China Carbon Credit Platform

Deeply study and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China| Improve the four major mechanisms for green and low-carbon development

Release Time1 week ago

Promote a full life cycle green supply chain covering all entities in the upper, middle and lower reaches, and all links of production, supply and marketing, ensure that the entire life cycle from raw material acquisition, production and manufacturing to product sales and consumption conforms to green standards, and enhance the production and supply of various green products and services. capabilities.

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China emphasized that "China's modernization is a modernization in which man and nature coexist harmoniously." It made systematic arrangements for deepening the reform of the ecological civilization system, requiring the improvement of the basic system of ecological civilization, the improvement of the ecological environment governance system, and the improvement of green and low-carbon development mechanism. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, the "four beams and eight pillars" of my country's ecological civilization institutional system have been basically completed, and ecological and environmental protection has undergone historic, overall, and turning changes. However, we must also be soberly aware that the construction of ecological civilization is still in a critical period, critical period, and window period. Standing at a new historical starting point and accelerating green and low-carbon development, the key lies in promoting the coordinated efforts of systems, systems and mechanisms.

Improve the coordination mechanism for carbon reduction, pollution reduction and green expansion growth goals. Promoting green and low-carbon transformation is not only a profound economic and social change, but also a complex systematic project. It is necessary to improve the green and low-carbon development mechanism, coordinate the goals of various subsystems of carbon reduction, pollution reduction and green growth, and accelerate the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development on the basis of consolidating the results of the battle against pollution. The first is to improve the inter-embedding mechanism for the growth goals of carbon reduction, pollution reduction and green expansion. We must not only see the same origin of pollutants and carbon dioxide emissions and work together to combat the "common enemy", but also see the differentiated side of our respective goals. We cannot simply copy and shirk responsibility. It is necessary not only to avoid the phenomenon of absence, offside, inplace, or even independent and mutual destruction in the process of promoting green and low-carbon development, but also to prevent mechanization in the process of goal formulation and decomposition, and fully consider the resource endowments of different regions. Differences in industrial foundation and functional positioning, achieve the same direction and inter-embedding of various subsystems 'goals of carbon reduction, pollution reduction and green growth, and promote the coordinated efforts of green and low-carbon transformation forces. The second is to improve the connection mechanism for various plans to promote green and low-carbon transformation. Spatial planning must follow the principle of "one respect, five overall plans", implement people-oriented, smart and compact guidelines, scientifically delineate urban development boundaries, optimize urban functional layout, improve urban space utilization efficiency, and strengthen efficient connectivity among various functional areas in the city. Strive to achieve a balance between employment and housing and avoid "high-carbon lock-in" urbanization. Industrial planning should keep a close eye on market demand and competitive tracks, integrate industrial structural adjustment and transformation and upgrading with improving energy efficiency and reducing emissions, promote the orderly transformation of high-pollution, high-energy-consuming, and high-emission industries, and lay a solid foundation for green development. The third is to explore an evaluation mechanism that combines process and results, qualitative and quantitative, and rigidity and elasticity. Adhere to equal emphasis on result-orientation and process management and control, and promptly adjust and improve relevant work based on process monitoring. Adhere to quantitative assessment as the main focus, supplemented by qualitative research and judgment, continuously refine and simplify indicators, and improve the quality of source data for indicator accounting. Adhere to bottom-line thinking, implement a one-vote veto on core goals and never give in, consider differences in regional natural endowments and development foundations, and supplement personalized and cross-annual assessment indicators.

