China Carbon Credit Platform

The implementation plan for the construction of China-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City National Green Development Demonstration Zone was issued and implemented

Release Time1 week ago

Recently, in order to implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and promote the construction of a national green development demonstration zone in China-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City, with the consent of the State Council, the National Development and Reform Commission officially issued the "Implementation Plan for the Construction of a National Green Development Demonstration Zone in China-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City (2024-2035)"(hereinafter referred to as the "Plan").

The overall requirements of the "Plan" are clear. We must conscientiously implement Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, completely, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, strive to promote high-quality development, give full play to the advantages of China-Singapore cooperation platform, and deepen the cooperation between China and New Zealand in green technology, green equipment, green services, green infrastructure, green finance, etc., to create a focus on green, low-carbon and high-quality development and high-value-added industry segments, The National Green Development Demonstration Zone, which is characterized by a world-class business environment, promotes the integration of green development concepts into the entire process of eco-city economic and social development in all fields, and enables the main indicators of eco-city green development to reach the international leading level by 2035.

It is necessary to play a leading role in the benefits of green and low-carbon industries, accelerate the completion of a number of green and low-carbon demonstration projects, form green and low-carbon industrial clusters with international competitive advantages, continuously enrich innovative smart city application scenarios, and keep carbon dioxide emissions per unit of regional GDP. Keep the level ahead. Play a leading role in green and low-carbon innovation capabilities, gather leading technology research and development institutions in the industry, cultivate a number of green and low-carbon technology innovation carriers and platforms, and form a green, low-carbon and high-quality development technology and standard support system. Play an important leading role in green and low-carbon open cooperation, create a platform for industrial cooperation, technology transfer, and talent training, actively introduce international enterprises in the green and low-carbon field, and accelerate the construction of an important hub for international cooperation in the green and low-carbon field.

The "Plan" requires that we should accelerate the low-carbon development of green industries, vigorously develop the cultural and healthy tourism industry, and create a gathering place for digital cultural industries. Cultivate green, low-carbon high-end manufacturing and carry out applied research around technologies such as power cells, fuel cells, and battery materials. Vigorously develop the green building industry, strengthen the research and development and industrialization of green technologies, and actively introduce upstream and downstream enterprises in the construction industry such as low-carbon buildings, ultra-low energy consumption buildings, and prefabricated buildings. Actively develop the green transportation logistics industry, strengthen the development of intelligent vehicle-road collaborative technology, encourage high-level autonomous vehicles to carry out road testing, and accelerate the formation of an intelligent networked automobile industry ecosystem. Continue to promote the development of the green energy industry, increase the development of green energy technologies, and encourage the research and development and production of key technologies and components such as high-efficiency photovoltaic cells, cell technology, offshore wind power motors, and sensors. Enrich green financial services and encourage various financial institutions to actively develop green financial services based on their functional positioning. Deepen the development of the digital economic industry and accelerate digital industrialization and industrial digitalization. Accelerate the construction of green innovation parks and create an international window for the display and exchange and cooperation of technological innovation achievements in green and low-carbon fields.

Promote the transformation of green and low-carbon energy. Comprehensively improve energy utilization efficiency, strictly control energy consumption intensity and carbon dioxide emission intensity, and focus on controlling fossil energy consumption. Vigorously develop non-fossil energy, accelerate the development of distributed photovoltaics, make full use of the roofs of new buildings and existing buildings for distributed photovoltaics development, and realize that building photovoltaics should be built if appropriate. Accelerate comprehensive energy management, actively promote green electricity applications, explore the construction of a strong digital power grid, use digital intelligence and green as a path, accelerate the digital and intelligent transformation and upgrading of the power grid, and comprehensively promote the green and low-carbon transformation of energy.

Promote green and low-carbon technological innovation. Strengthen green and low-carbon technology innovation, actively follow up on major national science and technology projects and key R & D plans, focus on the green and low-carbon development needs of eco-cities, and compile and publish a research catalog of green and low-carbon technologies for eco-cities. Promote the research and development of green and low-carbon products, give full play to the role of eco-city scientific research and innovation platforms and technology-based enterprises, create a new professional green and low-carbon innovation platform carrier, introduce green innovative technologies, and promote the transformation and innovative application of green and low-carbon technological achievements. The plan also requires strengthening green and low-carbon standard certification and building green and low-carbon technology application scenarios.

The "Plan" also proposes to build green, low-carbon, livable and resilient cities, comprehensively promote green buildings, create beautiful ecological spaces, vigorously develop green transportation, and build smart cities. Improve the green and low-carbon development system, strengthen talent introduction and education, optimize the business environment, strengthen policy support, and deepen international cooperation. At the same time, we will strengthen green and low-carbon cultural education, widely publicize green and low-carbon concepts, actively carry out green development education, and advocate a simple and moderate lifestyle.
