China Carbon Credit Platform

Tianjin reports on the city's environmental quality status and key work measures in 2023

Release Time3 months ago

On the eve of June 5th Environment Day, Tianjin City Ecological Environment Bureau held a press conference to inform the city's environmental quality status and key work measures in 2023.

"In the past year, we have withstood multiple pressures such as extremely unfavorable meteorological conditions and increased emissions after the epidemic, and the quality of the atmospheric environment has remained generally stable." Qi Lei, director of the Ecological Environment Monitoring Division and second-level director of the Tianjin City Ecological Environment Bureau, introduced the city's environmental quality situation in 2023, and said that in the past year, the city's SO2、NO2, the average annual concentration of CO stably meets national standards, PM2.5The average annual concentration is 41 micrograms/cubic meter, which is basically the same as the three-year average of the epidemic and an improvement of 19.6% compared with 2019. After deducting the days exceeding the standard caused by dust and dust, the number of excellent days was 244, the ratio of excellent days was 66.8%, and the number of days with heavy pollution was 8.

The quality of the water environment has reached the best level in recent years. The excellent proportion of state-controlled surface water sections in the city is 60%, an increase of 1.7 percentage points compared with 2022, reaching the best level in history. There are no inferior Class V water bodies. Compared with the beginning of the "14th Five-Year Plan", the proportion of excellent water bodies has increased by 15.6 percentage points, the proportion of inferior Class V water bodies has dropped by 2.8 percentage points, and all 12 rivers entering the sea have disappeared. The proportion of excellent water quality in coastal waters is 70.9%.

In addition, the quality of soil, noise, groundwater, ecology, and radiation environment remained generally stable. Environmental risks are generally controllable, and no major or above environmental pollution emergencies occurred throughout the year.

Qi Lei also introduced the key work measures taken. First, adhere to regional coordination and promote deeper and more practical ecological and environmental protection coordination in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. The regional coordination mechanism has been more complete, playing a rotating role, promoting the establishment of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Ecological Coordination Special Working Group, establishing a "1+8" operating mechanism, and achieving the integration of "ecology + environment" in all fields and the connection of all regions. The collaborative areas are more extensive, pioneering the "Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Environmental Protection Science and Technology Industry Innovation Community", and science and technology empower the green development of 12 key industrial chains. Carry out cross-provincial "point-to-point" targeted utilization pilot projects for hazardous waste, and promote the construction of hazardous waste disposal facilities in one place and sharing among three places. Coordinated measures are more effective. Two batches of 44 coordinated measures have been formulated and implemented, the Xiongan New Area Workstation of the Tianjin City Ecological Environment Monitoring Center has been established, and water pollutant discharge standards in the three river basins have been gradually unified.

The second is to adhere to a problem-oriented approach and promote the tough battle against pollution to achieve results. We will deepen the battle to defend the blue sky and complete the upgrading and transformation of 13 waste incineration enterprises. Implement the national six-b emission standard for heavy vehicles and eliminate more than 40,000 old vehicles. Especially during the 100-day offensive period, a "Five Ones" working mechanism of "drawing a map, focusing on a group of numbers, identifying a group of sources, playing a good set of punches, and asking a group of responsibilities" was established to coordinate structural emission reduction, governance emission reduction, and management emission reduction. The city's 44 key industry enterprises such as steel, flat glass, cement, and waste incineration reduced pollution emissions by 18%. We will carry out in-depth efforts to defend clear water and complete the investigation and traceability of the city's 133 rivers and 23 key lakes and reservoirs. Promote the completion and operation of sewage treatment plants such as Zhangguizhuang, the daily urban sewage treatment capacity reaches 4.21 million tons, and the sewage treatment rate reaches more than 98%. Promote the creation of beautiful rivers and lakes and beautiful bays. The Ziya River (Hongqiao District) section was rated as an excellent case of beautiful rivers and lakes in the country, and the bank section of China-Singapore Tianjin Ecological City was rated as a national beautiful bay. We will carry out in-depth efforts to defend the pure land, complete the dynamic adjustment of the classification of cultivated land soil environmental quality, and update and release the risk management and restoration list of construction land. Two key enterprises have been selected into the national pilot construction of green transformation for source control of soil pollution, and 45 rural black and odorous water bodies have been treated. Carry out the creation of waste-free cities and build 743 "waste-free cells".

The third is to adhere to green and low-carbon, and support and promote green and low-carbon effectively. Strengthen policy innovation, carry out joint pilot projects for industrial park planning and construction project environmental assessment. The first batch of four industrial park pilot projects will be "bundled" for approval, and the total innovation indicators will be "used first and then replenished" to provide services to support key industrial chains and high-level projects. Implementation. Strengthen demonstration and leadership, 40 companies have been selected into the national green factory and 7 companies have been selected into the list of national green supply chain management enterprises, selecting benchmarks and stimulating the motivation of enterprises for green transformation. Strengthen market orientation and deepen the pilot construction of carbon emissions trading. The reduction of green power carbon emissions has brought more than 7 million yuan in profits to enterprises; plan to promote the EOD project, organize nearly 10 billion yuan in financing credits from policy banks and commercial banks, and "waste-free city" Construction ", as the only representative in the country, has received US$5 million support from the Global Environment Facility.

The fourth is to adhere to ecological priority and promote the construction of stronger and stronger ecological and environmental security barriers. Strict supervision and optimization of ecological functions. Strengthen the supervision of ecological protection red lines and ecological environment in nature protected areas. The pilot work on the supervision of ecological damage on the ecological protection red lines has been recognized and promoted nationwide. Ecological creation promotes the transformation of the "two mountains". Ninghe District was awarded the title of National Ecological Civilization Construction Demonstration Zone, and Baodi Chaobaixin River Basin was awarded the title of "Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" practical innovation base. Improve the mechanism and maintain the bottom line of safety. Carry out investigation and rectification of hidden dangers of major accidents in the ecological and environmental field, and investigate potential risks of sudden environmental incidents, and guide and urge the completion of rectification of 92 issues.

The fifth is to adhere to innovation-driven and promote the establishment and improvement of the ecological and environmental governance system. The protection of the rule of law has become more solid. Local standards such as marine aquaculture tail water and air pollutant emissions from gas stations have been formulated and revised, and regulations such as noise pollution prevention and marine environmental protection have been included in local legislative planning projects. Inspectors and law enforcement have "long teeth" and "electrified", fully launched municipal ecological and environmental protection inspections, and carried out a 15-day all-round inspection in 10 districts. A joint listing and supervision mechanism for key cases between the ecological environment department and the public security and procuratorial organs was established. 122 environmental illegal and criminal cases were detected and 176 people were arrested. The investigation and handling of two typical criminal cases was reported and praised by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment. Scientific and technological support will be more powerful. Explore and use power big data to achieve accurate traceability during heavy pollution response periods. It took the lead in establishing a monitoring technical system for 14 key types of new pollutants under control. Tianjin Bohai Rim Coastal Station built the first batch of national ecological quality comprehensive monitoring stations to achieve long-term continuous observation of the surrounding atmosphere, water, soil and biological conditions.

"In the next step, we will learn in depthXiimplement theXiJinpingThe idea of ecological civilization focuses on the construction of beautiful Tianjin, adheres to the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei as a strategic guide, coordinates the promotion of pollution reduction, carbon reduction, green expansion, and growth, accelerates the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, and strengthens precise, scientific and legal pollution control, fight the battle to defend blue sky, clear water, and pure land at a higher level, support high-quality development with high-level protection, and strive to promote the construction of a modern metropolis where man and nature coexist harmoniously." Qi Lei finally said.
