China Carbon Credit Platform

Grace Record | Add glory and "green" to the high-quality development of the petrochemical industry

Release Time5 months ago

As a national key project to implement the strategy of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and also the largest one-time construction of a refining and chemical integration project in China that can produce a full range of petrochemical products, Guangdong Petrochemical has been focusing on high-quality development and high-level protection since it started production for more than a year, and has embarked on a new path of "subtraction" of energy consumption and emissions and "addition" of production capacity and efficiency.

Based on resource endowment, we will promote low-carbon development in the whole chain

Take advantage of your device. Guangdong petrochemical plants are characterized by large-scale, large-scale and intensive development, and in terms of technical design and equipment selection, the carbon emissions, thermal combination, and energy recovery of each plant are highlighted as the "gold standard". During the operation, we insisted on tapping the potential, optimizing and improving again, and completed the technical calibration of 39 sets of main devices by continuously finding gaps in the benchmarking design, and researched and implemented 140 optimization measures to fully promote the production, compliance and efficiency of the device. The implementation of a series of measures has fully demonstrated the advantages of the device process, increased the added value of the product by 25%, reduced the energy consumption by about 15%, and won the "start" advantage on the road of green, low-carbon and circular economy development from the beginning.

Insist on molecular refining. Guangdong Petrochemical focuses on the iterative upgrading of modern refining technology, and regards "eating and squeezing" every drop of crude oil and realizing clean production in the whole process as the only way for green and low-carbon development. In the process of crude oil processing, we adhere to the principle of "oil is oil, aroma is aromatic, and ene is good", accurately optimizes the refining process from the molecular perspective, implements directional processing, targeted oil extraction, efficient pollution reduction, reduces energy consumption, reduces waste emissions, and solidly promotes the organic unity of energy saving, carbon reduction, reduction and efficiency increase, so as to make the processing process more environmentally friendly. At present, the company's key technologies and economic indicators such as comprehensive refining energy consumption, light oil yield, processing loss rate, and ethylene energy consumption are in the leading position in the industry, realizing the goal of "eating global coarse grains and producing Chinese high-quality products".

Strict control of product quality. Guangdong Petrochemical has established and refined more than 620 national standards, industry standards and other standards, and strictly enforced all aspects of product environmental performance, product environmental protection certification and product environmental protection labeling. The comprehensive use of international and domestic advanced analysis equipment and methods, focusing on the quality of refined oil and polyolefin products, the implementation of full coverage testing, the annual sampling pass rate of 100%, the product factory pass rate of 100%. At present, the company's production of all categories of clean fuels have reached the national VI standard, chemical products have reached the advanced standards of patent dealers, on the basis of "Guangdong oil and Guangdong sales", the sales radius of gasoline and diesel products has expanded to Fujian, Guangxi, Hainan, Jiangxi and Hong Kong, and aviation fuel products are exported to Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam and European markets.

Guangdong Petrochemical Refining & Chemical Integration Project

Focus on key areas and promote low-carbon development in a three-dimensional way

Take care of gas emissions. With the goal of "no peculiar smell" in the whole process of production and operation, we actively promote the "Blue Sky Action". Make full use of advanced treatment technologies such as desulfurization and denitrification, low-nitrogen combustion, dry adsorption, closed decoking, water washing and absorption, filtration and dust removal to minimize organic gas pollution; closely track the air quality in key areas such as flare outlets, heavy oil tank farms, sewage treatment plants, etc., and monitor the "source items" of pollution to the greatest extent; and reduce carbon dioxide emissions to the greatest extent by optimizing process gas, reducing power gas, and appropriately disabling heat tracing gas. At present, the efflux of ammonia nitrogen, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds and other indicators meet the national and industry standards, and the compliance rate is 100%.

