends from more than 10 news media of the central government stationed in Gansu, provinces, and municipalities.

First of all, I would like to report on the environmental quality status of the province in February 2024.

In February 2024, the average concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and inhalable particulate matter (PM10) was 73 micrograms per cubic meter, and the proportion of good days in the province was 71.6%. 93.2% of the 74 state-controlled sections had excellent water quality (reaching or better than Class III), and 1.4% of the water bodies were inferior to Class V.

Next, Comrade Yuan Yi is invited to introduce the province's special fund investment in ecological environment and ecological compensation.


Yuan Yi: Friends from the media, good morning! Thank you for your concern and support for the province's ecological and environmental protection work over the years. According to the meeting arrangement, I will mainly introduce to you the special fund investment of the province's ecological environment and the development of horizontal ecological compensation in the river basin in 2023.

First, the central and provincial special funds are sought

2023 is a crucial year for in-depth pollution prevention and control, and through active efforts, a total of 3.437 billion yuan of special funds for the ecological environment at the central and provincial levels have been issued throughout the year. Among them, the central government's special funds were 2.837 billion yuan, an increase of 280 million yuan or 11 percent year-on-year, the central water pollution prevention and control incentive fund ranked first among the nine provinces and autonomous regions in the Yellow River Basin, and the central air pollution prevention and control incentive fund ranked first in the country. In terms of provincial special funds, the provincial party committee and the provincial government attach great importance to ecological and environmental protection work, and increase financial support under the premise of "living a tight life" to ensure ecological and environmental protection investment, and special funds continue to grow. On the basis of the original departmental budget in 2022, it will increase by 5 million yuan to 600 million yuan, including 232 million yuan of transfer payments to municipal and state funds and 368 million yuan at the provincial level.

The investment of special funds for ecological environment has played an important role in ensuring the in-depth fight against pollution, promoting the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, and improving the quality of the ecological environment. In 2024, our department will continue to strengthen project planning reserves, increase reporting cohesion, timely grasp the national policy guidance, actively strive for central and provincial financial support, and solidly promote the implementation of project funds, so as to provide a strong guarantee for in-depth pollution prevention and control and the construction of beautiful Gansu.

Second, the supervision of special funds

First, the institutional system is more perfect. In order to continuously standardize and strengthen the supervision and management of special ecological and environmental fund projects in Gansu Province and improve the efficiency of the use of funds, formulate and issue the "Gansu Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment Ecological Environment Special Fund Reward and Punishment Measures (Trial)", "Gansu Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment on Doing a Good Job in the Supervision and Audit of Ecological Environment Fund Project Rectification Work Notice", "Gansu Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment Environmental Protection Business Fund Management Measures", revise and improve the "Gansu Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment Organs Government Procurement Internal Control Management Measures" Gansu Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment Special Fund Project Supervision and Management Measures", and the Provincial Department of Finance issued the "Notice on Further Strengthening the Management of Special Fund Projects for Ecological Environment", clarifying responsibilities, refining tasks, and strictly regulating all levels such as fund declaration, allocation and allocation, project reserves, supervision and inspection, performance management and accountability, so as to manage people and affairs with the system, realize the whole process management of capital projects, and ensure the efficiency and safety of funds.

Second, the regulatory mechanism is more sound. All departments and offices of the organization department, directly subordinate units and municipal and state ecological and environmental departments dispatch the progress of special fund projects every month, form special reports every quarter, and report to the province every six months. The establishment of the scheduling mechanism can grasp the current situation in real time, effectively find the blocking points and difficulties in the implementation of the project, and play a positive role in accelerating the construction of the project. At the same time, we will strengthen the supervision and management of capital projects by urging cities and prefectures to self-inspect, provincial and departmental spot checks, and special assistance inspections, so as to effectively improve the accuracy and effectiveness of special fund supervision.

Third, internal audit supervision is more powerful. Always regard audit supervision as one of the important measures to serve and ensure the steady operation of the ecological environment, focus on financial and accounting supervision as one of the important starting points for strict financial discipline, organize and carry out internal audit of project funds and financial revenue and expenditure, report audit results, clarify audit rectification requirements, and supervise the implementation of rectification. Organize and carry out supervision, inspection and assistance of special fund projects from time to time, and implement precise policies in different categories and stages to improve the effectiveness of supervision in view of outstanding problems such as slow capital expenditure, lagging project progress, and non-standard bidding.

