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The "Shanghai 2024 Carbon Peak, Carbon Neutrality, Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Key Work Arrangements" was issued

Release Time5 months ago

Notice on the issuance of the "Key Work Arrangements for Carbon Peaking, Carbon Neutrality, Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction in Shanghai in 2024".

Hu Fa Gai Huan Zi [2024] No. 39

The people's governments of all districts, and the commissions, offices and bureaus of the municipal government:

With the consent of the municipal government, the "Shanghai 2024 Carbon Peak, Carbon Neutrality, Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Key Work Arrangements" is hereby issued to you, please conscientiously implement it in light of the actual situation.

Office of the Shanghai Municipal Leading Group for Climate Change, Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction

(Seal of Shanghai Municipal Development and Reform Commission)

March 26, 2024

Shanghai's key work arrangements for carbon peaking, carbon neutrality, energy conservation and emission reduction in 2024

2024 is a key year for the implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan, and the city should firmly establish and practice the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, and work together to promote carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion and growth, and further promote the construction of ecological civilization and green and low-carbon development. Combined with the actual situation of the city, the key work arrangements for carbon peak, carbon neutrality, energy conservation and emission reduction in 2024 are as follows:

1. Effectively connect with the goals of the 14th Five-Year Plan

Strengthen the convergence of green certificates and dual control policies on energy consumption, and vigorously promote non-fossil energy consumption. The city's energy consumption per unit of GDP and carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP decreased by 3%. The energy intensity (carbon emission intensity) of all districts, industries and key regions shall be in accordance with the remaining targets of the 14th Five-Year Plan for the next two years after the completion of the project, and strive to complete the progress targets of the 14th Five-Year Plan. Key energy-using units strictly implement total energy consumption control。 The emission reductions of major pollutants nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, chemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen projects have been completed, and the total coal consumption has been continuously controlled.

2. Promote the comprehensive management of carbon peak and carbon neutrality

Promote the implementation of the "Ten Actions for Carbon Peaking", and actively and steadily promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality. The functions of the digital intelligence platform to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality have been fully launched. Establish a statistical accounting system for carbon emissions and an assessment system for carbon emission dual control targets. Formulate management measures for key energy-using and carbon-emitting units。 Promote all districts to fully complete the compilation of greenhouse gas emission inventories in 2023. Improve the system related to product carbon footprint, and promote the construction of low-carbon supply chain.

3. Accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of energy

Strictly and reasonably control the total amount of coal consumption. Promote the preliminary work of Mongolian power into Shanghai, accelerate the introduction of green power resources outside the city, and purchase 4 billion kWh of non-fossil energy power outside the city during the year. Promote the construction of new energy in the city, strive to increase the installed photovoltaic capacity by more than 600,000 kilowatts, organize a new round of offshore wind power competition allocation, and accelerate the construction of offshore wind power such as Jinshan Phase I. Accelerate the establishment of a market system and long-term mechanism to promote the production and consumption of green electricity。

Fourth, continue to promote energy conservation, carbon reduction and efficiency

Carry out the annual district-level government's carbon peak, carbon neutrality and energy-saving target responsibility assessment, key energy-using units energy-saving target responsibility assessment, and key energy-using units energy utilization report verification. Organize all fields and districts to pay close attention to the annual energy conservation and carbon reduction targets of key energy-using units, reduce the total annual energy consumption of "hundred" and "thousand" industrial key energy-using units by more than 1% in principle, and reduce the annual energy intensity of "hundred" and "thousand" key transportation energy-using units by more than 1% in principle.

Fifth, we will further promote the peak of carbon emissions in the industrial sector

Accelerate the overall transformation of key areas such as Wujing, promote the construction of major projects such as the second phase of Caojing comprehensive energy, and promote the agglomeration of the chemical industry to the Hangzhou Bay area. Strengthen the adjustment of backward production capacity, and implement 450 adjustment projects. Accelerate the layout and cultivation of green and low-carbon new track industry development, and promote the high-quality development of new energy storage, hydrogen energy, and remanufacturing industries. Accelerate digital empowerment and promote the construction of energy management centers for energy-using enterprises with an annual comprehensive energy consumption of more than 2,000 tons of standard coal. Implement the "101" action plan and promote 100 key energy-using units to complete energy audits.

6. Promote carbon peaking in the field of urban and rural construction

Promote the large-scale development of ultra-low energy consumption buildings, and implement no less than 2 million square meters of ultra-low energy consumption buildings. Strengthen the energy-saving renovation of existing buildings, and implement energy-saving renovation of public buildings with energy consumption per unit of construction area reduced by more than 15% by no less than 1 million square meters. Continue to promote the city's green community, energy-saving institutions, green shopping malls, ecological civilization demonstration schools, "no waste cells" and other demonstration creation, and promote the recycling of hotel resources.

7. Promote green and low-carbon transportation

Improve the low-carbon comprehensive transportation structure, and promote the construction and improvement of railways and waterways. Build a low-carbon urban transportation system, and promote the construction of rail transit, bus line optimization, and slow traffic network. Promote the low-carbon upgrade of transportation equipment, and accelerate the full electrification of vehicles in the urban public sector. Promote the construction of green and smart shipping centers. Promote the use of sustainable fuels in aviation and ships. Promote the construction of a low-carbon facility system, deeply tap the potential of photovoltaic applications in the transportation sector, and accelerate the construction of shore power and charging piles for ships.

