China Carbon Credit Platform

National Low Carbon Day丨Fujian has made the Low Carbon Day a zero-carbon activity

Release Time4 months ago

The theme of this year's National Low Carbon Day is "Green and Low-Carbon, Beautiful China". On May 15, the main event of the 2024 National Low Carbon Day in Fujian Province was held in Xiatanwei Mangrove Park, Xiang'an District, Xiamen City. The event site was full of low-carbon science popularization, low-carbon knowledge interactive quizzes, low-carbon slow riding, low-carbon pot throwing, mangrove continuous viewing, low-carbon "spinning bike" and other low-carbon carnival fun activities.

In recent years, Fujian Province has incorporated carbon peaking and carbon neutrality into the construction layout of an ecological province, firmly implemented the strategy of an ecological province, and coordinated the promotion of carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion and growth, so as to further strengthen the green "background" of high-quality development. The event showcased the low-carbon development achievements of Xiamen City, Fujian Province, with six excellent cases, leading people to actively mitigate and adapt to climate change, advocating a simple, moderate, green and low-carbon lifestyle, promoting the accelerated development of new quality productivity, and actively participating in global climate governance.

【Excellent Case 1】Excavating potential resources and turning stones into gold, Dongpingshan, Xiamen City, Fujian Province, built the province's first near-zero carbon emission demonstration zone (2021 Green and Low-carbon Typical Case of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment)

Siming District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province, based on the geographical advantages and resource endowment of Dongping Mountain, aims at the direction of green, low-carbon and circular development, in-depth excavation and planning, and takes multiple measures to promote the creation of a low-carbon scenic spot in Dongpingshan. The first is to increase carbon sinks for addition. Through extensive afforestation and forest transformation projects, the comprehensive carbon sink capacity of vegetation has been effectively consolidated, and the total area of forest land has reached 550 hectares, with a total volume of 52,000 cubic meters. The second is to reduce emissions and subtract them. With the comprehensive demolition of illegal buildings as the starting point to further optimize the living environment, a total of 1,099 illegal buildings were disposed of in the renovation and upgrading work of Dongpingshan, covering an area of 580,000 square meters, with a cumulative carbon reduction of 1,170 tons. The third is synergy to do multiplication. Optimize the energy structure, transportation structure, and industrial structure, and promote the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction. Through the promotion of solar energy and the promotion of the use of energy-efficient lamps, the annual carbon reduction is about 49 tons; Through the pure electrification of buses, the annual carbon reduction is about 29 tons; Through the rectification of illegal clubs, farmhouses, small workshops, illegal breeding and other polluting units, guide the development of low-carbon agriculture and ecological cultural tourism projects, and achieve industrial optimization. Fourth, pollution prevention and control are divided. Promote the upgrading and transformation of the sewage pipe network, build 5.2 kilometers of new sewage pipelines, intercept and collect sewage from the community, and realize the full diversion of rain and sewage and the full collection of sewage. In 2021, the Dongpingshan area took the lead in building the first near-zero carbon emission demonstration zone in Fujian Province, providing a "Xiamen model" for the province to promote the demonstration project of the near-zero carbon emission zone.

【Excellent Case 2】Make every effort to build a green window to the outside world, and build a high-quality development and zero-carbon comprehensive bonded zone in Xiangyu, Xiamen City, Fujian Province (2022 Green and Low-carbon Typical Cases of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment)

As the first comprehensive bonded zone in China to achieve zero carbon emissions, Xiangyu Zero Carbon Comprehensive Bonded Zone in Xiamen City, Fujian Province uses the "three modernizations" transformation of green, energy and digitalization to create a green window to the outside world. The overall installed capacity of the park has reached 6.7 megawatts, which can save 2,750 tons of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 8,713 tons, fully achieving the goal of carbon reduction and pollution reduction. On September 30, 2022, the total greenhouse gas emissions of Xiangyu Comprehensive Bonded Zone were certified by China Classification Society. In February 2023, five ministries and bureaus, including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, included the photovoltaic project in Xiangyu Comprehensive Bonded Zone in the third batch of smart photovoltaic pilot demonstration enterprises and demonstration projects in the country. In 2022, the total trade volume of the park reached RMB35.5 billion, a year-on-year increase of nearly 30%, becoming an important driving force for Xiamen's foreign trade development.

【Excellent Case 3】Integrity, Innovation, and Green Escort, Gulangyu Island, Xiamen City, Fujian Province Builds the First World Cultural Heritage Near-Zero Carbon In-depth Experience Site in China (2023 Green and Low-Carbon Typical Cases of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment)

