China Carbon Credit Platform

my country's first group standard for quantifying the carbon footprint of lithium-ion batteries for vehicles was released, and three Changzhou companies participated in the preparation

Release Time2 months ago

Recently, my country's first group standard for quantifying the carbon footprint of lithium ion batteries for vehicles,"Carbon Footprint Quantification Method for Lithium ion Batteries for Vehicles", was officially launched, which can provide a standard basis for the accounting and quantification of lithium ion batteries for vehicles in my country. Among them, three Changzhou companies, Honeycomb Energy Technology Co., Ltd., China Innovation Aviation Technology Group Co., Ltd., and Baitri (Jiangsu) New Materials Technology Co., Ltd., deeply participated in the formulation of this standard.

"This standard has formulated detailed accounting methods for every stage from upstream material and battery manufacturing to battery transportation and recycling, effectively filling the gap in the lack of systematic accounting method standards for the carbon footprint of power batteries." Zhang Wen, head of the Carbon Neutralization Project Section of the Lean Operations Department of Honeycomb Energy Operation Center, who participated in the formulation of the group's standard, said.

It is reported that a product's carbon footprint represents the total carbon emissions generated by a product from the production, transportation, distribution, use to disposal of raw materials. In recent years, the promulgation of the EU's new battery law has put forward clear requirements for the carbon footprint declaration of power battery products, bringing new challenges to domestic batteries to "go out to sea". On the basis of fully studying the EU Battery Law, Zhang Wen's team and other standard-making units have formulated a set of systematic and feasible carbon footprint accounting standards to provide reference for power battery companies, which is not only conducive to energy conservation and carbon reduction throughout the life cycle, but also provides a basis for future coordination and mutual recognition requirements with the EU.

Focusing on the construction of a carbon footprint management system, Jiangsu Province has identified seven provincial-level carbon footprint label certification innovation pilot projects this year. The first pilot project has been settled in Changzhou's power battery industry. Currently, the project is applying for a national-level pilot. The group standard for quantifying the carbon footprint of lithium ion batteries for vehicles released this time is the first group standard officially released among the province's seven projects.

Wang Qian, director of the Inspection, Testing and Certification Supervision Division of the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, said that standard formulation is the basic link in the construction of a carbon footprint management system. In the next step, Changzhou new energy enterprises will also cooperate in establishing accounting models, carrying out carbon footprint accounting, and participating in emission factor libraries. Construction, expansion of application scenarios, etc., to provide support for the province's power battery carbon labeling certification work.