Fourth, performance management has been solidly promoted. Compile clear, quantifiable and assessable performance objectives, implement performance monitoring with different focuses and categories through daily monitoring, regular monitoring and key monitoring, dynamically track and grasp the progress of project implementation, the progress of fund allocation and the completion of performance objectives, and form quantitative and qualitative substantive monitoring results, so as to provide a basis for identifying problems and correcting errors and deviations in a timely manner. Timely warning of deviations from performance targets and low budget implementation rate, urging rectification and urging to avoid idle capital precipitation. Adopt self-evaluation of the performance of directly subordinate budget units, budget items and transfer payment funds, so as to achieve full coverage of budget fund performance and whole-process management.

Fifth, information disclosure is more qualitative. Adhering to the concept that openness is the best supervision, we insist that openness is the norm and non-disclosure is the exception, and promote the "double disclosure" of performance objectives and performance evaluation reports, as well as the "three combinations" of departmental budget disclosure, departmental final account disclosure, and performance management information disclosure. Continuously standardize the content and form of financial information disclosure, and take the initiative to accept social supervision, so as to achieve both timeliness and quality.

Third, the development of ecological compensation in the river basin

Improve the horizontal ecological compensation mechanism of the river basin. First, in March 2023, together with the Provincial Department of Finance, the "Opinions on Accelerating the Establishment and Improvement of Horizontal Ecological Compensation in River Basins in the Province" will continue to encourage cities and counties to carry out ecological compensation work in the main stream of the Yellow River, Heihe, Shiyang River, Wei River, Bailongjiang River and other river basins. Promote the province's 12 cities and 18 counties (districts) to establish a horizontal ecological compensation mechanism in the river basin, of which Zhangye City, Wuwei City, Jiuquan City's 3 cities and 9 counties and districts signed the second round of Heihe Shiyang River Basin ecological compensation agreement, Lanzhou, Baiyin, Linxia signed the second round of Yellow River Basin horizontal ecological compensation agreement, Tianshui, Dingxi, Pingliang signed a horizontal ecological compensation agreement on the Weihe River Basin, a tributary of the Yellow River, 6 counties in Qingyang District, Gannan District Cooperative City, Luqu County, Zhuoni County have signed the Yellow River Basin compensation agreement, Longnan, Gannan signed an agreement on horizontal ecological compensation in the Bailongjiang River basin. In order to consolidate the existing achievements and further improve the horizontal ecological protection compensation mechanism of the river basin, 100 million yuan of municipal, state and provincial awards and subsidies were issued. Second, while encouraging relevant cities and prefectures in the province to carry out compensation, it actively negotiated with neighboring provinces to further expand the compensation subject from within the province to outside the province, signed the second round of horizontal ecological compensation agreement with Sichuan, and signed the "Yellow River Basin (Gansu-Ningxia Section) Horizontal Ecological Compensation Agreement" with Ningxia. At the same time, relying on the theme education, led by the leaders of the department, Tianshui, Dingxi, Longnan and Gannan are the key areas, and the research is carried out around the horizontal ecological compensation of the water sources of the Weihe River Basin, the Bailongjiang River Basin and the Jiudianxia Reservoir, so as to provide a useful reference for exploring the horizontal ecological compensation mechanism of the river basin in line with the actual situation of our province. The relevant practices of horizontal ecological compensation in the upstream and downstream of the river basin in our province have been fully affirmed by the Ministry of Finance, and praised at the National Conference on the Promotion of the Construction of Horizontal Ecological Compensation and Protection Mechanism in the River Basin.

At the same time, we should actively promote the construction of ecological compensation mechanisms for water sources. In order to accelerate the realization of high-level protection of water conservation in the Yellow River Basin and effectively ensure the water quality safety of the centralized drinking water source in Liujiaxia, Lanzhou City, our department has taken the initiative to organize relevant departments directly under the provincial government to coordinate the implementation of the standardized construction of water source protection areas by the governments of Lanzhou City and Linxia Prefecture. After supervision, coordination and communication, the Lanzhou Municipal Government and the Linxia Prefecture Government signed the "Ecological Compensation Agreement for the Environmental Protection of Liujiaxia Centralized Drinking Water Source in Lanzhou City" in December last year, laying a solid foundation for effectively promoting the standardized construction and protection of Liujiaxia centralized drinking water source.

