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Interview with the National People's Congress, Deputy Secretary of the Guangyuan Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Trag: Integrated Governance of "Mountain, Water, and City"

Release Time6 months ago

On March 5, the second session of the 14th National People's Congress opened, and the government work report aroused heated discussions among deputies and members. Dong Li, deputy secretary of the Guangyuan Municipal Party Committee and mayor of Sichuan Province, said that the government work report proposes to strengthen the construction of ecological civilization and promote green and low-carbon development in 2024. We will deeply practice the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, and work together to promote carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion and growth, so as to build a beautiful China where man and nature coexist in harmony. Guangyuan has been doing this in recent years and will continue to follow this path unswervingly.

"An ancient Shu road, half of the history of China," how can Guangyuan City, which has profound historical accumulation, do a good job in the construction of ecological civilization in recent years? And how can it adhere to the "two mountains" theory and turn ecological advantages into development advantages? In this regard, this reporter conducted an exclusive interview with Trang.

China Environment News: Guangyuan is located at the southern foot of the Qinling Mountains and the upper reaches of the Jialing River, with outstanding ecological resource endowments, and it can be said that "green" is the characteristic of Guangyuan. What is the specific connotation of "green"?

Traw:The word "green" has a rich connotation, which can be summed up in one sentence: practicing the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets. July 2023,practiceNear-flatThe general secretary came to Sichuan for inspection, and the first stop was the ancient Shu Road in Cuiyun Corridor, Guangyuan City, and told us to "protect the ancient and famous trees".

The Guangyuan area has always had a ban on "cutting between the government and the people", and has continued the system of "handing over trees and printing". Now, we carry out the audit of the protection of ancient and famous trees, one tree and one file are listed for protection, one tree and one person are patrolled normally, and one tree is a policy of scientific rescue, and the province's first local regulations on the protection of Shu Road "Jianmen Shu Road Protection Regulations" are being prepared, and the Cuiyun Corridor ancient cypress protection ten-year plan is being prepared, the implementation of the ontology repair of the Jianmen Shu Road site, and the Cuiyun Corridor Ancient Shu Road Ecological Civilization Teaching Base is also listed.

We do it thoroughlypracticeNear-flatThe idea of ecological civilization and the spirit of the National Conference on Ecological and Environmental Protection have always protected the ecological environment like protecting the eyes, strengthened the "upstream awareness", bravely assumed the "upstream responsibility", insisted on making real efforts in "protecting green", making real moves in "increasing green", and seeing the real chapter in "using green", good mountains, good water and good ecology have become the most iconic "beautiful business cards" of Guangyuan.

China Environment News: Guangyuan has excellent environmental quality, excellent ecological background, and excellent urban and rural appearance, what efforts has Guangyuan made behind the "three excellences"?

Traw:We insist on promoting green and low-carbon economic and social development as a key link in high-quality development, unswervingly follow the path of ecological priority and green development, and work together to promote high-quality economic development and high-level protection of the ecological environment, and integrate the governance of "mountains, rivers and cities".

In terms of "mountain governance", we will coordinate the management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes and grasslands, accelerate the construction of a nature reserve system with the Giant Panda National Park as the main body, nature reserves as the foundation, and various nature parks as supplements, and build 13 nature reserves, 10 forest parks, and 3 wetland parks of various types. There are 13 high-quality planning and packaging projects of national reserve forests, with a total investment of 21.7 billion yuan, accelerating the transformation of "green mountain" into "golden mountain".

In terms of "water control", the water quality of the national and provincial assessment sections is subject to grading and classification fine management, promoting the upgrading of environmental protection infrastructure, and taking the lead in eliminating urban black and odorous water bodies in the province. In particular, through the implementation of special treatment of key small watersheds, the quality of outbound water has been upgraded to achieve "a river with clear water out of Guangyuan".

In terms of "governing the city", Guangyuan is a landscape garden city, with the natural characteristics of "four mountains and four rivers to build a city", and has the natural background of a park city. With the construction of sponge city and the organic renewal of the city as the starting point, we continue to promote urban greening, beautification, coloring and lighting, and the "two rivers and four banks" waterfront vitality coastline has begun to appear, creating a number of small and beautiful pocket parks with a total area of 170,000 square meters, so as to realize the greening through the window and the entrance to the park.

China Environment News: It is said that "good mountains and good water produce good things", how does Guangyuan transform ecological advantages into development advantages?

Traw:We have been doing the big article of "integrated development of cultural tourism", digging deep into the culture of Shu Dao, the culture of the Three Kingdoms, the culture of Wu Zetian historical celebrities, the red culture, etc., comprehensively improving the quality of tourism, and accelerating the construction of an international cultural tourism destination and health resort in Dashu Dao.

Guangyuan adheres to the concept of "green development and low-carbon development", promotes the breakthrough development of the industrial economy under the leadership of building China's green aluminum capital, builds green and low-carbon demonstration parks and green factories, and encourages key enterprises to achieve energy-saving technological transformation. Take the lead in establishing a collaborative mechanism for environmental protection and industrial development in the province, take the lead in starting the construction of enterprise carbon accounts, vigorously carry out exploration experiments such as ecological value realization and ecosystem gross production accounting, and accelerate the transformation of ecological resources and ecological advantages into ecological economy.

Standing at a new historical starting point, Guangyuan will carry it out in depthpracticeNear-flatEcological civilization ideology andpracticeNear-flatThe spirit of the general secretary's important instructions on Sichuan's work series takes a good ecological environment as the greatest advantage and the basis of high-quality development strategy, strengthens green and low-carbon advantageous industries, innovates the ecological value realization mechanism, builds a regional green development highland, realizes high-quality economic development and high-level protection of the ecological environment, and efficient utilization of ecological resources, and builds a model city that practices the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets.
