China Carbon Credit Platform

The consumer side has not yet broken through the pilot stage. How can recyclable express packaging be utilized on a large scale?

Release Time1 week ago

Recycling express packaging is a good solution to the one-time pollution problem in the express delivery industry. Many companies in the industry are also constantly introducing new types of recycling express packaging, hoping to reduce resource consumption and carbon emissions through recycling.

October 9 is World Post Day. Environmental protection agencies "Get rid of the shackles" took this opportunity to understand relevant parties in the recyclable express packaging chain on the latest development status of the promotion of recyclable express packaging and how to expand application scenarios. Research found thatCirculatable express delivery applications for commercial ends are more common, while recyclable express delivery applications for consumer ends have not yet broken through the pilot stage.Relevant parties in the link said that the current recycling method is not conducive to the large-scale application of recycled express packaging, and it is urgent to form an industry-wide recycling system and build more efficient recycling facilities.

Policies have been introduced intensively to promote the rapid development of recyclable express packaging

In recent years, the volume of express delivery business has experienced rapid growth, and the problems of environmental pollution and resource waste caused by one-time express packaging have also increased day by day.Express logistics packaging is a "big user" of disposable plastic packaging and an important "battlefield" for logistics companies to reduce plastic production. With the continuous deepening of the national "double carbon" strategy, the greening of express delivery has accelerated. Especially under the promotion of relevant policies, a new model of recyclable express packaging has gradually developed.

In January 2020, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Opinions on Further Strengthening Plastic Pollution Control", emphasizing for the first time "actively promoting recyclable packaging products and logistics distribution equipment." At the end of the same year, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Opinions on Accelerating the Green Transformation of Express Packaging", which proposed for the first time the application scale target of recyclable express packaging, requiring that "the number reach 7 million in 2022 and 10 million in 2025."

In 2023, the State Post Bureau will focus on implementing the "9218" project for green development and put forward new goals, clarifying that "the number of express mail packages using recyclable express packaging will reach 1 billion by the end of 2023." At the end of the same year, eight departments including the National Development and Reform Commission and the State Post Bureau issued the "Action Plan for Deepening the Green Transformation of Express Packaging", and also proposed the goal of "by the end of 2025, the proportion of recyclable express packaging used in the same city will reach 10%", which explains the use of recyclable express delivery. and the proportion put forward clear requirements.

"This goal is based on the goal of focusing on the number of express circulation boxes used in 2020, and further emphasizes the utilization rate of recycling express packaging, which will help accelerate the implementation of express circulation boxes." Chen Aijia, manager of the "Get rid of plastic binding" express plastic reduction project, told reporters that the document also mentioned many times to promote the large-scale application of recyclable express packaging and encourage the establishment of recyclable express packaging recycling facilities.

Driven by a series of policies, major express delivery companies, e-commerce platforms, and express delivery recyclable suppliers across the country are actively exploring and continuing to invest in the research and development, production and use of recyclable express packaging.

For example: Since SF launched the first generation of cold chain incubators in 2015, SF has actively promoted the innovative research and development of recycling packaging containers and developed a series of packaging suitable for 19 scenarios. In 2023, SF will launch about 4000 cold transportation recycling boxes and recycling coaming boxes. There are more than 30,000 boxes, and there are more than 1.29 million "Fengduobao π-Box" recycling packaging boxes, with a total of more than 20 million cycles.

Similarly, Jingdong, which has its own logistics system, also insists on using recyclable express packaging boxes on a regular basis after launching cold chain insulation boxes in 2015. In 2023, it will use 997,000 recycling boxes, and the cumulative number of recycling times will reach 70 million.

The recyclable express delivery application for consumers has not yet exceeded the pilot stage

The continuous advancement of recyclable express packaging has accelerated the "green revolution" of express packaging. Immediately after, new types of recycled express packaging are also emerging for different application scenarios.

For example, there are recycling woven bags in the logistics transfer link, temperature-controlled recycling boxes in the pharmaceutical transportation link, recycling incubators in the cold chain transportation scenario, coaming boxes and honeycomb board boxes in the large-scale transportation scenario, recycling gift boxes in the high-end scenarios, etc.; For ordinary consumer scenarios, there are SF Express's Fengduobao π-Box and Jingdong's Qingliu Box. Express delivery companies reduce packaging consumables and improve transportation efficiency through the design of different products according to the needs of different scenarios.

"Judging from the implementation of feedback from relevant parties in the recyclable express packaging link, recyclable express delivery for commercial ends is simpler and more common; in contrast, recyclable express delivery applications for consumers have not yet broken through the pilot stage." Chen Aijia told reporters that because the former scene is more closed and the sender and recipient are more fixed, recyclable express delivery is often used among factories, component factories, and warehouses; while the latter because the recycling link of recycling express delivery has not yet been opened, express delivery companies report that it is difficult to solve concerns about recycling costs and recycling difficulties, and further government support is needed.