Improve the market trading mechanism. Do a good job in the verification, issuance, settlement and trading of carbon emission allowances in the second compliance cycle (2021 and 2022) of the national carbon emission trading market, with 192 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent and 188 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent should be issued, with a quota gap of 3.43 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, and 20 power plants in the province will be 100% ahead of schedule as of November 9, 2023 After the completion of the performance and payment, the province's second compliance cycle of the national carbon emission allowance has traded a total of 8.1695 million tons, with a turnover of 494 million yuan (including a cumulative purchase of 2.9674 million tons, a turnover of 188 million yuan, a cumulative sale of 5.2021 million tons, and a turnover of 306 million yuan). In terms of CCER, the application of national certified voluntary emission reduction (CCER) projects has been carried out in advance, and in accordance with the national Administrative Measures for Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Trading (Trial), a total of 23 CCER projects in the first batch of recommended applications have been preliminarily screened according to the progress of the methodology, and the project database has been continuously updated. Organize and convene a meeting on the arrangement and deployment of voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction trading in Gansu Province, and invite leading experts from the National Climate Strategy Center to give lectures.

Diversified compensation. Actively explore and practice the path of ecological and environmental protection financial support, increase the docking with the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, coordinate and promote the construction of three pilot projects of eco-environment-oriented development (EOD) model with a total investment of 10.88 billion yuan, and obtain a total of 1.958 billion yuan of credit from financial institutions, and promote the construction of five ecological and environmental protection financial support projects with a total investment of 9.72 billion yuan, with a total of 6.004 billion yuan of credit from financial institutions. Strengthen technical guidance, do a good job in technical review, and recommend 6 EOD projects to participate in the national review, and 2 projects have passed the review and storage, including the Hulu River Ecological Comprehensive Management and Rural Revitalization Industry Development Project in the Yellow River Basin of Jingning County, Pingliang City, and the Water Ecological Environment Governance and Ecological Agriculture, Culture, Tourism, Health and Wellness Integration Project in the Bailongjiang River Basin (Wudu Section) in Longnan. Thank you.

Lu Xuewu: Next, I would like to invite Comrade Yin Yue to introduce the development of environmental emergency management and related work.


Yin Yue: Fellow journalists, good morning! Thank you for your attention and concern for environmental emergency work. Next, I would like to introduce the environmental emergency management and related work.

In 2023, our department will focus on the key work of in-depth pollution prevention and control and ensuring the safety and stability of the ecological environment in the province, actively prevent and resolve risks and hidden dangers in the field of ecological environment, continue to strengthen environmental emergency response capacity-building, coordinate and strengthen scheduling, and promote the implementation of various tasks such as environmental emergency, safe production, safe Gansu and active stability, and be prepared to respond to emergencies at any time, take multiple measures at the same time, and strictly abide by the bottom line of ecological and environmental safety.

First, continue to carry out investigation and rectification of environmental risks and hidden dangers

Pay close attention to "one waste, one warehouse, one product and one heavy", and weave a dense environmental risk prevention and control network. In the whole year, 863 environmental risks and hidden dangers were investigated and rectified, and the number of environmental emergencies was zero, the lowest in history since 2011.

The first is to make overall plans and arrangements. Formulate the "Gansu Province 2023 Ecological Environment Risk Investigation Plan" and "Gansu Province Ecological Environment Hidden Danger Investigation and Rectification System Construction Implementation Plan" to guide and supervise the work of all localities.

The second is special research, supervision and assistance. Organize local ecological and environmental departments to carry out supervision and inspection of 18 chemical parks and 295 chemical enterprises, set up special research teams to carry out work in various places, and complete 243 problem rectifications. Timely convene a video conference on the safety and security of the ecological environment in the flood season in the province, and carry out environmental safety supervision and inspection during the flood season, environmental safety research and assistance, etc.

The third is joint investigation and rectification. Jointly issued a document with the Sichuan and Shaanxi Provincial Departments of Ecology and Environment, urging the adjacent areas of the three provinces to jointly carry out investigation and rectification of potential environmental emergencies, and make every effort to prevent and resolve cross-border water pollution incidents.

Second, we will continue to improve our environmental emergency response capabilities

The first is to build a solid environmental risk prevention and control system in the river basin. Actively promote the compilation of "one river, one policy, one map" for environmental emergency response to water pollution emergencies in key rivers, and set up three assistance groups to promote it in accordance with the overall idea of "batch, area, type, and content", and have completed the preparation of the first batch of 35 high-risk rivers "one river, one policy, one map", and the relevant work practices have been forwarded by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.