As a landmark scenic spot in Xiamen City, Fujian Province, Gulangyu Island is a world-renowned cultural heritage, tourist attraction and national scenic spot. Siming District innovates a new path for the protection and green development of Gulangyu "World Heritage", and explores a new synergistic mechanism for pollution reduction and carbon reduction. Through the formulation of the four strategies of "Electric Island, Waste-free Island, Ecological Island, and Smart Island", and the implementation of ten major actions such as "all-electric kitchen, low-carbon transportation, zero-carbon building, and garbage classification", we will comprehensively promote the realization of near-zero carbon emissions in the Gulangyu Scenic Area. The air quality rate of Gulangyu Island has been maintained above 99.7% all year round, the excellent rate of seawater quality in coastal waters has reached 100%, the coverage rate of domestic waste classification and harmless treatment have reached 100%, the proportion of electricity in the scenic spot has reached 99.4% of primary energy consumption, and the per capita carbon emission is 0.024 tons, which is far lower than the national average. Gulangyu Island has been selected as the first batch of provincial low-carbon demonstration community pilots in Fujian Province and the first batch of "Hemei Island" in the country, won the title of the third "Advanced Collective of China Ecological Civilization Award" and "National Green Community", completed the creation of the country's first near-zero-carbon world cultural heritage, became the city's first three-star near-zero-carbon scenic spot, and was selected as a typical green and low-carbon case by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment in 2023.

【Excellent Case 4】Blue Carbon Development and Protection Science Education Base - Xiatanwei Mangrove Park, Xiamen City, Fujian Province (2023 Green and Low-carbon Public Participation Practice Base Case of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment)

AspracticeNear-flatXiatanwei Mangrove Park in Xiamen City, Fujian Province gives full play to the role of the BRICS Xiamen Summit as a carbon neutrality demonstration base, and is committed to the popularization of mangrove blue carbon science. The base is planted with about 85 hectares of mangrove forests, and is open to the public free of charge as the only mangrove wetland ecological park in Xiamen. There is a 5.3-kilometer marine leisure plank road in the park, which will receive nearly 1.2 million tourists in 2023, with a maximum of 46,000 visitors in a single day. The park was completed in two phases, and the 2017 BRICS Xiamen Summit Carbon Neutrality Project identified the second phase of the Xiatanwei mangrove forest as the carbon neutral forest of the Xiamen Summit of the BRICS Leaders, conveying the concept of low-carbon and environmental protection to the world, which is the first time in the history of the BRICS Summit. Today's Xiatanwei Mangrove Park has been built into an "urban green core" integrating environmental protection, scientific research, popular science education, and recreation and appreciation, adding a new business card to Xiamen's high-value, high-quality, internationalized and modern garden city.

【Excellent Case 5】The "Green Microgrid" of ABB Industrial Center in Xiamen, Fujian Province was selected as a typical case of green and low-carbon energy transformation of the National Energy Administration

In April 2024, the National Energy Administration announced the "List of Typical Cases of Green and Low-Carbon Energy Transformation", and the "Green Microgrid" project of ABB Industrial Center in Xiamen, Fujian Province became the only project case in Fujian Province to receive this "national brand" honor. The ABB Industrial Center campus is equipped with a photovoltaic power generation, high-efficiency energy storage, charging and distribution to fully absorb photovoltaic power and ensure the safety and reliability of power supply. In addition, the green microgrid project maximizes the absorption and load utilization of clean power generation through the deployment of a smart energy management platform with the help of artificial intelligence and big data. The remaining electricity is connected to Xiamen's "virtual power plant" platform, which strongly supports the construction of Xiamen's new power system. The application of this technology can provide about 12.8 million kWh of clean energy for ABB parks every year, which is equivalent to reducing carbon emissions by 13,400 tons, replacing about 50% of the power supply, and providing load-side response of up to 20% of the capacity, becoming a "low-carbon model" for energy-using enterprises to go "green".

【Excellent Case 6】Low-carbon Transformation Path of Traditional Terminals - Hairun Container Terminal, Xiamen City, Fujian Province (The Second Batch of Collaborative Innovation Practice Cases of Pollution Reduction and Carbon Reduction by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment)

Xiamen Hairun Container Terminal Co., Ltd. in Fujian Province actively implements the national "double carbon" goal, and promotes the construction of green and smart ports in an orderly manner with all-electric energy use as the starting point and all-intelligent upgrading as the core. Hairun Terminal has achieved good results in energy saving, carbon reduction and efficiency improvement through the implementation of a series of pollution reduction and carbon reduction projects, such as all-electric port equipment, shore power of ships in port, clean energy supply, and intelligent operation management. After the all-electric transformation of Hairun Wharf, it can reduce diesel consumption by about 2,700 tons, save about 2,150 tons of standard coal, and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 5,400 tons per year. Compared with 2018, in 2022, the comparable comprehensive energy consumption per unit of product of the terminal will decrease by 30.06%, and the carbon dioxide emission per unit product will decrease by 84.86%. From 2018 to 2022, the terminal has been recognized by many honors such as "Asia-Pacific Green Port", and is the first enterprise in China to be awarded a four-star "Smart Port". In 2023, Hairun Terminal was selected as a typical case of synergy in pollution reduction and carbon reduction by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, setting a benchmark for green and smart ports in China, and adding bright colors to the city's business card of "Xiamen Blue".

The main event of the National Low Carbon Day in Fujian Province was hosted by the Fujian Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment and the Xiamen Municipal People's Government, and undertaken by the Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment, the Xiamen Municipal Marine Development Bureau, and the Xiamen Xiang'an District People's Government. Leaders of relevant units, low-carbon action publicity volunteers and some citizens and friends participated in the main event.