Improve the green consumption incentive mechanism. China's economic growth is gradually shifting from investment-driven in the past to consumption-driven. Pollution and carbon emission problems in the consumption sector and consumption links are also showing a rapid growth trend. It is urgent to improve the green consumption incentive mechanism to force the green and low-carbon transformation of production and circulation from the consumption side. The first is to improve the green product certification and testing system. Improve the implementation process of standards, certification, and labeling for green and low-carbon products and services, establish a stricter and detailed standard system, standardize market order, and improve the quality of green products and services. Promote the transparency and standardization of certification and labeling systems, so that consumers can clearly identify and select real green products, and enhance market recognition and consumer trust. The second is to improve incentive policies for the production of green products. Through government subsidies, tax incentives and financing support, enterprises are encouraged to increase investment in research and development of green production technologies and equipment, promote the industrialization of green and low-carbon technologies, and establish green technology parks and innovation bases. Build a full life cycle green supply chain covering all entities in the upper, middle and lower reaches, and all links of production, supply and marketing, ensure that the entire life cycle from raw material acquisition, production and manufacturing to product sales and consumption conforms to green standards, and enhance the production and supply of various green products and services. capabilities. The third is to increase incentives for the consumption of green products. Combined with large-scale facilities and equipment updates, green consumption coupons, green points reward mechanisms, direct subsidies, price cuts and interest rates will be used to increase the attractiveness of green and low-carbon products to consumers. The fourth is to create an atmosphere of public opinion on green product consumption. Build a green consumption information platform for all links and entities of production, supply and marketing across the country, and publish and update green product information, certification information and market dynamics in real time. Strengthen the publicity, education and experience promotion of green consumption, encourage all regions and industries to actively promote successful cases and experiences of green consumption, and form a replicable and replicable green consumption model.

Improve the value realization mechanism of ecological products. The essence of the transformation of green waters and green mountains into mountains of gold and silver is the realization of the value of ecological products. It is necessary to establish and improve value realization mechanisms for different types of ecological products. The first is to improve the ecological compensation mechanism that combines horizontal and vertical, scientific and transparent. Comprehensively promote the registration of natural resources rights and clarify ownership, use and management rights. Improve the value accounting methods of ecological products, encourage breaking administrative boundaries to carry out GEP accounting on ecological units such as river basins, mountains, and wetlands, and compile regional natural resource balance sheets. Actively promote the linking of accounting results with vertical fiscal ecological compensation and ecological compensation between upstream and downstream regions of the river basin, and gradually form a scientific and transparent ecological compensation mechanism. The second is to establish a multi-party coordinated, standardized and sustainable ecological product development and operation mechanism. Combined with the census of land and resources, carry out a survey on basic information of ecological products and build an ecological product information database classified by natural geographical characteristics. Explore the unique advantages of regional ecological products according to local conditions, expand value transformation channels, innovate marketing methods, optimize supply chain management, develop characteristic ecological product business models, and improve the market competitiveness and brand influence of local ecological products. The third is to explore and build a market-oriented green comprehensive equity trading mechanism. Adhere to establishing first and then breaking, strengthen policy coordination among market-oriented mechanisms such as green electricity, green certificates, and carbon trading, and establish a reasonable green electricity price mechanism. Promote the interconnection of energy use rights, water rights, carbon emission rights, and emission rights trading platform systems, and launch a green comprehensive rights trading platform in a timely manner.

Improve the digital and green collaborative development mechanism. At present, digitalization is changing human society with an irreversible trend and has become the core driving force for economic and social development. The integration of digital energy is inevitable for development. It is necessary to coordinate the advancement of the digital and green transformation process so that they can achieve each other and complement each other. The first is to establish a cooperation and co-construction mechanism for cross-regional energy computing power hubs. In response to the rapidly growing energy demand of data centers, encourage and support the integrated development of data centers with new energy and energy storage facilities, integrate the technological and financial advantages of the eastern region with the rich natural resources and space advantages of the western region, and achieve resource sharing and complementary advantages., promote coordinated regional development. The second is to establish a precise scheduling mechanism for the energy supply chain based on platform and AI. Accelerate the construction of a national energy big data platform, promote the circulation of energy production, supply, storage and marketing information, ensure efficient coordination of all links, and improve the level of intelligent management of the energy system. Explore new business models and new business formats for new power systems, accelerate the construction of smart grids, microgrids, virtual power plants, source, network, load and storage integration and other projects, realize the comprehensive use of decentralized energy and demand response resources, and tap the commercial value of various energy data. The third is to establish and improve data-driven green and low-carbon investment and financing mechanisms. Establish a special fund for green and low-carbon development to support green infrastructure construction, low-carbon technology research and development and talent training, and strengthen financial service support for green and low-carbon technology enterprises throughout the chain and life cycle. Improve transaction models such as green and low-carbon technology transfer, technology authorization, patent auction, intellectual property securitization, intellectual property custody and pledge financing, and guide property rights transactions of scientific and technological achievements.

[The author is vice chairman of China Ecological Economics Society, vice president and researcher of the Chongqing Municipal Party School of the Communist Party of China (Chongqing Administration College)]