The second is to continuously optimize the emergency material reserve system. Strengthen the daily management of 15 provincial material depots and 15 rescue teams, and regularly update and maintain the stored materials. According to the current situation of the environment and the risk distribution characteristics of the river basin in our province, it is planned to start the construction of the environmental emergency material reserve in the five river basins of the Yellow River, the Yangtze River, the Heihe River, the Shiyang River and the Shule River, and promote the construction of the environmental emergency material reserve system.

The third is to comprehensively strengthen the management of enterprise plan filing. Guiding the standardization of the management of the plan in various localities, 5,228 enterprises in the province meet the filing conditions, and 5,192 have completed the filing, with a filing rate of 99.31%.

Fourth, actively carry out emergency drills. The "Ecological Environment Emergency Monitoring Team" was formed, and the "Longyuan Sharpening Sword 2023" earthquake relief actual combat exercise organized by the Provincial Earthquake Relief Headquarters was successfully completed, which was well received by the Provincial Exercise Headquarters. The "Huangshui Action 2023 Lanzhou City Environmental Emergency Drill", "Guarding Water Sources, 2023 Provincial Environmental Emergency Drill", and "Environmental Protection Mission: 2023 Provincial Environmental Emergency Drill" organized by our province have been fully affirmed by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and the experience and practices have been included in the special issue of the briefing and forwarded to the whole country.

Fifth, the large-scale martial arts competition was successfully held. Our department and the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions held the "Gansu Province Million Workers Labor and Skills Competition 2023 Provincial Environmental Emergency Response Competition", which greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of the city and county ecological and environmental emergency departments and park enterprises to learn business, practice skills and strive for the advanced through competition on the same stage and commendation of the advanced, fully tested the practicability and rationality of the "one river, one policy, one map" for environmental emergency response in key rivers and promoted the "Nanyang practice" The implementation has been effective, and the work practice has been forwarded to the whole country by the special issue of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.

Sixth, improve the province's emergency professional and technical capabilities. The 2023 Provincial Environmental Emergency Management Work Conference and Business Training Course was held, and more than 140 environmental emergency management personnel participated in the training. Three sessions of the provincial environmental emergency rescue team environmental emergency technology practical training course were held in Baiyin, Gannan and Lanzhou New District, and more than 150 people from 15 emergency rescue teams in the province participated in the training, and the environmental emergency rescue team was improved from environmental safety awareness, environmental emergency theory, on-site disposal technology, etc.

Third, be prepared for environmental emergencies at all times

Strictly implement the system of leadership leading shifts, 24-hour on-duty duty, information reporting, etc., and dispatch and guide the handling of 11 emergencies of various types throughout the year, none of which have secondary environmental emergencies, effectively avoiding environmental pollution and adverse social impacts. Throughout the year, the ecological and environmental departments of various cities and prefectures were randomly inspected 18 times on duty, and 4 times were reported. The on-duty work of our department has been commended by the Emergency Office of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the General Duty Office of the Provincial Government.

Fourth, we will make every effort to ensure the safety of the ecological environment in the earthquake area of Jishishan County

On December 18 last year, a magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck Jishishan County. Our department resolutely obeys the unified command of the Provincial Earthquake Relief Headquarters, arranges deployment in a timely manner, takes the initiative to dispatch and investigate, and makes every effort to ensure the safety of drinking water and the ecological environment of the people in the disaster area.

The first is to assemble quickly and respond in a timely manner. Our department started the emergency response as soon as possible, and the main responsible comrades immediately arranged and deployed the earthquake relief work, and the responsible comrades in charge led the environmental emergency, environmental monitoring and other emergency response teams to the scene overnight, and guided the Linxia Prefecture ecological environment department to strengthen environmental monitoring and the prevention and control of pollutants such as hazardous chemicals, and carry out environmental risk investigation and prevention.

The second is timely monitoring and close monitoring. Our department timely retrieved the data of the national and provincial automatic monitoring stations in Linxia Prefecture, and compared and analyzed the online monitoring data of air and water quality in Jishishan County. Organized and dispatched 433 environmental monitoring, emergency response, law enforcement and other personnel, 29 environmental monitoring vehicles, prepared 4 phases of environmental emergency monitoring programs, and successively carried out 109 water quality analysis and biological toxicity monitoring on the municipal drinking water sources of Lanzhou City (Liujiaxia Water Source), Linxia Prefecture (Huangji Linshui Water Source), Yongjing County, Jishishan County (Zhongxia Water Source) county-level drinking water sources and 640,000 square meters of water reservoir in Jishishan County; 28 routine water quality monitoring was carried out in 4 township drinking water sources, a total of 3,605 monitoring data were obtained, and 17 emergency monitoring bulletins were submitted, and the monitoring results were not abnormal.

