China Carbon Credit Platform

Qinghai Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment on the "Guidelines for Environmental Supervision during the Construction Period of Construction Projects" and other 16 Qinghai Province local ecological environment standards review conclusions

Release Time5 months ago

In accordance with the "Standardization Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Measures for the Management of Local Standards", and in accordance with the requirements of the "Notice of the Qinghai Provincial Administration for Market Regulation on Carrying out the Review of Local Ecological and Environmental Standards" (Qingshi Jian Han [2023] No. 252), our department organized the standard implementation assessment and review of some local ecological and environmental standards approved and issued before 2021, and put forward the review conclusion after technical review.

The review conclusions of 16 local ecological and environmental standards in Qinghai Province, including the "Guidelines for Environmental Supervision during the Construction Period of Construction Projects", are now publicized.

Publicity time: April 11, 2024 to April 25, 2024

During the publicity period, any unit or individual has any objections, can put forward written opinions, unit opinions should be stamped with the official seal, personal opinions should be signed with real name, ID number and contact number, before the deadline for feedback to the West Qinghai Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment Regulations and Standards.

Contact: Zhang Yong, Tel: 0971-8116762, Address: No. 116, Nanshan East Road, Xining City, Zip Code: 810007, E-mail:

Annex:"Guidelines for Environmental Supervision during the Construction Period of Construction Projects" and other 16 Qinghai Province local ecological environment standards review conclusions
