China Carbon Credit Platform

Star enterprises collectively "withdraw from the circle", and the development of new energy vehicles is the wrong "science and technology tree"?

Release Time6 months ago

Recently, there has been a resurgence of debate about the future direction of the automotive industry, with the focus on energy issues. Mercedes-Benz announced that it will not be able to complete full electrification by 2030 and will continue to focus on the development and innovation of fuel vehicles. At the same time, Apple was revealed to have canceled the electric vehicle project. Earlier, Audi also slowed down its plans to go all-electrification, and Toyota said several times that there is no future for electric vehicles. A number of star companies collectively "quit the circle", which has aroused concern and controversy between the industry and consumers, and many people have begun to sing about new energy vehicles.

Is the development of new energy vehicles really wrong "science and technology tree"? This is not the case. From a strategic point of view, China's vigorous development of new energy vehicles is by no means a follow-the-flow, let alone fooled, but a deliberate active choice.

One is economic development.practiceNear-flatThe general secretary pointed out that "the development of new energy vehicles is the only way for China to move from a big automobile country to an automobile power", which pointed out the direction for the development of China's automobile industry. The automobile industry is a highly technology- and capital-intensive industry, with a long industrial chain and a large market scale. Seizing the highland of the automobile industry is an inevitable requirement for China to enhance its national competitive advantage and achieve high-quality economic development.

The development of China's fuel passenger car industry started late and is relatively backward compared with developed countries. In the past, we hoped to rely on the joint venture model and the "market for technology" strategy to enhance the competitiveness of the automobile industry, but due to the strict restrictions on the transfer of core technologies by foreign investors, their own original technology is weak, China's automobile industry has not been able to catch up, and foreign brands have obvious advantages. In the face of the solidified pattern of traditional fuel vehicles, it is necessary to find another way to achieve transcendence, and new energy vehicles have become an important historical opportunity for lane change and overtaking. After a long period of development, China's new energy vehicle production capacity and sales occupy a dominant position in the world, forming an industrial advantage, and the balance of the world's automobile industry has begun to tilt towards China.

The second is energy security.At present, China's economic and social operation needs to consume more than 700 million tons of oil every year, of which domestic crude oil production can only be maintained at about 200 million tons, and the remaining demand must rely on imports, and the dependence on foreign oil has been maintained at more than 70% for many years, which has become the biggest shortcoming of energy security. Considering that 70% of China's oil is used in the transportation sector, it is urgent to promote the "de-oiling" of this field. Combined with China's resource endowment and industrial base, the development of new energy vehicles represented by electric vehicles is an important option.

The third is the "double carbon" goal.Global climate change is one of the most severe challenges facing mankind, and carbon peak and carbon neutrality is a major strategic decision made by the CPC Central Committee after careful consideration, which is related to the sustainable development of the Chinese nation and all mankind. In recent years, the transportation sector has become one of the fastest-growing areas of carbon emissions in China, and petroleum-based fuels are the main source of carbon emissions. Some people believe that "the electricity used in electric vehicles is coal power, which is not environmentally friendly". This view is also one-sided, in 2023, China's renewable energy power generation will be 3 trillion kilowatt hours, accounting for about one-third of the electricity consumption of the whole society, with the construction of a new power system to advance, the future power supply will be green electricity as the main body.

From the perspective of the development history of the global automotive industry, technological progress will inevitably promote industrial transformation. Over the past 100 years, the automotive industry has undergone several iterative evolutions. At the end of the 19th century, the direction of the development of the world's automobile industry was unclear, and steam cars, electric vehicles and fuel vehicles went hand in hand. In the end, with the advantages of high power, long cruising range, strong reliability, and good infrastructure adaptability, fuel vehicles stand out. In recent years, thanks to the industrialization of lithium batteries and the progress of charging and swapping technology, electric vehicles have re-entered the historical stage. Not only that, electric vehicles also have higher power efficiency, stronger intelligent experience and better platform design, and in the future, they will also open the "triple play" integration of transportation network, energy network and information network, extending more industrial innovation and business models.

History can learn from the fact that which technology is more advanced, more environmentally friendly, more economical, and more convenient to use, which technology will be sought after, and it is not up to a few people or countries to stop it. Of course, the repeated appearance of different voices also reflects that the withdrawal of fuel vehicles from the stage of history is not achieved overnight. In the process of substitution, electric vehicles should fully face up to their own problems, such as high prices, insufficient charging facilities, serious battery attenuation at low temperatures, etc., and continuously optimize and improve performance through technological innovation. In addition, new energy vehicles are not only an option for electric vehicles, but also need to develop a variety of technical routes according to local conditions.