The third is to investigate hidden dangers and scientifically study and judge. The vice governor in charge paid great attention to the water quality of the water source, went to the water source and waterworks within the earthquake area of Jishishan County to inspect on the spot, and asked our department to organize an investigation of environmental risks and hidden dangers within the county to ensure the safety of drinking water in Jishishan County. The main responsible comrades and responsible comrades in charge of our department take turns to be stationed on the front line, and have repeatedly investigated drinking water sources, domestic sewage treatment plants and related automatic environmental quality monitoring sites. Organize a comprehensive investigation of 37 drinking water sources, 18 sewage treatment plants, 18 hazardous chemicals production and use business units, 3 medical waste centralized disposal centers, 1 automobile dismantling enterprise, and 44 hazardous waste generating units, 8 radioactive sources and 22 nuclear technology utilization units in Jishishan County, all of which are operating normally, safe and controllable. Supervise the emergency operation and maintenance of the sewage treatment plant in Jishishan County and the sewage treatment plant in Dahejia Town, eliminate the impact of the disaster in a timely manner, and stabilize the export water quality up to standard.

Fourth, strengthen on-duty duty and report information in a timely manner. Our department strictly implements the 24-hour on-duty system, and has successively submitted 11 issues of work progress duty information to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Government, the Provincial Earthquake Relief Leading Group, and the Fourth Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Supervision Group. At the first time, the 14 cities and prefectures in the province, Lanzhou New District, and Gansu Mining Area Ecological Environment Department will be reminded by telephone dispatch, spot check the on-the-job duty situation at any time, make emergency preparations for secondary environmental emergencies, and comprehensively dispatch and grasp the environmental safety status of sensitive areas and enterprises and institutions such as chemical parks, heavy and dangerous enterprises, enterprises along the river, sewage treatment plants, drinking water sources, hazardous waste storage depots, tailings ponds, etc., and organize key environmental risk source enterprises in the jurisdiction to carry out environmental safety hazard investigations. The operation of the sewage treatment plants is stable, the water supply of the water source is safe, the water quality indicators of the surrounding rivers are stable, there is no secondary environmental pollution and environmental emergencies due to earthquakes, and the ecological environment safety risks are generally stable and controllable.

Fifth, donate money and materials to support disaster relief. Our department actively raised funds, and issued 21.11 million yuan of central water pollution prevention and control funds in advance to carry out ecological protection, restoration and management of the epicenter basin, and standardized construction of drinking water sources. All cadres and employees of the department system actively donated 200,880 yuan to support earthquake relief and post-disaster reconstruction, and carried forward the great spirit of earthquake relief with practical actions.

Fifth, we should carry out the work of safe production in a down-to-earth manner

In accordance with the relevant requirements of the Provincial Safety Committee on production safety, actively do a good job in the management of production safety in the department system, and supervise and guide all localities to fulfill their responsibilities for production safety in the field of ecological environment. Supervise and urge the main person in charge of the enterprise to strictly fulfill the responsibility of the first person responsible for production safety, steadily promote the work of safety production in the field of ecological environment, and ensure that no production safety accidents occur in the system.

The first is to conscientiously publicize and implement it. The organization department systematically studies and implements the spirit of the general secretary's important expositions and instructions on production safety, disaster prevention and mitigation and relief, fire protection, and emergency management, conveys and learns the spirit of the relevant meetings organized by the Provincial Safety Committee and the spirit of the important documents issued, firmly establishes risk awareness, studies measures to prevent safety risks, improves the relevant responsibility system, deploys specific implementation work, and tightens and compacts the responsibilities of all departments and units, the territorial supervision responsibilities of local ecological and environmental departments, and the main responsibilities of enterprises.

The second is to improve the responsibility system. Strictly implement the system of "the party and the government have the same responsibility, one post has two responsibilities" for safe production, formulate and issue the "Gansu Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment 2023 Implementation Plan for Emergency Management and Fire Protection for Safe Production Disaster Prevention and Mitigation", clarify the work objectives, refine the work tasks, and stipulate the time limit for completion.

