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Yantai strengthens ecological environment zoning management and control to protect the blue sea and blue sky

Release Time1 week ago

Yantai City attaches great importance to the protection of marine ecological environment, formulates the province's first prefecture-level city marine ecological environment protection regulations, builds a marine environmental pollution prevention and control system that coordinates land and sea and regional linkage, and promotes the continuous improvement of the marine ecological environment. The picture shows the beautiful scenery of the island near the demarcation line of the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea. Photo by Song Qingxian

The Ecological Environment Bureau of Yantai City, Shandong Province recently released the "red card, yellow card and blue card" status of the second batch of environmental impact assessment documents in 2024 on the official website. Among the 32 construction project environmental impact assessment documents, 22 projects have "blue cards", 8 projects have "yellow cards", and 2 projects have "red cards". Implementing the classified management of "red card, yellow card, and blue card" by the EIA compiling unit, strictly controlling the quality of EIA documents, and making efforts to strengthen pollution prevention and control at the source is the Yantai City Ecological Environment Bureau's continuous improvement of the ecological environment zoning management and control based on the source prevention system and one of the measures to achieve precise environmental management.

Since 2023, the Yantai City Ecological Environment Bureau has adhered to the core of source prevention and control, the bottom line of improving quality, and the purpose of serving enterprises, comprehensively strengthened the zoning control of the ecological environment, strengthened the access management of the ecological environment, and strictly adhered to the ecological protection red line, environmental quality bottom line, and online resource utilization, clarify the bottom line and draw boundaries for development, and promote high-quality development with high-level protection.

Strengthen source prevention and control and improve the level of ecological and environmental governance

Yantai City Ecological Environment Bureau strictly adheres to the bottom line of project environmental access, from ecological environment zoning control to planning environmental assessment and project environmental assessment, strengthens chain management from macro layout to micro access, and guides project high-starting planning, high-standard construction, and high-level operation.

Implement zoning management and control of the ecological environment. Incorporate the results of ecological environment zoning management and control into the formulation and implementation of policies and plans, project implementation, etc., adhere to drawing a blueprint to the end, and control the tune from the source; fully connect the results of Yantai City's land and space planning and coastline repair and measurement, and promptly and accurately update 450 land and sea area management and control units, and formulate a differentiated ecological environment access list that coordinates environmental management and space use.

Strengthen the rigid constraints of planning and environmental assessment. Strengthen the role of ecological environment zoning management and control in optimizing layout and structure, urge 58 parks to carry out planning environmental assessments and follow-up evaluations, organize comprehensive verification of the implementation of planning environmental assessments, promote park infrastructure construction, and guide park management agencies to proactively carry out annual follow-up monitoring and disclose it to the public for free use by enterprises entering the park.

Strengthen the quality supervision of project environmental impact assessment. Formulate the 2024 EIA and emission permit supervision work plan, continue to focus on combating fraud, implement the "red card, yellow card, and blue card" management of construction project EIA documents, and make the "red card, yellow card, and blue card" classification of 80 construction project EIA documents from 35 EIA units in 2023 Make "red card, yellow card, and blue card" classification, list "red card" project EIA units as key supervision objects, increase key reviews, and increase the frequency of technical reviews. Increasing the proportion of technical reviews will force it to improve its business capabilities and service levels.

Guide green transformation and promote synergy between pollution reduction and carbon reduction

Yantai City Ecological Environment Bureau insists on using the environmental assessment system to guide the green transformation and development of traditional industries, promote synergy and efficiency of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, and improve the level of ecological and environmental supervision across the entire chain.

Optimize the management of total construction project indicators. Guided by the effectiveness of improving ecological and environmental quality, we will implement differentiated total management for major projects and green transformation projects, gather the limited total amount of pollutant reduction into new driving energy areas, plan in advance the environmental factor needs of major high-quality projects, and guide enterprises to further reduce Reduce the total amount of pollutant emissions and carbon emission intensity, and promote the dual improvement of "gold content" and "green content" of economic development.

Explore collaborative experience models for pollution reduction and carbon reduction. On the basis of completing the national-level pilot project of ecological environment zoning management, pollution reduction and carbon reduction in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea New Area and the provincial-level pilot project of incorporating carbon emissions into planning and environmental assessment, starting from 2023, we will carry out in-depth ecological environment zoning management, pollution reduction and carbon reduction in the city. Collaborative research will guide construction projects in the chemical industry to comprehensively carry out environmental impact assessments of greenhouse gas emissions and explore new mechanisms for low-carbon development policies.

Strengthen supervision during and after the event. Formulate and issue the "Implementation Opinions on Strengthening the Supervision of Pollutant Discharge Permits" to build a whole process based on ecological environment zoning control, planning environmental assessment and project environmental assessment as the access threshold, pollution discharge permits as the basis for enterprise operation, and law enforcement as the basis for environmental supervision. Environmental management framework, smooth the "environmental assessment-pollution discharge permit-law enforcement" linkage supervision mechanism, improve the information sharing and clue transfer system, and adopt methods such as expert on-site evaluation, approval and joint targeted assistance from law enforcement departments. Form a joint force of work.

Deepen environmental assessment reform and promote high-quality economic and social development

The Yantai City Ecological Environment Bureau has further promoted the reform of "decentralization, regulation and service" in the EIA, explored innovative management paths, strengthened institutional connectivity, improved the level of EIA approval services, continuously optimized the business environment, and promoted the sustained and stable development of enterprises.

Accurately ensure environmental impact assessment services. Establish a service team to visit enterprises, conduct in-depth research on the development status of more than 300 enterprises throughout the year, incorporate key projects into the service guarantee list ledger, track and evaluate the effectiveness of the EIA time limit and preparation quality throughout the process, and implement one-on-one front-end services from the commissioner and 100% Parallel speed-up approval, so far, 697 key provincial, municipal and county projects in 2024 have been approved.

Strengthen the linkage of environmental impact assessment management systems. Strengthen the connection between environmental assessment and pollution discharge permit systems, promote the organic integration of the two in terms of pollution production and discharge, emission standards, and selection of pollution prevention and control measures, incorporate environmental assessment management requirements into pollution discharge permits in accordance with the law; strengthen the linkage between planning environmental assessment and project environmental assessment, and effectively Optimize and simplify the preparation of environmental assessment documents; Extensive joint review and approval of environmental impact assessment and river sewage outlet settings have been carried out in fields such as mine development, and integrated approval of one environmental impact assessment document for sea-related projects and radiation projects has been promoted to promote the realization of "efficiently doing one thing."

Deepen the reform and innovation of EIA approval. Promote the national-level pilot project linkage between planning and project environmental assessment of the industrial park in Laishan Economic Development Zone. The environmental assessment of construction projects that meet the requirements of ecological environment zoning control and planning environmental assessment has been simplified, reducing the time limit by more than 90%, and ensuring a rapid investment of 350 million yuan. Implementation; Guided the "bundling" environmental impact assessment for projects such as the comprehensive management of 50 rivers and waters in Zhaoyuan City, saving enterprises two months of time and about 400,000 yuan in costs, truly realizing the shortening of approval time, the reduction of environmental impact assessment costs, and the reduction of enterprises 'burden.

Yantai City Ecological Environment Bureau will continue to further promote ecological environment zoning management and control, improve the source prevention and control efficiency of EIA, strengthen the guarantee of EIA elements, and contribute to the construction of Shandong's green, low-carbon and high-quality development pioneer areas.
