China Carbon Credit Platform

The regulations of the Yangtze River Delta Demonstration Zone were issued, and the high-quality development of Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang "walked together"

Release Time5 months ago

"The construction of the demonstration zone should practice the new development concept, adhere to the guidance of innovation, and develop new quality productivity according to local conditions"; Through overall planning, unified standards, platform co-construction, resource sharing, mutual recognition of qualifications, data exchange, etc., smooth the flow of elements, promote cross-regional co-construction and sharing, and accelerate the innovation of the integrated system and project construction of the demonstration zone. The Standing Committees of the People's Congresses of Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces recently voted to pass the "Regulations on Promoting the High-quality Development of the Yangtze River Delta Ecological Green Integrated Development Demonstration Zone" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"), and the "Regulations" of the three places will be jointly implemented on May 1 this year.

As a pioneer and breakthrough in the implementation of the integrated development strategy of the Yangtze River Delta, in November 2019, the Yangtze River Delta Ecological Green Integrated Development Demonstration Zone was established, which is composed of Qingpu District of Shanghai, Wujiang District of Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, and Jiashan County, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province. After five years of exploration and construction, the three places have coordinated legislation for the first time, realizing three "common" and three "synchronization", that is, joint drafting, joint research, joint revision and synchronous review, synchronous adoption and synchronous implementation, which is the basic legal guarantee for the integrated and high-quality development of the demonstration zone. The "Regulations" have a total of nine chapters and 66 articles, which make all-round and multi-dimensional provisions on the cross-regional coordination system such as planning and construction, ecological environment, innovative development, Jiangnan water town culture, and public services in the demonstration zone.

How can cross-regional and multi-department departments make concerted efforts to "break administrative subordination and administrative boundaries"? The "Regulations" of the three places have drawn a blueprint for the rule of law for the development of the demonstration zone. "Collaboration" and "unity" are the core cores that run through it. The "Regulations" of the three places propose that the relevant administrative organs establish a regional cooperation mechanism to coordinate the management of matters in the development and construction, ecological and environmental protection, market supervision and management, urban management, fishery and fishery administration in the demonstration zone as needed. At the same time, it is stipulated that the establishment of a regional collaborative working mechanism for ecological and environmental standards, promote the sharing of monitoring data and information, mutual recognition of results, formulate a unified ecological environment administrative law enforcement norms, and unify ecological environmental standards, ecological environmental monitoring and monitoring networks and ecological environmental supervision and law enforcement in demonstration areas.

In terms of joint governance and joint protection of water bodies, the "Regulations" support the demonstration area to implement the joint river and lake chief system, coordinate and unify the functional objectives, pollution prevention and control mechanisms and assessment systems of environmental elements of major water bodies such as Taipu River, Dianshan Lake, Yuandang and Fenhu, strengthen the joint protection and management of transboundary water bodies, and promote the comprehensive improvement and ecological protection and restoration of surrounding and coastal areas;

In terms of solid waste treatment, the "Regulations" support the establishment of a joint prevention and control mechanism for solid waste pollution in the demonstration area, coordinate the preparation of planning, facility construction, solid waste transfer, etc., and improve the level of source reduction and comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste, domestic waste, construction waste and agricultural solid waste.

In terms of achieving the "dual carbon" goals and tasks, the "Regulations" support the demonstration zone to actively and steadily promote the work of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, promote the dual control of total energy consumption and intensity to gradually shift to the dual control of total carbon emissions, carry out pilot demonstrations such as synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, product carbon labeling certification, etc., establish a carbon inclusive mechanism, and gradually promote the joint construction of carbon inclusive rules, mutual recognition of standards, information sharing and mutual recognition of projects.

In addition, the work related to biodiversity conservation and rural construction in Hemei has also been clarified.
