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This newspaper article: Coordinate protection and development to enhance the ability of the ocean

Release Time5 months ago

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to "develop the marine economy, protect the marine ecological environment, and accelerate the construction of a maritime power". March 2024practiceNear-flatThe general secretary is attending the second session of the 14th National People's CongressPlaHe delivered an important speech at the plenary meeting of the delegation of the People's Armed Police Force, emphasizing the need to comprehensively improve strategic capabilities in emerging fields, and taking the enhancement of economic and strategic maritime capabilities as one of the key points.

China is a major maritime country, and the overall promotion of high-level marine protection and high-quality development is crucial to the overall situation of Chinese modernization.

Coordinating conservation and development is an inevitable requirement for enhancing the ocean's capabilities

The ocean is a strategic place for high-quality development, as well as an important resource treasure house, ecological barrier, economic artery and strategic space for Chinese-style modernization.

The emphasis is on the country's comprehensive management and strategic layout of the ocean, and the core is to maintain the countrysovereignty, security and development interests, the rational exploitation and utilization of marine resources is exercised by the statesovereigntyAt the same time, it is also a key activity to safeguard national interests, promote economic and social development and safeguard national security. Coordinating the development and protection of marine resources is a key strategy to enhance the maritime capacity of economic strategy, and it is a concrete embodiment of the country's comprehensive strength.

The development of marine economy is an important embodiment of enhancing the ability of economic and strategic oceans. The development of the marine economy provides an important material foundation and technical support for the development of the marine economy, and the marine economy provides the necessary policy support and security guarantee for the development of the marine economy.

The protection of marine ecological environment is the foundation and premise for improving the marine capacity. A healthy marine ecological environment is the fundamental requirement of the ocean, which provides the necessary conditions for the rational development of marine resources, the sustainable development of the marine economy, the effective protection of marine rights and interests, and the deepening of international cooperation. Jinglu Ocean provides strategic guidance, policy support, capital investment, scientific and technological innovation and international cooperation for the protection of the marine ecological environment. In the process of marine economic construction, it is necessary to insist on attaching equal importance to development and protection, pollution prevention and ecological restoration, scientifically and rationally develop and utilize marine resources, maintain the natural reproduction capacity of the ocean, and consolidate the foundation for the ocean.

Coordinate the situation facing protection and development

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the scale of China's marine economy has nearly doubled from 5 trillion yuan to 9.9 trillion yuan, and the quality of the marine ecological environment has achieved a historic transformation from stabilization to improvement, and the proportion of excellent summer seawater quality in coastal waters has increased from 63.7 percent to 85.7 percent, an increase of 22 percentage points. However, the situation of marine ecological environmental protection is still severe, China's coastal waters carry all kinds of human activity pressure from the top of the mountain to the ocean, some root causes, trend pressures have not been fundamentally alleviated, and the quality of marine ecological environment is still far from the goal of building a beautiful China and the public's demand for pro-sea.

At present, China's marine ecological environment protection is facing the strategic task of achieving a fundamental improvement in the marine ecological environment, and the task of improving the quality of the ecological environment in coastal waters is still arduous. From the perspective of building a maritime power and improving the marine capacity of economic strategy, it is necessary to have innovative practices in the protection of marine ecological environment in terms of governance capacity and system construction, green development of marine economy, and protection of the ecological environment of the bay, so as to provide Chinese cases for the protection of the global marine ecological environment.

Efforts should be made to improve the level of marine ecological and environmental protection

To improve the capacity of marine governance and promote the green and low-carbon development of the marine economy, the following work should be done:

Build a governance system from the top of the mountain to the ocean. Starting from the integrity of the ecosystem and the systematization of the river basin, we should consider the upstream and downstream of the river basin, the land and the sea, and carry out overall protection, system restoration, and comprehensive management, so as to realize all-round and whole-process management from the top of the mountain to the ocean. The focus is to adhere to the overall planning of land and sea and the linkage of rivers and seas, establish a comprehensive management system of overall planning and coordination of river basins and sea areas, and actively promote the control of nitrogen and phosphorus pollution in river basins entering the sea with the goal of improving the water quality of coastal waters, reduce the total pollution load of rivers entering the sea, and fully support the fundamental improvement of the quality of the marine ecological environment.

Strengthen the source control of the marine ecological environment and promote the high-quality development of the marine economy. With the goal of ensuring marine ecological functions and improving environmental quality, we should build a zoned management system for marine ecological environment coordinated by land and sea, and implement differentiated and precise management and control in different regions. Give full play to the basic role of ecological and environmental zoning control in the source prevention system, and scientifically guide all kinds of development, protection and construction activities. Strengthen the spatial management of environmental behaviors such as pollutant emissions, effectively curb the blind development of "two highs and one low" projects, and provide support for green and low-carbon development in key areas.

Actively promote the green and low-carbon development of the marine economy. We should give full play to the role of pollution reduction and carbon reduction as the source of traction for the improvement of the quality of the ecological environment, and continuously optimize the structure of the marine industry. Develop low-carbon emission marine industries, such as marine tourism, marine biotechnology, marine information services, etc., while phasing out traditional marine industries with high pollution and high energy consumption. Promote green shipping technologies, such as using clean fuels, improving ship energy efficiency, and optimizing route management, to reduce carbon emissions and marine pollution in the shipping industry.

Support the high-quality development of the marine economy with the construction of high-quality beautiful bays. The bay has many advantages in location, resources, environment and ecology, and is the main carrier of coastal industrial development, urbanization construction, port transportation, tourism development, etc., and is the area with the strongest marine development and construction activities, the highest economic activity, and the most acute contradictions and conflicts between marine development and protection. The "14th Five-Year Plan for the Protection of the Marine Ecological Environment" clearly proposes to improve the quality of the marine ecological environment as the core, take the construction of beautiful bays as the main line of work, and coordinate the promotion of land and sea pollution prevention and control, ecological protection and restoration, and coastal and beach environmental improvement in the bay area. The "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of a Beautiful China" clearly states that by 2027, the completion rate of beautiful bays will reach about 40%, and nearly 100 bays across the country will be built into beautiful bays. The protection and construction of the beautiful bay will provide an excellent background for the development of coastal industries, urbanization construction, port transportation, and marine cultural tourism development in coastal areas.

The protection of the marine ecological environment will lay a solid foundation for the high-quality development of the marine economy, build a solid foundation for the ocean, enhance the country's position in international marine governance, ensure national security, and enhance the country's soft power, so as to lay a solid foundation for the construction of a maritime power.

The author is director of the Marine Ecological Environment Management Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Environmental Planning, Ministry of Ecology and Environment