The third is to steadily promote the work of safe production in the field of ecological environment. Strengthen the management of hazardous waste, the prevention and control of pollution from tailings ponds, and the remediation of environmental risks and hidden dangers. Organize and carry out the standardized management and assessment of hazardous waste, and evaluate the implementation of various management systems and standards such as hazardous waste management plans, declaration and registration, transfer sheets, business licenses, warning signs, and emergency plans for key hazardous waste production and waste units and business units in the province. Actively promote the implementation of the construction project of the regional hazardous waste disposal center, inspect the standardized management and assessment of hazardous waste in various places, and investigate the situation of hazardous waste self-utilization facilities of relevant enterprises. Issued the "Gansu Province 2023 Tailings Pond Pollution Hidden Danger Investigation and Treatment Work Plan", organize the province's tailings pond to carry out hidden danger investigation, and timely fill in the hidden danger investigation through the tailings pond supervision system, rectify the problems found in the investigation, and establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism for the classification and classification supervision of tailings ponds. The province's key tailings pond groundwater, surface water and soil are monitored to provide technical support for the treatment of tailings ponds. Formulate and issue the "2023 Action Implementation Plan for the Special Investigation and Rectification of Major Accidents and Hidden Dangers in the Field of Waste Hazardous Chemicals in the Province", and carry out the "Special Investigation and Rectification of Major Accident Hidden Dangers" in depth.

Sixth, we will further promote the work of creating stability in Gansu Province

Revise the work plan for the construction of safe Gansu and the initiative to create stability, complete the mid-term evaluation of relevant plans, and comprehensively sort out and summarize the implementation of various key tasks. Carry out research and summarize experience in accordance with relevant action plans and work plans, and earnestly promote the implementation of work goals and tasks. In 2022 and 2023, there will be no various security incidents that affect social stability, and the provincial party committee and the provincial government have awarded our department the title of "Excellent Unit for the Construction of Safe Gansu" for two consecutive years.

In 2024, under the strong leadership of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government and the guidance of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, our department will adhere to the bottom-line thinking and problem-oriented in accordance with the overall requirements of "smart information, fast response, accurate measures, and work in place", timely and properly handle environmental emergencies in a timely and scientific manner, effectively strengthen environmental emergency preparedness, continuously improve the basic capacity of environmental emergency response, and coordinate the construction of safe production and safe Gansu.

The first is to carry out in-depth investigation of environmental risks and hidden dangers. Focus on key industry enterprises, key river basin areas, key industrial parks and important periods to carry out in-depth investigation of hidden dangers, urge enterprises to implement the main responsibility, strengthen closed-loop management, and effectively eliminate risks and hidden dangers. Carry out on-site assistance for hidden danger investigation, strengthen supervision and scheduling, and ensure that practical results are achieved.

The second is to comprehensively improve environmental emergency response capabilities. Promote the implementation of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment's "Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Emergency Capacity Building of Local Ecological and Environmental Departments for Environmental Emergencies" and the "Implementation Plan for Strengthening the Emergency Capacity Building of the Provincial Ecological Environment Departments for Environmental Emergencies" issued by our department, refine the tasks and measures, clarify the division of responsibilities, and accelerate the implementation of measures.

The third is to continue to improve the level of environmental emergency material support. We will build five basin-level environmental emergency material warehouses such as the Yellow River and Jialing River, gradually improve the multi-level and information-based environmental emergency material reserve system, and effectively improve the level of informatization of environmental emergency material management.

Fourth, speed up the completion of the compilation of "one river, one policy, one map". Strengthen the quality review of the "one river, one policy, one map" plan for environmental emergency response in key river water pollution incidents, carry out on-site supervision and verification of areas with slow preparation progress and poor quality, and fully complete the compilation of "one river, one policy, one map" for the remaining 53 key rivers, so as to achieve full coverage of 88 key rivers in the province.

Fifth, efforts should be made in emergency duty, emergency drills, technical training, plan management, and joint prevention and control. Efforts should be made to significantly improve the capabilities of personnel, materials and equipment, monitoring and early warning, emergency response technology, and actual combat disposal.

Sixth, resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government on safe production, safe Gansu and active stability. Adhere to the red line awareness and bottom-line thinking, deploy, promote and implement safety production and safety construction work with other business work, minimize environmental pollution incidents and production safety accidents in the field of ecological environment, and resolutely adhere to the bottom line of environmental safety in the construction of beautiful Gansu. Thank you!