8. Vigorously develop the circular economy

We will continue to improve the long-term mechanism for source separation of waste, and promote the transformation and upgrading of delivery points. Promote the resource utilization of construction waste concrete, and actively expand the application scenarios of building materials products for the resource utilization of construction waste. Promote the relevant districts (management committees) to implement the planning and layout of land for resource recycling industries. Organize the declaration and release of a number of development lists of resource recycling enterprises in the city.

9. Give full play to the core supporting role of scientific and technological innovation

Formulate a roadmap for the development of carbon peak and carbon neutrality technologies. Carry out the exploration of low-carbon cutting-edge disruptive technologies and accelerate technological research. Cultivate a number of energy-saving, low-carbon and new energy research institutions, promote the reorganization, construction, optimization and improvement of key laboratories and green technology innovation centers in the fields related to carbon neutrality.

10. Continue to consolidate and improve carbon sink capacity

Implement the construction project of the ecological park belt around the city and the "1,000 parks", add 120 parks of various types, and build 1,000 hectares of green space. Consolidate and improve the carbon sink capacity of forests, add 31,000 mu of forest area, and complete the tending area of 30,000 mu of public welfare forests.

11. Actively advocate green and low-carbon participation by the whole people

Organize the National Ecology Day, the National Energy Conservation Publicity Week, the National Low Carbon Day, and the "Sixth Five-Year" Environment Day theme publicity activities. We will further promote the control of plastic pollution, the green transformation of express packaging, food conservation and anti-food waste. Continue to hold the Shanghai International Carbon Neutral Technology, Products and Achievements Expo.

12. Promote green and low-carbon regional actions

Promote the construction of a world-class eco-island carbon-neutral demonstration zone in Chongming, cultivate the development momentum of carbon-neutral industries, and carry out research and platform construction related to the accounting of the gross ecosystem product (GEP) of the eco-island and the refined management of carbon emissions. Support Baoshan District to build a core functional area for green and low-carbon supply chains, mainly based on Baowu (Shanghai) Carbon Neutral Industrial Park. The first batch of pilot demonstration projects for carbon peak and carbon neutrality were launched.

13. Strengthen the reduction of major pollutants

Continue to implement the system of "approved projects and total nuclear amounts", implement the reduction and substitution of the total amount of new major pollutant emissions from construction projects, and carry out the verification and evaluation of the total amount of major pollutant emissions from major construction projects in the city on a pilot basis. Accelerate the construction of a market-oriented trading mechanism for emission rights in the city, and coordinate the promotion of cross-regional emission rights trading in the Yangtze River Delta. Continue to carry out environmental protection ranking of coal-fired power generation units. Continue to promote the reduction of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, promote the upgrading of manure treatment facilities, and promote the scientific and standardized utilization of straw resources. Implement hierarchical and categorical supervision, and strengthen the linkage between environmental supervision, monitoring and law enforcement.

14. Implement key projects for pollution reduction

In key enterprises in the petrochemical industry, we will carry out pilot projects for the application of no/low leakage equipment components and intelligent online monitoring of VOCs leakage. Continue to promote the elimination of diesel vehicles in China III. Promote stable emission standards in boilers and furnaces. Promote the management of VOCs in the packaging and printing industry. Promote the construction of a number of sewage, sludge, domestic waste disposal and resource utilization projects, and continuously improve the capacity and level of environmental infrastructure.

15. Improve the policy mechanism for energy conservation and emission reduction

Carry out the revision of regulations and standards such as the "Shanghai Water Conservation Management Measures" and the "General Principles for Audit, Evaluation and Acceptance of Cleaner Production", and launch a number of new projects to formulate local standards in the fields of carbon peaking, carbon neutrality, energy conservation and emission reduction. Revise support policies for comprehensive utilization of straw, domestic waste classification, and building energy conservation, and study and formulate support policies for carbon peak and carbon neutrality, sewage main repair and transformation, water conservation and emission reduction, and upgrading and transformation of coal-fired power plants. Revise and improve the differential electricity price mechanism, and explore the inclusion of office buildings in the implementation and scope.

16. Strengthen the implementation of responsibilities and oversight of law enforcement

Establish and improve the monitoring and early warning mechanism for monthly scheduling, quarterly early warning, and annual assessment. Do a good job in the "14th Five-Year Plan" key project emission reduction index decomposition. Formulate and publish the "two high" project management catalogue in Shanghai, and resolutely curb the blind development of high-energy-consumption, high-emission and low-level projects. Improve the statistical system and indicator system for energy and carbon emissions, optimize the scope of statistical surveys on pollution sources, and improve the quality of statistical data.


1. The main goals of the city's energy conservation, emission reduction and carbon reduction work in 2024

2. Energy conservation targets for all districts and some functional areas in 2024

3. Coal control targets for key enterprises in 2024

4. Key tasks and division of labor for carbon peaking, carbon neutrality, energy conservation and emission reduction in 2024
