China Carbon Credit Platform

The National Carbon Measurement Center (Fujian) landed in Nanping to fill the gap in the carbon measurement industry

Release Time3 months ago

Walking out of Yanping Station of the high-speed railway, the National Carbon Measurement Center (Fujian) Building comes into view.

In August 2023, the center was officially approved by the State Administration for Market Regulation and landed in Nanping Industrial Park, becoming the fourth national carbon measurement center in China.

Today, nearly 100 "double carbon" talents have gathered here, established the country's first carbon measurement expert academic committee, built a "space-air-ground integration" carbon monitoring system, launched the "industrial carbon emission Internet of things monitoring platform", completed the pilot of "forest carbon index monitoring system standard under satellite earth observation", and made continuous breakthroughs and innovations in filling the gap in carbon measurement in China.

Gather wisdom to solve problems

A few days ago, the reporter walked into the laboratory of the National Carbon Measurement Center (Fujian), and the staff was preparing for the better application of independent research and development equipment to new scenarios.

"This is the world's first mesoscale carbon dioxide flux detection lidar version 2.0, and it is also an important scientific research achievement after the National Carbon Center landed in Nanping, and it has obtained the first (set) major technical equipment certification in the energy field of Fujian Province." Zhang Zhen, science and technology commissioner of the National Carbon Metrology Center (Fujian) and deputy general manager of Fujian Ruicarbon Optoelectronic Precision Instrument Co., Ltd., said that this set of equipment can be applied to all-round greenhouse gas emission monitoring, accurate analysis of space carbon flow, intelligent meteorological detection and carbon footprint tracking and identification, making up for the gap in the scale of the carbon monitoring system. All the components used in the equipment are independently designed by the team and produced in China, which can better support the international voice.

Zheng Mingyue, deputy director of the provincial science and technology department and the management committee of Nanping Industrial Park, told reporters that the national carbon center landed in Nanping, and it had to start from two years ago. Starting in 2022, Aerospace Carbon Company was established, and with this as the main body, it linked the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the CCID Research Institute of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to form a research team, and gathered wisdom to become a "carbon" roadrunner. In March 2023, it successfully applied for the National Key R&D Program "Research on Key Measurement Technologies and Standards for Carbon Emission Monitoring Data Quality Control" project and landed in Nanping.

Immediately afterwards, the team of Professor Chi Tianhe of the Aerospace Information Innovation Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the team of Professor Xia Haiyun of Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology and other experts and scholars gathered in Nanping, and also drove a number of "double carbon" industry-related enterprises and high-end equipment industrialization projects to sign and land, and the talent chain, innovation chain and industrial chain were organically integrated here.

"Customization" helps transformation

Recently, the National Carbon Measurement Center (Fujian) is cooperating with Nanping Aluminum to customize automatic carbon emission monitoring solutions for enterprises.

"The electrolytic aluminum industry may soon be included in the national carbon trading market. At this time, the scientific research team of the National Carbon Metrology Center came to help, so that we can have data support for low-carbon evaluation. Lu Baokun, chief engineer of Nanping Aluminum, said.

"In the context of the 'dual carbon' goal, we are close to the industry to do research and development, break through the problem of collecting carbon emission data in the production process of industrial enterprises, and achieve efficient monitoring and accurate accounting." Huang Weimin, project manager of Aerospace Carbon Technology, introduced.

In addition to Nanlu, the technical team of the National Carbon Center is based in Nanping and radiates the whole country, and also actively connects with Nanfu, Anta, Baosteel, Hebei Iron and Steel and other enterprises to customize more comprehensive and intelligent dual carbon management services.

Not only has there been a breakthrough in the field of carbon emissions, but the National Carbon Center has also added "new green" in carbon sink trading. "Our team combines satellite remote sensing, airborne lidar and other technologies to develop forestry carbon sink projects, build a carbon sink data center, establish an accurate and quantifiable forest carbon sink monitoring index system, provide a quantitative basis for carbon trading macro monitoring, and broaden the conversion channel between lucid waters and lush mountains and gold and silver mountains." Zheng Mingyue said.

"At present, the 'Forest Carbon Indicator Monitoring System Standard under Satellite Earth Observation' has been piloted in Nanping and will be extended to the whole country. In the next step, we will also promote the national carbon sink project service platform and big data center to land in Nanping, and explore multi-scenario carbon sink development models such as mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes and grasses. Zhang Bin, director of the Office of the National Carbon Measurement Center (Fujian), introduced.

The talent pool accumulates new momentum

In the office area on the third floor of the National Carbon Measurement Center Building, nearly ninety percent of professional and technical personnel are "post-90s". New industries, new talents, and new technologies have injected a steady stream of new momentum into the realization of the national carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals.

At present, Nanping has taken the lead in the province to launch measures to support the construction of the "double carbon" talent team, support the establishment of chief science and technology officers in science and technology enterprises in the field of "double carbon", and set up the Fujian Nanping National Carbon Measurement Innovation Research Institute as a talent turnover reserve pool.

"Here, the integrated development of government, industry, academia, research and application has allowed us to accelerate the transformation and application of achievements, and provide more innovative results for the development of new quality productivity." Xiang Fenghua, managing director of Fujian Aerospace Carbon Company, introduced.

Not long ago, the second meeting of the Academic Committee of the National Carbon Metrology Center (Fujian) was held, and 10 projects in the field of carbon neutrality and carbon neutrality were signed on the spot, and 7 experts in related fields from all over the country were newly hired to further link high-end think tanks to give full play to their talent advantages. The National Carbon Center has also formally signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Swedish Academy of Environmental Sciences, which will cooperate in the establishment of an international standard system and the construction of an EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) factor library in the steel and other industries.

Talent is the key to the development of the industry. On the eve of "May Day", Zheng Mingyue led the team to complete the recruitment and interview of urgently needed talents held at China Jiliang University, including five directions, including carbon measurement, carbon footprint, and carbon finance, which took an important step in consolidating the construction of high-level talent echelon and reserving outstanding talents in the "double carbon" industry. "At present, we are making efforts in the emerging professions produced under the development of the green economy - carbon emission managers and carbon emission consultants, taking the lead in building a national training base to provide assistance for the cultivation of talents in the national 'dual carbon' industry."