Jingdong is a vivid example. In 2021, under the guidance of the "Notice on Organizing the Large-scale Application Pilot of Recycling Express Packaging", JD. com tried the pilot work of recycling express boxes at the Minhang Campus of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. "The school has an advantage that it basically does not need to send express delivery to the dormitory. Instead, it picks up and unpacks at the station. All boxes will be left at the station, and no personnel need to come to the door for recycling." The relevant person in charge of Jingdong said, but this relies on the specific scene of the school, which mainly relies on the recycling capabilities of third parties (stations), and it is difficult to replicate the pilot on a large scale.

If you want to get rid of specific scenarios and apply circular express delivery in common scenarios in life (residences, office buildings, commercial clusters, etc.), it will increase costs: couriers need to consider how to retrieve them when delivering goods. If the recipient can sign for and take out the goods in person, the courier can bring the delivery box back immediately; but if the recipient cannot sign for it in person, the courier needs to make an extra trip to pick up the goods.

"This has certain requirements for both couriers and recipients. Not only is the labor cost high, but the risk of damage or loss of the recycling express box is also high." The relevant person in charge of Jingdong said.

It can be seen that the current recycling method is not conducive to the large-scale application of recycled express packaging. It is urgent to form an industry-wide recycling system and build more efficient recycling facilities. In this regard, Duan Huabo, associate professor at the School of Environment at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, proposed that a specialized recycling entity could be established-this entity could be led by an industry association. With a sound recycling system that can be shared by the entire industry, it can realize recyclable express packaging. Release and recycling can reduce costs.

Promote the standardization improvement of the entire industry and assist the large-scale use of recyclable packaging

As a green alternative to disposable express packaging, recyclable express boxes help the industry accelerate its green transformation. They require large-scale application to maximize its value. To further promote the large-scale use of recyclable express boxes, the efforts of the government, industry and consumers are indispensable.

At present, the industry is constantly calling for government assistance. The relevant person in charge of SF Express pointed out that he hopes that the government will introduce clear incentive policies so that after enterprises meet government requirements, they can help enterprises further expand the scale of application; the relevant person in charge of Jingdong also proposed that he hopes that the government can establish a reward and punishment system to apply recyclable express packaging. There are clearer regulations and requirements.

"If recyclable express packaging is cheap and easy to use, companies will definitely use it on their own." The relevant person in charge of SF Express said that based on the economic pressure faced by companies now, it is difficult for them to allocate all resources to recyclable express packaging because the initial investment cost is very high and the management difficulty is great. The construction of recycling management systems, material allocation and operation and maintenance, R & D trial, error and innovation costs are all issues to be considered. If the government can provide financial and resource support to help enterprises share costs, enterprises will have the confidence and motivation to promote.

Secondly, promoting recyclable express delivery applications requires standardization improvements across the industry. The recommended national standard for "Express Recycling Packaging Boxes" was officially implemented in June this year. It is certainly a big progress to achieve unified specifications and material selection through the standard. However, the person in charge of Jingdong pointed out that the standardization of the overall operation model and the sharing of recyclable express packaging are more important. The promotion of recycling express boxes needs to break the current situation in which express delivery companies use their own packaging, so that recycling express packaging can be shared by different express delivery companies. Improving packaging cycle efficiency requires the circulation model and capacity building of the entire express delivery system.

The person in charge of gray environmental protection who is committed to green recycling packaging products also emphasized the importance of establishing standardization,"For example, more than a decade ago, different brands of mobile phones had different charging ports, but now basically all use Type C. Standardization will drive cost savings across the supply chain. The same is true for the express delivery industry. If the country can set indicator requirements for the proportion of standardized products every year, it may achieve the effect of promoting recyclable express delivery."

Finally, it is equally important to increase consumers 'awareness of environmental protection. The relevant person in charge of Jingdong reported that the current application of recyclable express packaging is prone to consumer complaints, especially for express shipments involving fresh food and high-value goods."For example, when we deliver our mobile phones with the original packaging box to consumers, they will question why valuable items are packaged in such simple ways and suspect that the goods have been swapped." Therefore, Jingdong can only stop using recyclable express packaging in the field of high-value goods, or need to train couriers to use certain language skills to explain and promote.

Relevant parties in the recyclable express packaging link said that in order to let more people understand recyclable express packaging, the government also needs to carry out publicity so that everyone is willing to actively participate in such recycling scenarios, actively select and actively return recyclable express packaging.