Strengthen water management. Guangdong Petrochemical has established and improved the three-level hardware and software system for the prevention and control of water environment risks, and has the largest WAR treatment scale in the country, and has the largest emergency reception capacity of PetroChina's accident sewage to ensure that the accident water is not discharged into the sea under any circumstances. Comprehensive oil separation, air flotation, filtration, adsorption, biochemical, sludge discharge, deodorization and incineration methods, so that the water quality discharged through the marine discharge pipe is 100% qualified. The ecological compensation of 35.31 million fish/shrimp fry in the third phase was completed by breeding and restocking. In terms of sewage reuse, Guangdong Petrochemical Co., Ltd. has improved the efficiency of high-quality reuse through relevant measures such as concentrated water reconcentration, reduction, reverse osmosis, and high reuse, and the sewage reuse rate has reached more than 70%, achieving the maximum benefits of pollution interception and control, quality treatment, and water recycling.

Highlight the utilization of solid waste. Guangdong Petrochemical Co., Ltd. regards "solid waste" as a "product", and strives to open up the process of resource reuse and reverse circulation, and strives to transform environmental management into market leadership. Guangdong Petrochemical's petroleum coke hydrogen production unit is the first in the country to adopt environment-friendly clean slurry gasification technology, which turns the high-sulfur petroleum coke by-product of the oil refining unit into treasure, produces high-purity hydrogen and fuel gas, and supplies the hydrogen network and fuel gas network of the whole plant, and the by-product ash is further processed through the waste residue comprehensive utilization unit and separated into high-value heavy metal products and harmless ash, achieving the goal of green, efficient and high-value development and use of high-sulfur petroleum coke, and achieving good economic, social and environmental benefits.

Strengthen the main responsibility and promote low-carbon development in an integrated manner

Strict emission warning. Guangdong Petrochemical System has compiled an action plan for carbon peaking, closely organized carbon emission calculations, and refined indicators and decomposed tasks one by one according to the pollutant discharge permit, so as to ensure the formation of a joint carbon reduction force. The company has established and improved the mechanism of "protecting the month by day, the season by the month, and the year by quarter", regularly reporting the situation, strengthening assessment and accountability, insisting on heavy rewards and punishments, and consolidating the responsibility of local carbon emissions. At the same time, we adhered to the red line of "odor is pollution", intensified the investigation of odor point sources, strengthened the prevention and control of soil pollution, and forced the rectification of process technology, production control, safety and environmental protection, facilities and equipment and on-site problems with point to area, which effectively improved the source management ability.

Implement information disclosure. Guangdong Petrochemical Co., Ltd. is a "giant" refining and chemical enterprise, and in order to increase the public's trust and understanding of refining and chemical enterprises, it has produced environmental science videos and Douyin promotional videos to actively create a positive public opinion environment. Regularly entrust a third party to monitor the environmental quality of land and sea areas, and submit the monitoring report to the competent department of ecology and environment for the record in a timely manner, demonstrating the determination and action of the enterprise to assume social responsibility. In order to eliminate the public's doubts about the impact of the ecological environment, the surrounding people are also regularly invited to enter the factory, so that everyone can truly feel the company's environmental protection construction achievements, respond to concerns, dispel concerns, and enhance confidence.

Guangdong petrochemical chemical plant

Full-dimensional intelligent monitoring. The company has installed an online monitoring system for pollution sources at the total wastewater outlet, rainwater discharge port and key exhaust gas discharge port of the enterprise, set up 4 automatic air quality monitoring stations at the plant boundary, equipped with VOCS early warning lidar, put into use mobile monitoring vehicles, established a visual "environmental protection map" of the whole plant, formed an environmental protection intelligent management based on risk early warning and process control based on big data analysis, and monitored wastewater, waste gas, solid waste storage facilities and air quality in real time.

Green is the background color of high-quality development. A world-class enterprise should demonstrate the demeanor of a leader. Guangdong Petrochemical will firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development, strive to be a green and low-carbon pioneer with practical actions, and continue to write a new chapter in the great journey of building a beautiful China.  


Published in the sixth edition of China Environment News on April 25, 2024

RegionChina,Fujian,Jiangxi,Guangdong,Guangxi,Hainan,Hongkong SAR