Lu Xuewu: Thank you two comrades for your introduction. Next, there will be a question session for reporters, and please inform the name of the media before asking questions.


China Environment News: According to the principle of "spending money must be effective", how does the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment ensure that the special funds are effective?

Yuan Yi: Thank you for your question. In recent years, our office has closely focused on the overall requirements and objectives of the comprehensive implementation of performance management, explored and promoted all-round, whole-process and full-coverage budget performance management, and gradually realized the normal mechanism of "spending money must be effective, and ineffective must be accountable", so as to effectively improve the efficiency and use of financial resources. The Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment has deeply practiced performance management policies and regulations, established and improved the performance management system, standardized the performance management work procedures, and continuously innovated the performance management ideas, laying a solid foundation for the full implementation of the budget performance management of the department system.

The first is to accurately grasp the objectives of budget performance management. In recent years, in the context of the full implementation of the budget performance management requirements, the performance objectives are set as a precondition for budget arrangements, and when preparing the budget for the next year, according to the overall requirements of the government budget preparation and specific work deployment, department functions, etc., the overall performance objectives, policies and project performance objectives of departments and units are comprehensively set, and the performance objectives should be specific, clear and quantifiable evaluation, reasonably match the budget funds, and submit them to the provincial finance department at the same level with the departmental budget.

The second is to strictly implement the budget performance monitoring process management. Improve the performance monitoring mechanism. In accordance with the requirements of the whole process management of budget performance, the overall planning and monitoring of budget performance are carried out. Highlight key points and key nodes, discover and correct problems in the use of funds and project management in a timely manner, and strengthen the monitoring of budget implementation. At the same time, we will strengthen the application of performance monitoring results, give full play to the effectiveness of performance monitoring, and promote all departments and units of the department system to achieve performance goals and effectively improve the efficiency of the use of financial funds.

The third is to carry out comprehensive and in-depth self-evaluation of budget performance. Thoroughly implement the "three-in-one" evaluation system of budget performance management unit evaluation, departmental evaluation and financial evaluation, and comprehensively evaluate the use of financial funds in the current year through the study of project decision-making, fund use and management, unit performance ability, management system and method construction, and social satisfaction with the work of the ecological environment system, so as to provide a strong basis for the project budget fund arrangement for the next year. Under the general tone of conscientiously implementing the requirements of performance management at the central and provincial levels, certain results have been achieved in performance management. In the "Gansu Provincial Department of Finance on the 2021 Provincial Department of Budget Implementation Performance Self-evaluation Results", the overall rating of our department's 2021 performance self-evaluation work is "excellent", and in the "Notice of the Gansu Provincial Department of Finance on Carrying out the 2022 Gansu Provincial Department and Municipal (Prefecture) Budget Performance Management Assessment", our department was rated as the provincial department with the "excellent" level of budget performance management in 2022.

In the next step, our office will continue to strengthen performance management and innovate budget management methods, so that performance runs through the whole process. Smooth feedback channels, formulate rectification plans and measures for existing problems, rectify and implement them on time, form a closed-loop working mechanism with budget preparation goals, budget implementation monitoring, budget completion evaluation, and evaluation results feedback, effectively improve the efficiency of financial fund allocation, and provide strong support for the province's ecological and environmental protection work.


Gansu Economic Daily: "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of a Beautiful China" mentions: "By 2035,...... The modernization of the ecological and environmental governance system and governance capacity has been basically realized". What has the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment done to modernize its environmental emergency response capabilities?

Yin Yue: Thank you for your question. In order to do a good job in environmental emergency management under the new situation and comprehensively improve the province's environmental emergency response capacity, we have taken some targeted measures and achieved good results, mainly in the following aspects:

The first is to improve emergency rescue capabilities. The province's emergency drill for environmental emergencies was held "one case, one file, one image" evaluation and competition, typical environmental emergencies file technology evaluation activities, provincial environmental emergency rescue team emergency technology practical training, emergency environmental emergency response competition, etc., and the ability and quality of the three-level environmental emergency response team at the provincial, municipal and county levels of "scientific research and judgment, timely response, proper response, and post-event recovery" have been improved.

The second is to improve emergency rescue support. 15 provincial-level environmental emergency rescue teams and matching provincial and municipal environmental emergency material reserves, and the construction of environmental emergency materials in key river basins in the province has been started, covering the province's administrative areas and key river basins The rescue material guarantee system has been initially formed.

