China Carbon Credit Platform

Last year, 225 enterprises in Shandong participated in carbon emission quota trading, with a transaction volume of 4.666 billion yuan

Release Time5 months ago
On March 28, the Information Office of the Shandong Provincial Government held a press conference to introduce the relevant situation of "Shandong Solidly Promoting the Implementation of Carbon Emission Quotas and Helping to Achieve Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality". Xiao Yongtao, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, said that the carbon market, as a basic policy tool for China to achieve the "double carbon" goal, has been running smoothly for nearly three years. Shandong Province has the largest number of compliance enterprises and performance quotas in the country, and the performance task is the heaviest, and through the joint efforts of the whole province, the performance task of the two performance cycles has been successfully completed.

All enterprises have achieved "due diligence"

Since its official opening in July 2021, the national carbon market has successfully completed two compliance cycles: the first compliance cycle is from 2019 to 2020, and the second is from 2021 to 2022. 2021 is the compliance year of the first compliance cycle of the national carbon market, and all enterprises in Shandong Province have achieved "full fulfillment". 2023 is the second compliance cycle of the carbon market, with a compliance rate of 100% in Shandong Province, and a total of 225 power generation enterprises participating in carbon emission allowance trading, with a trading volume of 71.6908 million tons and a trading volume of 4.666 billion yuan, ranking first in the country in terms of the number of participating enterprises and trading value.

Xiao Yongtao said that Shandong Province has always insisted on early preparation and early launch, made relevant preparations for the implementation of the contract in advance from the aspects of ideology and ability, strengthened the data quality management of the whole process, formulated a performance plan with "one enterprise and one policy", and took multiple measures to promote the performance of quotas. Among them, data quality management should be strengthened. Through the organization of carbon verification and review, provincial data quality supervision and assistance, etc., on-site technical assistance will be provided to key enterprises one by one. Actively promote the performance of enterprises, organize training and mobilization, help enterprises improve the level of carbon emission management, and take various relief measures to promote enterprises to successfully complete the performance tasks. The construction of the carbon market will be promoted through joint efforts from top to bottom. Ecology and environment departments at all levels should strengthen staffing and capacity building, give full play to the functions and roles of the government, standardize the behavior of the carbon market, and promote the steady development of the national carbon market。

The quality of carbon emission data has been significantly improved

From the first compliance cycle to the second compliance cycle, Shandong Province has promoted the shutdown and transfer of a number of small coal-fired power units with low energy utilization efficiency and high carbon emission intensity, which has improved the overall energy efficiency level of the province's coal-fired power industry, and the quality of carbon emission data and compliance capacity have been significantly improved.

Specifically, the overall level of carbon emission management of enterprises has improved. The awareness of carbon emission management of key power generation enterprises has been enhanced, the quality of carbon emission data has been significantly improved, and the proportion of actual detection of carbon content of coal has reached more than 99%. In the first compliance cycle, the problem of large carbon emission accounting value and large quota gap due to inadequate carbon asset management has been basically solved. In the second compliance cycle, the quota benchmark value is tightened and the quota is tightened, the number of quota surplus enterprises in the province has increased from 146 in the first cycle to 186, and the number of quota gap enterprises has decreased from 174 to 128.

At the same time, the overall energy efficiency level of the unit continues to improve. Most of the generating units in Shandong Province are cogeneration units, accounting for more than 96% of the total, and the cogeneration units have high energy utilization efficiency, low carbon emission intensity, and most enterprises have surplus quotas. With the intensification of the shutdown and elimination of backward units in our province, coupled with the market adjustment mechanism of the carbon market to reward the good and punish the inferior, it has effectively promoted the shutdown and withdrawal of backward units with low energy efficiency and unreasonable operation methods, and the number of backward units included in the quota management has decreased year by year, and the overall energy efficiency level of the province's units has been significantly improved.

In addition, Shandong Province has also promoted the transformation and upgrading of enterprises to achieve a win-win situation of energy conservation and performance. Taking a municipal power generation enterprise as an example, there are one circulating fluidized bed boiler of 240 steam tons per hour and three sets of 150 steam tons per hour, and two 15 MW back-pressure steam turbine generators. According to the company's calculations, the energy efficiency of the circulating fluidized bed boiler can be increased by about 3% through the energy-saving technological transformation of waste heat utilization and the strengthening of carbon asset management, and each boiler can reduce coal consumption by about 3,100 tons and carbon dioxide emissions by about 7,920 tons throughout the year when running at full load, which can save more than 630,000 yuan according to the current carbon market of about 80 yuan per ton.

The number of fulfillments ranks first in the country

At present, there are more than 300 power companies in Shandong Province included in the national carbon market, and the number of enterprises and compliance account for 1/7 and 1/10 of the country respectively, both of which are the first in the country.

Shandong Province will formulate and implement the implementation plan of the "Interim Regulations on the Management of Carbon Emission Trading", focusing on strengthening carbon emission data management, daily supervision, publicity and guidance, etc., focusing on improving the institutional mechanism, making full use of big data analysis and other technical means to strengthen the assistance and guidance of key emitting units and technical service institutions, further improving the quality of carbon emission data in the province, and ensuring the healthy operation of the national carbon market. At the same time, we will do a good job in "carbon articles", take the implementation of the "Regulations" as an opportunity to strengthen the analysis of the performance and market situation, serve the carbon asset management of key enterprises in the province, promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and help the construction of a green, low-carbon and high-quality development pilot zone in the province.