The third is to strengthen grassroots capacity building. The "Implementation Plan for Strengthening the Emergency Response Capacity Building of the Provincial Ecological Environment Department" was issued to strengthen the environmental emergency response capacity building of the grassroots frontline.

Fourth, promote the construction of informatization. Our department has set up an "environmental emergency" section in the "Gansu Provincial Ecological Environment Monitoring Big Data Management Platform". Through the efforts of recent years, we have gradually developed and improved application modules such as risk supervision, emergency command, emergency support, emergency monitoring, risk early warning, and a map, continuously enriched the basic data, broken through data barriers, and promoted the information management of the whole process of environmental emergency response at the provincial, municipal and county levels in accordance with the design concept of "whole-process management" of pre-prevention, dispatching and post-evaluation, and "peacetime auxiliary environmental risk management, wartime command and dispatch incident disposal", and built a basic framework for the modernization of environmental emergency response capabilities.


Lanzhou TV: What are the plans and highlights of this year's ecological compensation work in the river basin?

Yuan Yi: Thank you for your question. This year, our department will continue to implement the spirit of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and other four ministries and commissions to promote the construction of horizontal ecological protection and compensation mechanism in river basins, as well as the "Opinions of the State Council on Several Policies and Measures to Further Promote the High-quality Development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt", "Promoting the Pilot Work Plan for the Establishment of Horizontal Ecological Compensation Mechanism in the Gansu Section of the Yellow River Basin", and "Opinions on Accelerating the Establishment and Improvement of Horizontal Ecological Compensation in the River Basin in the Province" In terms of inter-provincial aspects, continue to take the initiative to actively connect with Qinghai, Shaanxi, Sichuan and other provinces, and promote the signing of inter-provincial compensation agreements in the Yellow River and Yangtze River Economic Belts and supervise their implementation. At the same time, our department will cooperate with relevant departments to further improve the legal guarantee, continuously increase capital investment, actively strive for national policy and financial support, and vigorously promote the construction of ecological protection and compensation mechanism in the river basin of our province.

图片 The Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment has done a lot of work in the earthquake relief in Jishishan County.

Yin Yue: Thank you for your question. Earlier, I introduced in detail the specific work carried out by the ecological environment department in the earthquake relief of Jishishan County, and through combing and summarizing, there are four main aspects of experience enlightenment.

First, timely response is the key to the effectiveness of emergency rescue. After the 6.2 magnitude earthquake in Jishi Mountain, the provincial party committee and the provincial government attached great importance to it, and the main leaders of the department immediately made arrangements, and the leaders of the relevant departments took turns to command and dispatch on the front line, guide the sampling and analysis of drinking water sources on the spot, visit the affected people on the spot, and lead the team to go deep into the enterprises in the disaster area to carry out hidden danger investigation to ensure the smooth and orderly development of the earthquake relief work.

The second is scientific monitoring, which is the guarantee for scientific research and judgment to assist decision-making. Environmental emergency monitoring personnel rushed to the scene as soon as possible, and compared the real-time automatic online monitoring data of the state-controlled and provincial-controlled sections of the atmosphere and water environment in a timely manner to study and judge the changes in environmental quality. At the same time, sampling and analysis of drinking water sources at the municipal, county, and township levels involved in the affected areas provided strong technical support for on-site command and decision-making, information release, public opinion stabilization, and water supply for residents.

The third is the investigation of hidden dangers, which is the focus of effective prevention of environmental pollution. After an earthquake, if an environmental risk enterprise discharges abnormal emissions or equipment is damaged, it is very likely to cause secondary environmental emergencies, and the ecological environment department pays close attention to water sources, chemical enterprises, urban sewage treatment plants, landfills, radioactive sources and temporary storage points of hazardous chemicals, and organizes and carries out environmental hazard investigations in a timely manner to avoid the occurrence of secondary pollution incidents to the greatest extent.

Fourth, open information is the basis for maintaining social order and stability. Under the unified command of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, all departments at all levels performed their duties and quickly took rescue operations. The department of ecology and environment informs the society of changes in environmental quality, as well as the specific measures and effects taken, and releases authoritative information to the society in a timely manner, eliminating the worries and doubts of the masses, and effectively safeguarding the environmental rights and interests of the masses and social stability.

Lu Xuewu: This concludes today's press conference. Thank you!
